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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Video of Knight Morpher SS gimmicks: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQwNjk2MzY0.html All three are on preorder. http://tfsource.com/products/view/product_id/5133/ http://tfsource.com/products/view/product_id/5134/ http://tfsource.com/products/view/product_id/5135/ I was expecting less considering that the limited proto color version went for $100. Will only get one but can't choose between SS or TC
  2. ... Movie version of the Atomic Robo comic?
  3. Was getting two, saw the total and decided to cancel half the order and just get one... for now.
  4. So 6 robots to form Uranus they say now.. I like that, find that 5 robot teams look like a guy wearing boots and gloves. Now the SR-71 thing really is disappointing.... the black silhouette already shows tons of kibble. They could have made it a drone plane using the extra parts like the hands and feet. And isn't the original TF white? Goofy having a white SR-71. I had that thing as the definition of a black plane.
  5. Here is a pic of a custom someone did using a HT IM MKII body: The mechabats looks more complex than just a head swap. Too much remolding on the armor to be a rip-off. Articulated hands look more slim. There is no engineering on the Hot Toys Iron-Man to begin with other than the light piping. The rest is really just a very big and hollow action figure with limited mobility but with a great head sculp and paint job. Mechabats looks limited to posing but not as much as the Iron-men by HT.
  6. My wish was for the price to be lower. This is my favourite valk after the original and was even thinking of getting one for each mode and one to play. Crazy dream. That said, the grey looks awesome. I need to at least get two to close my valk collection.
  7. You read comics back in the day? (other than Conan ones I mean ).
  8. Many Batman figures I see… You know what is better than a huge bunch of different Batman 1/6 figures and a bunch or Iron-Man 1/6 figures? Well… one that is BOTH!!!! With real metal even!!!! Based on Jim Lee design for the new 52 Justice League comic: http://playimaginati...ialedition.html Kinda like it, but kinda find it stiff looking. Movable fingers are cool. Difficulty to get means pass. My Keaton Hot Toys Batman arrived and let me tell you I love the figure. The way you can fold the cape to get those gothic-y shoulder spikes some artists like to drawn looks awesome. I’m going to try and get the Iron-Man Unleashed prototype boots to make my own Iron Batman
  9. Yeah, like the original artwork but this movie looks too clean. Some scenes are spot on... but the crisp image waters the effect down.
  10. This actually sounds more like "Y: the last man" but with millions more dongs running around. In that comic ALL Y cromosome mammals (as in all the males) died at the same time save for a guy and his male monkey pet. Chaos ensures blah, blah, but the interesting parts of the story are the characters and the situations presented. That and the evidently crazy idea of all the d¡ck dying one day is never fully explained. The characters run into theories raging from magic to sciency but the book never confirms any letting the reader decide. The comic made the stupid premise part of the story and mystery and ran with it. It was and is widely considered a masterpiece. This time instead of males mysteriously dying we get batteries and technology mysteriously dying. If they pull it off, I say good for them. Some suspension of disbelieve issues should not be a reason to look down upon it, specially when they are part of the plot. That the post apocalypse genre is getting overcrowded is another story.
  11. If you think this premise is stupid wait till you see that movie were a rich guy “fights crime” dressed like a flying “rodent” or that one were some guy fights of impossible odds and saves the girl with his guns and witty comebacks. I’d run you the mathematical numbers saying you can’t survive such gunfights but you all probably know them too. Considering that there were people scared shitless yesterday because the conspiracy gods said that a fake alien invasion/terrorist attack during the closing Olympic games would plunge the whole world into fascist lock down… well, that suddenly the world going blackout would push crazy people beyond crazy isn’t so far fetched.
  12. Reminds me of my experience with The Silmarillion. Can't think of another book where you spend most of the time checking the name appendix than actually reading it. Name after name after name and some even had three or four different ones. I did have a kick reading it. Felt like a challenge finishing it (on the second try) and the stories were cool. The epicness of the huge stories there make the battles of TLOTR sound like kids play. Half of them were against Sauron’s fully powered boss. Now that would make for a great series of movies; wish the Tolkiens would let Jackson have the rights.
  13. They have been bootlegged so be careful you are getting the real deal. Don't actually know the quality these KO's have though.
  14. The sound booster looks great with the kai and since it is also basically red, they end up looking like a single robust robot. Don't think that the P would visually mesh as well with the sound booster. A perfect excuse to get the P too and display it naked next to the boosted kai. They would look sooo different that it would be a shame not to buy both valks
  15. Well, you ended up getting it for free so if I were you I would be beyond happy. moncikoma, is that a Yamato zoids liger out of the box or did you put stickers on it?
  16. I mean in animation. We got the MFrontier pilot for the 25th
  17. So is this what we will get for the 30th anniversary?
  18. Personally, I love the scheme. Hope the final product looks the same... but damn shiny finish will screw it up a bit i fear. Don't know if the final product will have it, but the opening shoulder pads gimmick fror the inner speakers is still there. I can see the pin. Was the P supposed to have them? I'd like they keep that.
  19. Actually, that is one of the best parts about Amazing Sider-man. The whole “with great power comes great responsibility” isn’t just an origin catch phrase, it runs along the background of the story. Captain Stacy tells it straight to Parker's cocky face in the dinner table: that the vigilante isn’t a hero, he is a just a nut going out for revenge. Then the bridge thing happens and Peter actually does something worthy of being a hero and accepts his responsibility in partially creating the Lizard. Nice way to show the hero evolve over just revenge and follow the philosophy of his uncle. Bravo movie. Boring bits aside I do admit that the movie has some great moments and if “bad movies” only went this low, it would be a perfect world. Nolan just did a very difficult to top masterpiece last time. And I might say I actually loved the Spidey reboot, plot holes and all . Certainly blows the Raimi version in my book. Action is beyond fantastic; that Mr. Garfiled fits very well both in body and character; and the females here (Aunt May and Gwen) are a complete 180º turn; from stupid kidnapped fodder to smart and useful. Really fun movie. Back to bats; it is a pity that very probably won’t follow; the set up is fantastic and feels like a free gift from Nolan to WB. For the reboot I hope they go the Arkham gritty but comicbook-ish videogame route or a smaller scale story.
  20. Exactly, this is why I find it so boring. On the “is Bruce emo” thing… I don’t know. The term is like a cheap insult nowadays; I’ll just say this: His whole confrontation with Bane COULD be seen as a "who is more tragic *snif sniff*" dick measuring … Fortunately I did attend a double superhero movie showing. After the boring taste of Batman I was pleasantly surprised by Amazing Spider-man.
  21. Boring movie. Great twist; liked Alfred, Catwoman and Rokie cop; and nice writing to tie the three movies together like it was all planed from the beginning… but after a second of thought you see it was not planned and it is forced. This is just a rehash of the plot of Begins. Only this time it comes off really stupid.
  22. 3rd party stuff just blows most of the official stuff out of the water. Hasbro prices for the MP are a lot cheaper but Takara MP stuff is really close to 3rd party cost. That said, the competition is getting really heated up. If I could, I’d get every gestalt coming. I just loved them as a kid. I’ll probably get not-Superion. Love transforming planes and five that form a bigger robot is just perfect. But right now there are many coming and I remember that another company wanted to make Menasor too. The looser here is the TFC not-Reflector. Cam mode is just AWESOME… But the bots take the worst part of the TFC aesthetics and make them even uglier. The gaps they have are just huge. Really wanted this one but 100 USD for something I really don’t want to transform sucks. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/3rd-party-unlicensed-41/tfc-toys-reflector-in-hand-images-175611/ Not happy with Shockwave? Why? I have him on preorder with other stuff that is comming out soon so I might be able to cancel him if he is a lemon.
  23. Wonder if you can put the new armor on the old 25...
  24. Wonder if they will include the stand. It's the one from the YF-21 / SV-51. Not perfect but great for displaying (specially the clear version).
  25. Really like the scheme. Would have liked a nose the same color as the VE-1 though: still low-viz-ish but with a bright colored nose.
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