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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Finally kushan guy gets animated Curious to see if they will top the Eclipse ceremony from the original OVA
  2. They said we where getting about six robots, only two to go then. Well, a lot of people have posted their dislike here too BUT they used this things we adults call "arguments". I myself am not 100% sold on them and have expressed what rubs me off. Hating douches just type “that sucks” and call it a day… just like you did… I expect a bit more out if this forum. And, btw, I have touched the right buttons on you because you got of your ass and actually wrote a real reason: "forgettable". Bare minimum mind you but better than just “trash”. And you even went to the trouble of actually googling an image of a design you consider that does not "suck" (it still isn’t something made by “a random fan at a comic con” but internet hyperbole whatever). Next time you should do that without the need of being called out first.
  3. Lower half reminds me a lot of Iron-man. But the big chested super-hero style form does fits well with fighting evil monsters. Sooo, you gonna back that up or was that just you showing us how big of a hating douche you are? There must be a Comic con near you, go, go, go, go get them to draw you a pretty picture!! Hearing the pronunciation of the evil creatures name makes me think about this guy:
  4. I like ED the Crab. Old suit with the metallic contrast looked a lot better than the all black version being filmed.
  5. *cough*photoetched*cough*destroiddetailinside*cough* Sorry, got something stuck in my throat. It looks so, so, so freaking RIGHT! Screw the flyswatters, THAT is the SDF-1. I need HLJ to put the kit back on sale!
  6. AWESOME! Had it looked like that out of the box it would be as hard to get as the renewals and not on a bargain bin.
  7. Visually it looks awesome. Feels like an evolution of the classic zombie and the “28 days later” zombie into something crazier worthy of causing something that can be labelled a “World War” instead of the usual “outbreak” or “mass infection”. Probably good popcorn flick with bare minimum plot BUT there are a lot of you guys talking about the book on a personal level so at least the original material must be good. Am I right? Are the WWZ book(s?) worth reading? I really have no idea about them other than quickly skimming “The Zombie Survival Guide” once.
  8. I cannot unsee a huge nose in its face.
  9. Crap, didn't think about that. They haven't touched Marvel that much but this case is different. Doubt the Mouse would let Hasbro keep going with the easy hand since 3d party toys do touch the IP.
  10. Thanks! Mr K sure likes to troll things up. One of his more goofy designs, that had the most pimp scheme of any on screen valk ever, needed to look "more realistic"??? He is more color blind than I am
  11. Now that is some cool back to back action pic!
  12. I see nobody is asking the hard question: Will it blend?... With any previously released Mospeada product scales?
  13. Action scenes with the giant fishes look really, really good. Now the movement of some "troops" are cheese
  14. I was kinda getting bored with the scheme in battroid mode but these pics of the real toy change that. If battroid looks that cool, fighter mode(the strong point of this scheme IMO) is going to be beyond awesome!
  15. Cautiously optimistic. I like my Arnie in fantasy and sci-fi films.
  16. Would be interesting to know what they say in the comparison pic with the old green tinted scheme.
  17. The white markings on white should win Bandai the “Gurren Lagann kick reason to the curb” special prize in recognition for ballzy and crazy scheme designing. Have to tilt laptop screen to see them… Those clear parts are molded in color or can they be tinted to another color? I've seen modelers do it from transparent to tinted on the MF valk model kits.
  18. Just came across a pic of the green tinted scraped version ... Couldn't they at least leave the clear parts on the nose green like in the original 29 release? Lack of paint on the stand is also a bit of a slap in the face.
  19. Weaving tells in an interview how he feels AFTER doing TF and Captain America with himself. He certainly does not say anywhere that he felt above the roles when doing them. Kinda surprised someone can get flak for speaking what they really feel about their past work. I personally find it great to see something other than ass kissing and certainly courteous of Weaving to hold comments of personal feelings with his own work that might affect sales of a project made by a lot of people for AFTER they have run their full promotional lifespan. http://collider.com/hugo-weaving-the-hobbit-trilogy-interview/203015/ Bay just overreacted (his comment quickly disappeared after he posted it… but not fast enough and now we have this little Hollywood drama). Weaving doesn’t say anything new (we all know that Megatron is useless in the movies and that the script is nonexistent) other than saying that Bay didn’t work with him in any possible way to actually give an opinion about the guy. The unfortunate comment can be taken as bad… but that is a well known reality: Bay cares more for his explosions than his actors. And he’s been called worse by a lot of other people anyways.
  20. I find it great news: he could give up on using humans altogether and just give us robots voiced by computers for the next movie... or better yet, do the acting himself, get sick of his own attitude and shitty way of directing actors and swear off filmmaking.
  21. And discussion should be more than just dropping by and saying a vehement comment with no explanation and some loose random quote. Evidently that way of doing things will not get people to even consider what you say above a troll’s hate rant. I'm really interested in this pussification of society theory you drop from time to time here and there, but you never actually develop it. Personally I'm tired of violent little tyrant children running around in playgrounds when I go with my kid. I see lack of empathy and parents that don’t know how to establish even simple limits, but no pussies. And those parents sure are not the product of a childhood of M7 and ponies either, just people overcompensating with their best intentions for the over strict education they got as kids; so I don’t see them as the product of a pussified society either. My little ponies is really big with the 20+ crowd, everywhere you go you find pony avatars these days, but I really don’t know if kids actually watch it as much. Here they favour those over competitive bethebestwhatever shows, so again, no “pussy” shows. And they sure as hell don’t talk about their feelings like them ponies do.
  22. And yet you cry like a whiny little emo about the “pussification of todays kids” and “weakening of society” EEEEEEVERY time you can shoehorn that in. Right now you are just missing “crawling in my skin” as background music. Sheesh! But if people actually talked about their feelings, but more importantly, also heard the feelings of others, maybe this rock would work a bit better. But don’t you and Clint worry, right now, people bottle that up all the time to be accepted and to follow empty consumer guidelines. And those that aren’t accepted get their “social” fix talking to faceless strangers in ever growing niche internet cultures that further them away from socializing in the real world. So I don’t see “pussies”. I wish. What I do see is a society with an ever growing lack of communications skills folding on shallow entertainment and “like” buttons and the meme of the week and the fear of the week and… I classify it as a ray of hope that so many guys find entertaining seeing cartoon ponies talking about their relations. Maybe in the future those kids and adults will do that more with other humans face to face instead of sitting in front of the screen with the usual orgy of things blowing up as a way to solve things.
  23. ...Till all are goofy (literally in the case of the right foot) http://www.tfw2005.c...l-combiner.html Not Hasbro/Takara. Maybe a sign that the "combiner" thing is getting out of hand ... Me gusta...
  24. MMC is my favourite 3rd party right now. The amount of extra little play features they are cramming in their releases is fantastic. That shows love and care for what they are doing. Seeker choo choo time!
  25. Damn NECIO and his PS skills. Only thing keeping me glued to this project now is the possibility of TFC actually following his kickass color schemes.
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