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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. The Riobot version was sooo good that people's Gurren Lagann Bot levels have been satisfied I do plan to buy this one too.
  2. Silverbolt gained some weight and Uranos is giving a GrumpyCat frowny face (probably because of the watered down scheme it has… and that white that looks a bit yellowish already). The drone bot’s scheme makes it look like a KO. I’ll get Eagle but I still need to see a full color combined pic of this one to go for the full team.
  3. Great, NOW I find out about the pre-order... Well, good-old-but-a-bit-expensive NipponYassan it is then.
  4. Only a few days ago people were fighting angrily about whether the UK used euros or not. The angry Amazon reviews are the icing in this retarded cake. Hope they don’t erase/edit much more of the thread, damn thing should be left as an historic monument. Closed and google doesn't get much back. Something about having to make sacrifices ? Ok, I’m getting the customizers mixed up. I knew the guy was one of the big name customizers but i thought he had good guy reputation like Frenzy_rumble does. Frenzy_rumble does have good guy reputation, right?
  5. "Quake" wave... you just gotta love those 3rd party names. After MMC overwhelming answer to the competition with their robo bull, my wallet pretty much belongs to their Predaking
  6. HAHAHA, whit the crazy scalping going on that made the toy the number one selling item on Amazon.uk, no wonder they pulled the “wrong price” trump card. The thread on tfw2005 was really one of the craziest ones I have seen. And here I thought that something good was going to come out of me getting ripped off by that a-hole ebay seller months ago. I had finally gotten my paypal refund and all. Hope the “new” price is not higher than the TRU one of $130.
  7. Yamato should finish the Macross Plus line before even redoing the YF-19. What is there left you say? Well, the VF-14 Vampire off course!! http://www.macross2....ossiblevf14.png ... yeah, that questionable shot, in the background to the right, is all the screen time it has... but the VF-14 is part of Mplus so there... you can milk it as the M7 Varauta versions too Yamato. Please. The VF-14 Vampire. It is is Macross Plus and there is the Varauta version in M7.
  8. Quiero MAS!!! Looking very, very good.
  9. I'm also been waiting for them to get back to me. I requested a shipping of some of my loot and have heard nothing... and this was before their xmas vacations...
  10. Yeah, cool new stuff could come out, but I’m just feeling a bit tired/old for this collecting thing Looking as how Bandai is now a lot behind Macross I can see them steer the designs thinking about easier to make toys. With the Transformers movies, the toy makers had to catch up to the radical new designs that didn’t take them into account. Like them or not, the truth is that the toys after that did get a lot better and more imaginative (the TFanimated and first edition TFPrime toys really are a step above the boxes they did in Energon and such). With Macross, since now FINALLY Bandai does see that the franchise can make money, we can expect more designs that think about the toys first like it happens with Gundam. Yes, the Tornado and the YF-29 look awesome, I like them too, but did the movies really need them that much? Macross is fresh again so until they run it into the ground with similar looking toys don’t expect a huge change in aesthetics like they did with Gundam 00 or Gundam Age when the Gundam Seed designs cluttered the marked. Milking has worked with Bandai really well with Gundam so if they are calling the shoots, I expect that to be the way of thinking. Again, I don’t want to put the post vf-25 designs down and I’m not against the Gundam business model (I have spend much money on little toys with the same samurai face too). I just feel that my connection with them is not as strong as with the SDFMacross to Mplus designs. For the VF-1 I waited 20 freaking years for a decent toy . Now the waiting period is just so short that I don’t even get worked up about it. Come on, I saw the VF-30 design for the very first time last week in the MW front page and now they are showing toy mock ups!!! Maybe I’m beginning to feel that my Macross appetite has been satisfied. Heck, maybe a new series comes out next year with radical new designs, but I’m sure that if that happened I would not get as exited as I would for a Vampire or Cutlass toy.
  11. *Sign* This pic is just soo true. Wanted the P but this month Macross just nuked my wallet.
  12. I have the RAH Spawn figure. The whole body is covered by a vinyl/plastic/leatherette/whatever suit too. I bought it used and have had it for more than a year and no breaks. The parts where there are joints underneath do have wrinkles like clothes do. I’m also interested in these two but I would like to hear reviews first.
  13. What reputation do this "elyn hobby products" people have and where can I buy this? Last I heard Bandai was FINALLY making the Robot Spirits version. I've read that the MG 1/100 was canned because they had troubles with the weight of the wings so this version would just be a statue like the other resin version floating around, right? Their design looks amazing and very detailed but I don't think they could make a durable kit where Bandai could not.
  14. I also agree here. Looks like the VF-4G is the last "unique" Macross design to go into toy form unless Yamato goes scraping the bottom of the barrel for the older, more crazy designs (which I would love BTW). I'm liking this one for the kick ass scheme and the delta wing-ish fighter mode (because it reminds me of the VF-0D). Battroid, with the now too common backpack wings is just meh. I do appreciate the missile gimmick but the execution looks a bit crude and more of a Robotech/Mospaeda injoke. If the future holds the same basic design over and over, I can see my vak collecting ending with this awesome little fighter.
  15. I'm with Kawamori's expression... they better start on a V.4 or even 5.
  16. Twoducks

    Macross 30

    That fighter looks awesome but anybody else getting tired of the same looking battroid transformation on valks? This one, like all the others, has those little distinguishing extras that make it unique and I guess they follow a inworld design evolution… but those HUGE wing backpacks that Kawamory likes so much lately look more toyetic that practical. With the advancements in tech, those wings should fold on themselves or something else to hide them. In a real atmosphere, those things flapping around in battroid should create a lot of wind resistance, no? Anyways, nice game Gian My turn:
  17. Just came back from seeing it. I’ve read all the books back in the day (even read the Silmarillion and loved it) and I like the LOTR trilogy but don’t have any need to resee any of the tree movies any time soon (can rewatch a bit but sitting though one feels like a chore). I didn’t have any type of expectations for this one, I liked the different dwarf designs but I didn’t follow beyond that. All that said I must say I really enjoyed it. Effects are fantastic. A lot better than on the trilogy. Huge mob fights (for a film about a “small” adventure you get lots of those) have way better effects. Bodies don’t seem so much like copy pasted rag dolls in this one. Some backdrops might feel reused. Yes, it is a long film but it doesn’t feel stretched. I found that the travelling montage even felt short. Came out happy I went to see it. Might not spoil or maybe yes: Spoilers Some people were… “where is the rest?” Have to pay two more times for that boys and girls hahahaha. Saw it in 2D
  18. Lots of big sci-fi movie trailers lately. Not complaining. And yes, Smith looks very young... another ethernal like Keanu?
  19. That trailer is beyond awesome and a dream come true for a giant robot fan like me. Just that deployment scene made feel like a kid. FINALLY the movie I wanted to see, at least in theory judging by that trailer. BTW, since there is a lot of talk about anime designs and western designs here and what should and should not be, let me broaden the spectrum: some of the imagery reminded me of the gigantic walking cathedrals full of guns called “Titans” from Warhammer 40k. I’m reading right now “Titanicus” and the part about logistics of moving those huge bots reminds me of some of the scenes in the trailer. http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Titan These designs are old and clear examples of early western mecha but show that the interpretation of a “giant robot” can vary a lot between cultures. The western “grittyness” goes more for military style and a more functional and simple form (well, in the Titans of Warhammer 40k you sprinkle religious “god machine” crazyness). Anime robots are big in some parts of the geek world… but that world is incredibly small compared to the real world. I can understand that the people putting up the money would go for less radical designs instead of subcultural Japanese aesthetics that are little known to the general world public. As we see in the trailer (“rocket puuuuuuunch” hehe), Super Robot tropes can still be attached to western interpretations of mechas.
  20. Now I want to see it. Certainly more interesting looking than the “Stopping a huge chunk of glass from falling” finale we got last time… soooooo epic On the comics, I think they once said he bounced his headvision off of a mirror or special reflective surface towards his face to cut the hairs.
  21. Yes, a Yamato one… then the toy would brake itself and I wouldn't feel guilty for "misstransforming it"... JUST KIDDING! Seriously, this is amazing, and 5 years from now these things will look even more incredible and maybe affordable.
  22. OMFG, it has water takeoff and landing capabilities!!!! Now I want another for my bathtub!!
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