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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Anybody care to PM the NY secret?
  2. How good is the latest gen of cheap printers? The ones I saw some time ago had a very grainy finish.
  3. Badboy00z, I edited your post to correct the spoler tag. It was not working.
  4. They already did the “drunk” thing on IM2. He almost killed his best friend and a bunch of people because he was drunk. He got his crap together instead of continuing to sob and drink; cutting that is what saved his life. Not the whole “fight against alcoholism” some expected (they had to fit Shield and Shield, and a bit more Shield in the movie) but I think the character should be more than that ancient storyline. The movies have turned IM into something more than that “superhero with the suit that is an alcoholic”. The movie character has gone beyond that and his evolution over the other three movies appearances could not have him walk backward into that direction. The PSTD take was far more interesting than going back to feeling sorry for himself like in IM2. Why? - Before Avengers, Tony saw himself as the most powerful being on the planet. - In Avengers he was called out for being just a smart ass in a super suit by Cap. - In Avengers he barely made it out alive while fighting monsters, aliens and gods. - He has something to protect: Pepper. - He doesn’t have to deal with the pressure of running his huge company. Girlfriend does that. - Why would he hit the bottle when he has to prepare for whatever unexpected thing could pop up now after NY? The movie Tony is a workaholic when he has a goal. - Since at the start of IM3 he believes that the suits are what make him able to protect his loved ones he goes crazy overdrive to make even more suits for every possible situation. In his head he is just a puny human without them. No time to drink or sleep, he has to build suits!! - Cue IM3…
  5. Looks more like a good update to the classics Prime than a good representation of the Don Fig design. It misses the layered look of the IWD version that makes it so unique. The head I don't care but the legs are flat and boring and the chest is missing something.
  6. You must be talking about this movie then: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Sp6IxvJzZ-k This thread is for the IM3 with Robert Downy Jr. Still, the effects on the Thai version have a vintage charm to them
  7. Interchangeable canopy like the kit. Fantastic! I know the normal one is for stealth but i like the more classic jet look. The price for just a mold cannibalizing..... now that sucks unless you can get amiami price on it.
  8. I think the movie has more to do with Tony as a character, and the most important component of Iron-Man, than the suit(s).
  9. Got the book like some of you said and I have to say that I find it fantastic. Great attention the detail and the logistics of it all, not just zombie porn. And yes, this movie only has the name and that you see many different countries but that is it. For a real adaptation they should do a series or a mockumentary series.
  10. Fantastic film. The events of the Avangers have a great impact in this one. The Marvel Movieverse is strong as a rock… and is evolving. Action is the best out of all the films. And the tension moments are awesome. The Mandaring is freaking great as a villain. Big spoilers:
  11. In my case it is disappointment. The 2.22 movie showed that these were more than a rehash of the series. But 3.33 comes off as a rehash of the feel of the worst parts of the series with an overcomplicated backdrop.
  12. Don't forget the preview for 4.0.
  13. My God... And the cyclopean bases and logistics... And that thing used in the last couple of seconds... My God... If this movie doesn't make more than TF I'm loosing faith in humanity.
  14. *sniff* Thank you Bandai. Thank you *nifff*
  15. I appreciate the beginning. We share the disorientation Shinji feels. Fantastic. BUT Action is super intense. Worth to watch. A bit overuse of the circling around. Yeah, computer animated cartoons can let you do that. Great, we get it. All in all, I lost interest half way in. 2.22 was way better.
  16. La pego (pero sin las fotos para no robar ancho de banda). En el proyecto colaboran T-Rex y Action Toys.
  17. Yeah, I have him on HLJ, but that one is more expensive and without the free shipping for the huge box the 3A site had.
  18. Anybody into the 1/6 Real Steel bots from 3A Toys? They look HUGE! http://blog.163.com/zpchan_111/blog/static/1126382820130229358276/ http://blog.163.com/zpchan_111/blog/static/11263828201291641119265/ http://blog.163.com/zpchan_111/blog/static/11263828201331194410426/ http://toysrevil.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/real-steels-noisy-boy-by-3a-toys.html And I missed the weird bambalamwhatever preorder for Atom, the one I really wanted, god damn it!
  19. Could be interesting. Really liked the road movie feel of the book (the whole journey was more interesting than the actual ending).
  20. Finally a Superman film that goes for the visual "super"! I still haven't woken up from the snorefest that was the last movie... Playarts toys look cool. Like the new Supes suit: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/review?scode=FIG-KAI-5258&page=top http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/review?scode=FIG-KAI-5259&page=top
  21. Un proyecto que estoy siguiendo con mucha atención. Me gustan los diseños de Don Figueroa y la verdad es que los juguetes, a juzgar por el prototipo, podrían ser una maravilla. Pongo una entrevista en la que se habla del trasfondo y de los juguetes (con fotos). Dentro de ella también hay enlaces a los tres primeros números del comic: http://www.poeghostal.com/2013/04/interview-valent-wang-and-don-figueroa-on-armarauders.html ¡Necesito que hagan el robominotauro YA!
  22. Interview with Don about the project (with new pics): http://www.poeghostal.com/2013/04/interview-valent-wang-and-don-figueroa-on-armarauders.html Going slow but steady. Really liking how the basic bot looks. Even the story sounds neat.
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