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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. It has been ages since I saw the original movies. all versions of Lex have been crap. Only good parts I remember of Supes II are the (great) fights. I feel I don’t need to see another Superman film. With the Marvel movies, I’ve always felt I wanted more after seeing the film. This one leaves me “ok, that it how it looks when two super beings fight, no need to see more of that because here it was getting tiring already”. I have to say that I really liked Zod. The Paul Dini Superman cartoon has the best Kripton: the super computer to which the whole planet depended on (Brainiac) hides the facts that the core is going to explode and downplays Jor-el’s alarms about the matter because it is busy building an escape ship for itself and gathering all of Kriptons information instead of wasting its resources on saving some fleshy Kriptonian. Jor-el goes all action hero to get to the truth but is too late and just manages to get his kid out of the planet. That is how you start a franchise and set up a sequel villain.
  2. Fantastic action. The scenes with Faora are the best of the movie. But the script is not up to the visuals. Finally a Superman film that looks like there is a Superman. Problem is that it dragged a bit and like many have said, the dialog and drama are very lacking. It ruins good ideas. A Clark that does not know his place was a nice take but the movie could not bring the ideas to port correctly. Lane’s key part in making this Superman have faith in humanity ends up hamfisted when it was a great take. Liked how there were many humans doing also heroic stuff. Miss Lane has to have done an incredible piece of PR work on her article about Superman saving the world because to the average Joe Supes is probably part of the problem. WTF was with
  3. Pues eso, regresa uno de los diseños favoritos de Macross con un nuevo molde: Se puede ver el CAD de Battroid en el fondo. Aunque sean muy parecidos, hay que recordar que el YF-19 y el VF-19 tiene muchas partes distintas entre sí. En otras palabras, estamos ante un nuevo molde, el primero realizado desde que Arcadia sustituyera a Yamato. Muy buena noticia sobre todo porque abre la puesta a nuevos diseños. Vendrá con las Super Parts.
  4. Don't think I will get it, Even considering that the YF-19 mold will be different I already have the Kai, P and S... BUT this is fantastic news because it menas Arcadia is making all new molds for Macross toys!!
  5. God let it NOT be BB!! The overpriced robot cars are nice but I would prefer a Megatron or at least Galvatron. Yeah, the little cars are great to milk and I really do like them, they are just expensive, specially considering how the recent Takara plastic/paint quality is lacking.
  6. Missed HLJ. Looking at the VF-171 CF huge fall in price, I think I might cancel my NY order (preordered for 17000 yen. What do you think guys? Will Luca follow the same path as the 171 CF and be cheaper a month later?
  7. Did the other one they were making get scrapped? That one looked nice.
  8. Judging from the trailers, It looks like the only thing from the book they kept is probably the global scale. In the movies case, having Mr. Pitt changing country for each of the obligatory action moments. Hope they at least don’t botch up that angle too much. First time they are showing the rest of the world in a zombie flick.
  9. Well, that go-bot sure has a neat transformation! The TFC aerial bots are really just two variations of the same basic design. They are cylinders with wings, nose and tail. Legs retract and arms and shoulders go to the sides. That is it. The airplane parts hide the robotness. The arms bots don’t have a massive seam running on their fuselage but they do have two massive (and different colored) arms that move the nose and tail parts together when transformed. What you say wouldn’t look worse in comparison. Evidently this was all to save production costs but the torso bot is such a sorry excuse for a transformer that it takes the whole Uranos project down and turns it into a fast way to make money. And they even try to sell you a set to make it look good. The simple and cost saving limb bots are even priced like the Herc bots. Their Hercules had six robots with very different transformations. Only two shared the leg transformation (the arm robots).
  10. MMC all the way. Don't like TFC way of operating. BTW, the TFC torso might end up looking thin when combined. Leo has bulk to pass onto the combined form but Nemean looks very thin from the side. Just look at the lion mode pics.
  11. Thanks Mr. Trailer, you just spoiled what could have been a nice surprise and made this just Pitch Black 2. Really, I looks fun and all but they could have played a bit just the bounty hunter part and save the horror stuff for a surprise twist. Right now the trailer kills the suspense of the first part (now I know all who live past that part, for example). Again, not complaining about the movie, but the promotion could have played a little with the different styles Ridick moves in to make this more fun.
  12. ¿Y qué tal este de 45 cm JAJA? http://news.toyark.com/2013/05/10/neca-teases-their-18-inch-pacific-rim-gipsy-danger-jaeger-86940 Si hacen el ruso del sombrero, me lo compro.
  13. A ver si llega el mío mañana... El Alto se queda en robot y el CF en avión. El diseño es hermoso pero transformarlo no es muy agradable.
  14. ¡Muy buena foto skull_leader001! Que bonita es esta valk en modo caza. Los colores quedan geniales.
  15. Extremis was better explained in the comic where it originated. The writer, Warren Ellis, likes to use theories that have some grounding in science in his stories (the guy is very into things related to transhumanism and the social implications related to them). The extremis mojo hacks the part of the brain that knows how to repair the body to make it super effective. The process is supposed to be very long and painful and involves getting reworked or completely new organs to make the body super efficient.
  16. Wow, that little trailer had me on the edge of my seat. I'm in.
  17. Loved his creations as a kid. Such care and patience. Thanks to him, and peple that were inspired by him, we've had so many great times. RIP
  18. This was only 5% off instead of the usual 10% or more. Still, longets preorder time for a Bandai Valk by a store that is not NY.(and no mark up).
  19. My god, 5 minutes and still going strong.
  20. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN981417/Sci
  21. Mickey mouse servers, hehe If I I hid back I can still see the "Add to Cart" button. So pretty and inviting and yet so false.
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