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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. Classy display!! Wish I had room for that...
  2. I really don’t care how much they butcher a story as long as it is good. The only thing that will be true to the original is the original. Different mediums. And again, if it’s good, let them change whatever they want. BUT when you have to shoehorn a western main character into something that is supposed to take place in Japan then I hear alarms in my head. Especially when Reeves is as oriental as Hollywood can get. That is a big sign that the project in questions has a heavy dose of Hollywood executive underhand touching things. And that means that they will just try to copy paste things that worked for other films. The backgrounds look really cool but you can’t build a solid movie just on that. No way can I expect a Tarantino like movie even if they take the simple boss level fight formula of Kill Bill and put pretty Snyder visuals on it. It will probably be entertaining in some level but the names behind it don’t yell out “money well spend on a ticket”.
  3. Mospeadaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
  4. They have my money!!! (How is Sideshow at making 1/6 figures and how long could this take to come out?)
  5. IMFG, I just learned this existed and I already have it preordered on NY!!! Arriving super late to the party and getting my order in with no mark up... God that felt good!!
  6. Very interested in that mecha. And those human figures look awesome too.
  7. When is the next WF?
  8. Ah yes, the hero must be at least half white. Those Japanese are too stupid to solve their own problems......... Looks like the first fight of Suckerpunch with more videogame level boss characters.
  9. After the whole Miracle Productions Vehicle Voltron shitfest it is nice to return home and see these wonderful pics. Now here is a real high end collectible!!
  10. Ok, so they did fill all their rvf orders. Thanks!
  11. I'm a bit lost right now. The F is already out? I had one preordered on otacute. Are they filling their other MF orders?
  12. Yeah, I was expecting GotG to be the set up for the cosmic Marvel universe and for the big Thanos threat. Anyways, I like this better. More time to set up the movie universe without a rushed feeling and have it be bigger. That Ant Man movie is still in limbo? That is the idiot who created Ultron.
  13. Wait, no Thanos? Will they play it like Whedon wanted and do a less epic second movie and bring the big guns for the third?
  14. As far as films go these days, this is a risky project. I hope for the best. Has Marvel regained the FF4 movie license? A Silver Surfer cameo would be a nice surprise here.
  15. Ah yes, Batman is going to take down that mass murdering alien with the red cape... So instead of MoS 2 we get a new Batman and more genocidal Supes... like Gakken85 says, you need contrast to make the two work together. Will the new Batman be campy or something?
  16. I so want the Igor suit and the Whiplash armor. http://news.toyark.com/2013/07/18/sdcc-2012-hot-toys-marvel-universe-images-92802 And a lot of those other MK something also look cool... you know, the number of Iron Man armor high end toys is getting crazy lol
  17. Could Vehicle Voltron be far behind? Well, in Toynami time that could be a long way off. Now I wonder if Miracle Productions will sell Toynami their VV design. Toynami likes to cut corners that way like when they brought the Beagle ride armor instead of doing their own version. If they do, they need to drop all the stupid diecast on the MP VV. All that weight ruins the toy (it is not very fin to pose).
  18. I still have to wait a month to able to see it FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!
  19. The Hobby Search orderind procedure is a piece of super slow crap!
  20. frakk YEAH!!! I had forgotten about them. DONE! THANKS!
  21. Leo is going to be freaking awesome: Also, Fansproject's new line got hit with the crazy retro stick: And I don't care for boxes (they should go to the recycling bin) but I must admit that the loopy "old" package design is super cool.
  22. When that phrase is the best slogan for a movie you know it is bad. Could it at least be called a loose "28 Months Later"? A decent mini series really based on the book would be a nice way to finally end the zombie fad on a high note..
  23. First time we'll ever see Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman together in the big screen is in a Lego movie?... WB, you are doing it wrong.
  24. Hehe, best review so far and it actually answers questions about some of the decisions taken by the movie makers.
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