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Everything posted by Twoducks

  1. My dear GOD, that trailer is the most awesome thing I've seen since RoboGeisha's trailer!! And "hacking time"... so evident and yet nobody has ever tried that form of time travel before . This certainly brightened up a shitty week.
  2. Wow, talk about cool. Love the running guy
  3. Yeah, write a book… yet you do nothing but armchair quarterback… and these guys have done something anybody can see. There is a world of a difference betweeen saying something and actually doing something
  4. Made fun of the movie with a couple of friends all the way (it was hard not to do it). Good laughs. The moment with Smaug and Bilbo did shut us up. Now that was quality cinema right there... then they turned Smaug into a stupid Tom chasing mice while getting hit in the head. Way to crap all over the awesome character scene from before. Wish the giant statue would have pulled a Pacific Rim and punched Smaug. With Elves wanting to pork dwarfs and other overblown made up stuff they could have pulled that one for the sake of it. After the stupid Smaug chase everything was possible.
  5. Cool. Thanks for posting!!
  6. Now I feel like I want to see it. Should be worth a few laughs.
  7. Going by Peaugh's video review no. Maybe with some good mod work it could work but you would have to drill holes on the cars. I do wish M3's legs had actually looked like that photobash.
  8. Now that is one way to revitalize the zombie genre!
  9. There is no demand for giant robots because there are no giants for them to fight. Solution: create giants to create the demand for giant robots. The transforming part will come eventually (companies love gimmicks to sell more stuff).
  10. “FAIL”…. Really, I know that opinions are like ass holes (everybody has one) but why is not mentioning what you like immediately turn a video that has to first be scripted, then all the footage found and edited and then put together a "FAIL". You didn't even bithered to see the video!! As for the force five bots, the list was made with a desire to group things if a there wasn’t a very iconic version of a type of giant robot by itself. Sage calls Mazinger Z and the older Tetsujin-28 “legacy robots” as in robots that are the inspiration and set the base for a lot of other famous robots and tropes of the genre. So with that said about Mazinger and Lion Voltron having its own place (which is iconic as you can get) it pretty much covers classic Super Robots and those appeared in FV, Same way the monoeyed Zaku II is the basis for almost every bad guy mech in a Gundam series, or the way that the first place was to the RX-78 family, not just the original Gundam since every other Gundam ever made takes design cues from good old RX-78. Was the video too long? It’s a bout 20 freaking robots! That’s just 2 minutes per bot and not counting the honourable mentions and intro. Why so many? Well, if with 20 people are bitching about this or that robot not included imagine just a a top 10 list or top 5 .​ Could it have been split into two videos? Yeah, but you can also stop it anywhere you feel like it and continue later… Plus people that do New Media Entertainment like Sage don’t get paid directly for their work, any money they get comes from ad revenue and long videos get more ads than short videos. For that reason Sage stopped doing videogame reviews since they were short 7-10 min videos that took a lot of work to do versus the revenue they got.
  11. Guys, Gunbuster can’t be on that list because “Anime Abandon” is a show about anime that was imported to the US mainly during the 70s-90s. That means that all have a dub version and that is the version they review in each episode; so much so that some of the analysis, gags and critique revolves around the dub. The show sometimes has actual professional voice actors doing cameos. Gunbuster is yet to get dubbed. In other words, the show is about anime or derivative work you could have gone to a video store and rented when you were a kid. Which is how Japanese animation entered the west before fansubs and the like came to be. So it is a nostalgic fulled type of show. It also serves as an historical look on the crazy stuff that was imported over the years to the west. Some of these “WTF were they thinking when they bought the rights” examples make for some great viewing. Ben takes the show seriously and gives nice historical references and sometime some very interesting takes on what he reviews. The show goes so far as to only using footage from the original source, not downloaded or from torrent, which means that sometimes the video comes straight from VHS if no DVD version is available. And maybe their “only imported anime from last century” is a bit strict but it keeps the show centred and, as Ben says, is also about his personal experiences watching anime when he was younger anyways. For example, Ben is doing a Macross month on March but Ben and his editorial editor have commented that they have basically written themselves into a corner since they only have M+, MII and Clash of the Bionoids to work with. So no need to get snooty about the choices, after all, it is called “Anime Abandon’s top 20 giant robots” not the “The ultimate robot list that negates any other possible list”. It is just their opinion and the video was actually done on a whim and not part of the planned schedule of Anime Abandom. And it was nice to discover some robots I didn’t know instead of just the usual suspects in a different order. Try and see some of the older reviews. Like I said, some are really good.
  12. Just add two arms and save yourself the rest of the combiner (that is a $120 saving!) Peaugh's pictorial review of M3: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-3rd-party-reviews/967600-fansproject-ca-13-diesel-m3-reviews.html
  13. The plastic used on Bovis is the same used for their hearts of steel Screecher. Screecher has incredibly thin parts that bend a lot without breaking. Similar sized pieces on TFC toys can't do that. MMC also uses POM plastic for the joints, very known here on MW since it is a high quality plastic great for parts that need to take punishment. FP goes on a whole different route and uses a bendy nylon based material for their toys.
  14. I have both Hercules and Uranos and have taken them apart so I know both of them inside and out. The plastic on Uranos is pretty thin and crappy compared to Hercs. And like I said, the plastic used on Bovis is way beyond the TFC quality plastic. Ares could have been interesting but it just ended up being a minimum variation on the robust MMC take. Right now the options are the athletic looking UT version or the robust MMC/TFC. MMC wins in my book for cohesive look, solid build and communication and UT in second place for the different style that looks really nice (it would still need to fall down in price for me to consider getting it; to high for a simple swapformer). Nemean has great torso proportions for the Her/Uranos limbs but TFC screwed itself up again making the Ares limbs also bigger. Nemean also has very simple looking lines like those of a kids toy but has limbs that actually look more detailed. And that is without going into the weird color choices they like to take. I won't ever buy a TFC combiner until it has been fully released and reviewed. Don’t want to have to deal with TFC surprises again. With Herc they did fantastic and included extra pieces and solutions to parts that broke in previous releases for free. With Uranos they erased that and just made a cash grab (yes, the parts of the Wings or uranos upgrade set were designed beforehand; BB has connector holes for the new skirt and chestshield useless otherwise).
  15. "Groundhog day but with pew pew" looks interesting. At least I didn't laugh my ass off like i did with "I Frankenstein".
  16. ... ok sorry but I watched this knowing nothing and couldn't stop laughing all the way.
  17. Like Mr March says, the trailer looks a lot like it wants to go after the teen movie large audience of the mentioned book/movies. I'm also a bit tired "the chosen one" trope, but after "Cloud Atlas" I trust the Wachowskis.can deliver. The visuals at least look very interesting... and there is a gargoyle!(on 1:29)!
  18. Yep, shared pocked universe with the Fantastic Four. The guy that wrote that thing called "X-men: The last stand" is the one that is supposed to make it all happen... http://news.moviefone.com/2013/12/06/fox-x-men-universe-simon-kinberg/ Soooo not seing that working as well as the movieverse. The two teams are hard to combine on their own. X-men already fraked the Phoenix cosmic space aspect, only science-ish that would merit the FF's involvement would be the Celestials since they are related to the origin of Apocalypse... but that is a clusterfrakk of a story for normal movie goers and Marvel is already touching those themes with their Guardian of the Galaxy movie. Fox would do better by reaching and agreement with Disney to work together and put the X.men and FF in the Marvel Movieverse. A scene with Wolverine and Stark, a WWII flashback with Cap and a fight with Hulk in the next Avengers movie would make them more money than shoehorning a rebooted FF with the X-men. Sony would also make money just by sharing their Spider-man license. At least it won't be a cloud, they already did that with Galactus...
  19. Dude, ever since I was a little kid I wanted one of these. You are making one of my dreams a reality! Anyways, I'm hyped so here are some fast photoshops of how it might look while we wait Tried to add the cannons: And color time!
  20. Ok, I dare you to do another Legioss then
  21. Want to have some laughs and see MoS analyzed from both points of view? Here it is: http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/41449-man-of-steel (The review ends at 40+ min, the rest is something else)
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