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Everything posted by Doublepush

  1. And speaking of accessories, my 6" FlightPose arrived in the mail today. I'll be putting it through it's pace later and taking some photos with a real camera once the kids are in bed, for now you'll just have to accept this shitty phone cam. Definitely forgot to eat lunch today since I spent my whole lunch break trying to get a pose that looked cool and allowed room in my detolf for my other two valks Managed to make them fit, though it is a touch crowded. I've been meaning to change them up a bit anyway though so maybe I'll do that tonight now
  2. Believe me I wasn't trying to imply blame on you for it, it's been rough getting anything shipped to the great white north over these past few years. Especially when you get nailed with brokerage fees as well sometimes.
  3. One of my favorite aspects of collecting Macross is that the fans are so passionate. To the point where many people are using real skills and technology to make some fantastic modifications, improvements, repairs, and accessories for their collectibles and sharing them with others.
  4. Haha, sorry all I could think when you replied was "I'm a guy that designs and sells stands, here to tell you that Valkyries look better on stands" some day I'll buy a few of your stands Yeti but I've gotta get more valks before I spend that much on a stand. Damn international shipping costs and my Canadian...ness. Doesn't stop me from drooling over the photos of them in action though
  5. I want one of these stands so bad, but I can't quite bite the bullet on the international shipping when there's still so many valks on my want list first. I suppose I'm not the first to follow this pattern, buy a bunch of figures first before thinking of any way to actually display them all
  6. I've got my first flightpose stand in the mail right now which I'm super excited for. The 19 is the one I want to display most in fighter mode but also the one I don't have a dedicated stand for yet, so he's relegated to being gears down laying on his belly. It's shameful really, grounding such a beautiful bird. Few more days and I'll be able to have an extensive photo shoot (won't hold a candle to Saburo's pics but I'll be trying my best )
  7. I've got a question for you, but I'm afraid if I ask it may start a chain reaction of requests. Would you be willing to take an Arcadia 30th Ann. VF-1J and repaint it?
  8. There's a small piece of plastic on the underside of the swiveling portion of the shoulder that is attached to the torso. You have to (CAREFULLY) pry it out (one side on mine was fairly easy, the other snapped on it's way out) that covers up the two screw holes.
  9. My personal favorite, apologies for cell phone pics.
  10. Successfully ripped apart and tuned up a valk for the first time. Everything is nice and tight, my 19 can hold just about any pose now and look great doing it. It's still a strange concept to me that high quality toys require regular maintenance, like a car.
  11. I saw how quickly my paycheques were being funneled into gunpla so I realized I had to slow down a bit and make more careful purchases. I do have the GBP pre-ordered right now but still unsure if I'm going to bother. It would be nice to have a canon VF-1 but really, there's plenty of time for that. Thanks everyone for all the comments I wanted to have as varying a display as possible (molds, eras, and transformation state) in as few figures as possible.
  12. Now that I've had a few minutes to transform him he's in pretty damn good condition. I do need to tighten a few joints and could use a little help from someone who's taken this guy apart and fiddled with him a bit. Mainly I need to tighten the swivels on both shoulders (the up and down swivel), and the horizontal swivel joint on the knee. Any help would be appreciated as to which parts to remove and where to apply future, or which screws to tighten. Cheers
  13. I'm still far too inexperienced at even customizing model kits, let alone high quality completed transforming figures, but that's a super awesome mod! I'll have to bookmark it for a braver day. In other news though my 19 did arrive today safe and sound in the mail, the 2004 repackage. Managed to snap a couple pics so far in the display thread and most recent purchase thread but I have to wait until my kids are in bed to really dive into this beast.
  14. Only started collecting just after Christmas, so I didn't feel right posting in this thread until I had at least one Valkyrie to represent each mode. So here is my little collection, on one shelf in one detolf (makes me a little jealous seeing some people have more valks thab I have Gunpla, but such is what drives me to want more!). Yamato YF-19 for fighter mode, Chogokin VF-25F Alto Renewal for Gerwalk, and Arcadia 30th Anniversary VF-1J for Battroid.
  15. Received my Yamato YF 19 in the mail today from Shukenzero, very happy with the purchase even though so many people advised me against it.
  16. Agreed, one of the exhaust detail bits fell off the bottom of the foot of my Arcadia 30th anniversary VF-1J on the first transformation, so it's not just a Yamato issue.
  17. My 19 is in the mail now (thanks again shukenzero) and these pictures are getting me really damn excited
  18. I was curious about this as well. I found the arm cannon on shapeways but it only lists it being compatible with the Arcadia YF-19 and Yamato's variants of the VF-19 but the Yamato YF-19 is not listed. Is it compatible with the original releases as well?
  19. Either way, I was referring to the design of the ones released by Yamato themselves. There's a nostalgia aspect to it too, I remember looking at that release online when I was quite a bit younger and never being able to buy it.
  20. Yeah I ended up snagging the final release of Yamato's mold from shukenzero, I don't know there's just something I find endearing about Yamato's attempts compared to Arcadia.
  21. Ended up purchasing the Yamato through a member on the forums, should be shipping next week so I'm pretty damn excited. After reading many reviews (almost a torturing form of window shopping at this point) I don't think I'll be disappointed.
  22. Anyone here actually attend this Convention in the past to know what it's all about? I'm a little wary after seeing their guest of honor is the wrestler "Road Warrior Animal"...
  23. And success. Took a more detailed approach to transforming that section into gerwalk and also tightened a few screws here and there (specifically behind the hips for the ball joint) and they stiffened right up and now I can pick up my 25 in gerwalk with one hand and it stays as solid as my v2 vf1. Well, not quite that solid but still pretty damn close
  24. I'll give that a try, thanks a lot!
  25. I have a question, probably been answered before but I haven't seen it mentioned much as a common issue. Anyway, I'm having a hard time getting the intakes/hips to stay pegged in to the fuselage in gerwalk mode. The left is especially bad but both of them fall out of place all the time while trying to adjust the pose of the legs, and makes it next to impossible to maintain any sort of pose with it on the included stand. It seems to pop out even worse when I use the built in support for the aft section during gerwalk. I've already thought about applying future or super glue, but I'm not sure if that will work with the style of connection
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