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Everything posted by Doublepush

  1. Still have to do all the decals, but I couldn't resist getting that shot on the shelf. Seeing the Sazabi next to it's rival the Nu really makes it all worth it
  2. Having fellow Macross collectors being local would be awesome, I haven't seen anyone else on this board from Ontario yet (not to say there aren't any, just haven't explicitly seen someone saying it). The shops here are pretty scarce too and they almost never have Macross stuff except for the Bandai kits
  3. Help me decide what to do tonight MW! As anyone who's built it knows the Sazabi Ver Ka is quite an undertaking. I've got evenings free with no wife/kids all week so tonight should I A) build the backpack B) build the weapons Or C) start on the water slides for the main body? Hoping to have it all done this week but I want to know what kind of pics people want to see tonight
  4. PM sent my man even though I'm in the great white north above you I think I can help
  5. So sorry for over reacting last night. I was over tired from driving with toddlers all day. Managed to secure one at CDJ but didn't realize as I was checking out that I was paying for it right then and I can't really afford that right now :/ I've emailed them asking them to switch to pay later but I'm not sure if they'll bite. If nog anyone that didn't get one last night could have mine however that would work
  6. Seriously, another one came and went without even seeing the pre order button. This is such a piss off. Missed out on the VF19 and this one. And now I can't even find an isamu 29 anywhere so I guess my hopes of a decent price on a 29 are gone now
  7. Actually I had been counting on this so I could pick up an Isamu 29 once the hype for the 29b got bigger, but there haven't been any on Mandy for some time now. I should have pulled the trigger last pay day :/
  8. I haven't run into any issues at all yet with loose connections. Are you sure you're not thinking of the older MG? The Ver Ka hasn't quite been out for a couple years yet.
  9. Any placeholders found yet? Or is it still a bit too soon?
  10. Progress is continuing slowly...
  11. Got some more work done on Clifford the Big Red Dog this week. His space in my detolf is teasing me with it's emptiness but finishing this bastard is such an undertaking with two three year olds at home
  12. Finished my RG Z'Gok, just need to get the HGUC ReGZ in stock and finish my Sazabi and the Char vs Amuro shelf will be complete. The Char custom RG's really look great next to each other.
  13. HLJ actually has a page describing their various stock statuses. Backordered means they have none in stock at the moment but they have placed an order for more to fill customers orders that have already been placed. If it says 'Out of Stock' it means they currently have none in stock, and nobody has ordered it from them so they have not ordered more from the manufacturer and will not be until a customer places an order with them. So if it says backordered, more are on the way soon. If it says out of stock, it will not come back in stock unless you place the order, so you can't sit and wait for it unless someone else decides to order one, then it will say 'backordered'Sorry for the long winded answer
  14. Top shelf of my detolf is pretty barren while I am still completing some of the kits for my 'Amuro vs. Char' shelf. But here's a pic I snapped today of my general UC shelf. All of them are OOB builds (with panel lining, decals, and top coat) except for the Unicorn, which is completely painted.
  15. Yup, the black Ver to be precise. I actually clipped all the parts, sanded, and painted everything last spring. Only got around to assembly, decaling, and top coating recently. I wanted it to be the first model I built in our new house. Still need to get it on my photo bench for some proper pictures. I'm really contemplating buying Ray after how well Rex went together, for a koto kit.
  16. That's what my goal is but as of right now I only have the 6" stand, all the others were sold out when I ordered. Eventually I want one of each size, because those poses are what I was trying to acheive
  17. Thanks! If there's one thing I feel I'm decent at in this hobby it's posing so that means a lot to me
  18. Into either a canon color scheme or something completely custom.
  19. Ask and you shall recieve. Quality is a bit nicer than my phone even though it's still a somewhat cheap camera. This stand is so much fun though
  20. I do it with just about every RG that I build. I work as an aircraft maintainer so to me there's something super cool about all the internal mechanics being out on display, even if it is just for a couple snapshots
  21. Shitty phone camera, but this is my first and only completed build of 2015 so far. Also only my second kit I've fully painted so far, still lots of room to grow and improve but I'm pretty satisfied with how this turned out
  22. About half way done my RG Char's Z'Gok. Hopefully completing this guy gives me the motivation to get the Sazabi Ver Ka. finished. Once they're both done all I'll need to procure is the HGUC ReGZ to complete my Char vs Amuro shelf.
  23. Got my photo area all set up yesterday only to realize my camera battery was drained beyond the point of turning on without being charged for a couple hours first, and then I got deep into some Gunpla and lost track of time.
  24. Thanks ha but the little placard actually came with the 30th 1J and the label was included on the sticker sheet, with a few different font options
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