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Everything posted by Doublepush

  1. Thanks very much for the info!
  2. Hey guys, been a long time. Looking to figure out the value of my Yamato 1/60 YF-21 and YF-19. AFAIK it is the first release of both. Both have been opened and displayed, YF-21 has never been transformed by me but was purchased second hand from another user some time ago. Any help at all would be great, thanks everyone!
  3. My most recent haul, and to keep it Macross related I also have the Yamato 1/60 YF-21 on the way from funkymonkeyjavajunky For the first time in my life I am completely debt free and have a respectable savings started so I decided to spoil myself.
  4. Doublepush

    Hi-Metal R

    Just for anyone that's interested and missed the pre order, this trick works for the SoC Gunbuster recolor on HLJ as well. Hope that makes some people who thought they missed out happy
  5. Doublepush

    Hi-Metal R

    Logged in and it still showed as 'order stop' on the search results page, but the actual item page let me order. Just waiting on confirmation email and then we'll see in September if it's real stock or just a glitch in their system.
  6. Doublepush

    Hi-Metal R

    Gone again already on HLJ
  7. Not Macross, but I've got my first two SRC figures on the way from Amazon.ca today. So happy that Amazon Canada is stocking Tamashii Nations now, if they only they could work on a distribution deal with Arcadia I'd be set (the exchange is killing me lately as the CAD$ continues to crap the bed)
  8. I agree with Mike on using gray for lighter plastics (white/yellow) and black for darker pieces (blue/gray/red), but I would like to add I typically use a brown fine tip marker for any red/pink parts. I think it looks a little more subtle than the black does on red.
  9. I have a picture on my old phone as well of the MG Nu Gundam Ver. Ka drinking a delicious looking frosty pink milkshake. My Little Pony toys can make hilarious accessories for mecha
  10. Keep in mind I have two daughters, I didn't just happen to have a pink flowery guitar accessory lying around
  11. I had considered painting them but after seeing them in person now I don't want to. I have a feeling the CF parts would look good on Ozma's 25 as well but I don't have one, so I can't accurately gauge the color match
  12. I didn't even realize they made an RG of the IWSP pack. Always been one of my favorites just for the sheer amount of overkill, though I have yet to buy Lucas' Strike MG with the IWSP. I've got a few kits in the backburner right now, motivation is dwindling lately but hopefully I can get a proper hobby room set up soon. Having to set everything up after the kids go to bed and then tear it all down again at the end of the night really puts a damper on enjoying the time I get to build, always feel rushed.
  13. This little guy is tons of fun. I've been wanting a hand held valk to mess around with for a while now. But the super parts. My god. I know I cheaped out and got the CF parts instead of Alto's but color me thoroughly impressed. This thing just has so much presence now. This hobby keeps surprising me at how quickly my jaw can hit the floor
  14. Came home to this on my lunch break from work. Couple more hours until I can crack them open
  15. Thanks a lot, yeah I had my photo desk set up in a temporary spot since my lightbox isn't really big enough for the 1/60 guys. I haven't quite gotten the hang of evening out the lighting I think I need to buy two of the same lamp, the ones I have now are different on each side.
  16. I've uploaded both of these pics before but I've done some minor photo editing for the first time. Nothing major, used the stock photo app on android to do it, so hopefully the quality translates to a larger screen. I know they got kind of artifacty on my Facebook. Looking for honest criticism so I can try to keep improving
  17. In terms of price? Poor packaging? Or just lazy service?
  18. Absolutely loving Fighter mode lately apparently, first time I've done an all fighter display. Litttttle bit cramped in there, I can almost hear them screaming at me to buy another detolf. I fully intend to, if I can stop buying valks first
  19. Ohhhh I'm getting excited. First order in a little while now, waiting on payment request from MANDARAKE for a VF-19 Kai Hi Metal and DX VF-25A Super Parts (gonna see bow they look bare bones, but most likely painting them in Alto's colors.)
  20. Time for another noobie question that I'm sure has been answered somewhere but I cant seem to find it now. Is HKCollectibles a reputable site to order from?
  21. That looks awesome, nice and clean. RG Strike was one of my favorite builds I've completed
  22. David, I bought the Sazabi last Christmas actually (my mom 'bought' it as my gift but has no idea how to order that stuff nor does she care enough to learn). I've had a bit of a busy year (divorce, financial issues, deployments overseas) so I'm just really getting around to it now. I still have the decals left to do to finish it completely. Also as a little tip, if you use a fine tip gundam marker for panel lining then you can use a q-tip to clean up the excess. You have to clean it right away after drawing the line before it has a chance to dry at all, and the wooden toothpick will absorb the paint leaving only a subtle line.
  23. That's perfect, thanks so much man
  24. Looks like this is the right spot to ask dumb questions. I have a general idea of how it works, but could somebody talk me through ordering something off yahoo JP auctions? I know you need a middleman and have to pay shipping twice consequently, but I don't know enough about reputable services and the proper order of events. Any help would be great, thank you
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