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Everything posted by jos3m

  1. the nose cone is the head, i say i see that coming, and is very nice, at least in the cf because the leader is kinda of ugly what i didnt see coming was the chest interestin how it folds and combine
  2. the right forearm is the gold detail most close to the cockpit in fighter mode and the left is the tailfin as a shield as many of us speculated that the arms where in the middle of the fighter but with this the two arms at the top of fighter mode?? or just the tailfin is used as a lock between the two arms and then pass to the left arm from above to below
  3. for me it was the opposite, only magic remain, they removed the scenes with which they explained the technologies, or that indeed these aparatus where plausibles thecnologies, like the recharge scene. and not only that it feeled messy with all the cuts, there where less logical transitions, the characters just appered from nowhere, like the scene with mirage why would she feels the need for pursuing the main charaters. in the 0.89 there was to much information, but good information at least in the end for me there where too many "why" in this chapter. And not of the good kind.
  4. What if Mikumo, turn out to be transgender, a man turned woman? like the first thing that freyja says is "A rainbow colored voice" and if that is a reference of kawamori trolling?, intruducing a man in a group of girls, you know to make it more to the days, or crazy whichever you llike to think of
  5. ok thanks, it is very nice that the names of all the characters means something related to aircraft and pilots
  6. What is the meaning of the name Arado or Arad, where does it come from? could it be a miss spelled Alado that mean winged in Spanish?
  7. these might mean the wing will fold back like a vf-25 and the tail wing might become the shield to the arm
  8. thanks no3ljm, and the "how to" part, can someone tell me?, thanks in advance im thinking we are seeing a valk with it arms positioned one over the other or one in the upper side and one in the underside, the arms should rotate to take position i say this because there is a weird shape under the tail fin that may be the elbow and at the end where it connect to the feet is to round like if that were to be the wrist
  9. QUESTION: do i need an external server to alocate my images to post in the forum? who say the theunder side of the craft was diferent, in the trailer apper to be mirrored to the top with the exeption of the tail fin can someone put a capture?
  10. IĀ“m thinking that the upper fin an lower body in fighter are the arms en the fin at the en is the arm shield
  11. not only that if you see the hair in the poster with the girls the one at the from of the group as a weird shape to her hair too. she might be from a different race too
  12. If arcadia take the route of making frontier valks they may need something like this to differentiate from bandai DX line of valk a ranka themed super pack I think is a nice idea and kind of obscure collector thing to do in a short production line
  13. jos3m

    Bandai DX VF-31

    the new back plate might lock the the upper body in battroid with the nose cone as complement to it.
  14. NO what if the var symdrome transform the girls into valks??
  15. It might be because most of us dont speak Japanese (English is no my first lenguage either) there is little to no information in the front page of what was discused during the stream the teaser and images only present the girls and the valks not their pilots
  16. jos3m

    Bandai DX VF-31

    that battroid, they make the correction to the legs i wanted to see, nice!
  17. hahahaha is macross what me eyes are seeing?? please someone explain to me what im seeing a fleet of girls in frily dresses??
  18. vf 11 is the perfect valk, I don't know why kawamori hasn't update it. I donĀ“t know why many people are trying so hard to see something different than a yf30 with new wings from that image. if is there something to think about is what is going to be in the missil pod, i remenber reading that the new valk in delta are going to be gimmicky
  19. If it is based on the yf-30, you may be not good then sir.
  20. the "enemy" valk feels like a yf-21, hope to see a meltran like battroid.
  21. everyone is talking about the scene with bruce x natasha , but nobody on the new mark 45 in the scene of thor where he say "is that all you got !?"
  22. IGN is reporting about the posibility of a movie based on robotech, and at the same time is using an image of KLAM and her queadluun from macross frontier to promote the news, making me feel kind of offended. http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/02/05/300-team-takes-on-live-action-robotech-movie it's weird that I'm against this idea, if it's means to renew the harmony gold rights over macross? ,like, i would not complaint if they do a reboot of robotech, like if they do new style ship. not gerwalk, nor zentran or usage or names like focker. i want to know is this forums would rise its voice to a news presented like this that is using an image from a series not related to robotech like macross frontier. i want to know how do you feel about the idea. --English is not my first Language--
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