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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. Ha ha, I knew it was coming! I'm sold!
  2. for all we know it could be a blurred picture of a bunch of styrofoam held together with toothpicks even so, that's some impressive looking censored styrofoam
  3. nice pic, it looks utterly massive as it should. I can't wait for mine to come from HLJ!
  4. Perhaps Emerald Force color scheme and Basara Fire Bomber special? Emerald Force is a cool scheme IMO but I'm really waiting for the M&M VF-22s to come out. Oh, also waiting to see if either Yamato or Bandai will finally do the VF-17 justice.
  5. Looks very nice, I'll probably get one, Alto or Michael. If a Sheryl version is made, then it becomes a must buy
  6. The Scirocco is pretty sweet looking. The GTI and R32 are pretty meh looking to me.
  7. Just saw it. I don't think it was worth my time and money. I had all the same issues with the movie as myk and sharky did.
  8. I think only Samsung has them out at the moment, though I'm not quite sure. Just happened to see some commercials for them on TV as of late. I'll be in the market for a TV about Fall/Winter so I've been doing some initial research.
  9. any thoughts or opinions on OLEDS? From what I gather they aren't worth the price at the moment, but just wanted to hear opinions.
  10. I won't say I'm a hardcore Trek fan, but I am a Trek fan and I really enjoyed the movie. All the major characters had their moments (though Chekov was a bit over the top) and the story moved along at a nice pace, didn't drag or anything. I geeked out when Spock did the "Picard Maneuver" at the hearing. There were alot of nice little nods to TOS and such and overall as movie, I thought it was good.
  11. Dead Rising 2 is looking sweet. Lets just say Chainsaws + Motocycle through hordes of zombies = WIN!
  12. If the M&M VF-22s come out, those will be mine. I've so far avoided getting the YF-19 and YF-21 but I don't think I would be able to say no to M&M VF-22s.
  13. Man, I may have to bite on those Samurai Champloo figures. And I just convinced myself not to go with the Mk II Iron Man from Sideshow which is still available to preorder.
  14. Smiley424

    VF Girls

    very nicely done anime52k8, all your efforts are greatly appreciated. the change in the eyes in the second Misa is much improved over the original
  15. No Krillin = not a Dragonball movie
  16. seeing the Alto VF-25 with super pack and the Michel VF-25G almost make me what to buy a whole Skull Squadron. ALMOST. I still plan on only getting the Ozma Full Armor set. still, nice pics though
  17. Nice, very nice. I think Bandai isn't posing the Quarter holding up the gun and flight deck because it would be hard to keep the toy balanced. I wouldn't want the Quarter taking a nosedive off the display and taking out the rest of the valks. I also like the size of the Quarter. Very impressive, I will have this Chogokin for sure.
  18. Haven't been so excited over a Macross Toy since the original 1/60s first hit the scene. Waiting for some Storm Attack pics.
  19. I guess Scarlett could work, I have no real opinion either way. I was surprised at how good Gwyneth Paltrow was as Pepper Potts. I'm looking forward to Don Cheadle as Rhodey. I felt like there was something missing with Terrance Howard in the role (even though the character didn't have much to do in the movie anyway). Loved the first one, hit all the marks for a superhero movie (even though it felt like a giant Audi, Dell, BK commercial at times, nature of the beast) and eagerly anticipate the second one.
  20. I've been following the Suburu/Toyota project and there is nothing concrete out there as of this moment. Just the announcement that they are working together on a new RWD coupe. No pics or anything, just wild speculation.
  21. just downloaded the PC demo. I'll probably get to it over the weekend. Just early buzz around is that the game has some nice ideas, but flawed execution. Looks like another Ace Combat pretender to me. I'll let you folks know when I get around to playing it. got through playing the demo and I'm very disappointed. Most of the gameplay features feel too gimmicky for my tastes. I couldn't stand limiter off mode, it looks cool, but makes the game very difficult to play. It seems like the developers looked at Ace Combat and said "How can we dumb down this game more and make it seem like it is different from Ace Combat?". It is a very nice looking game but I won't be buying it on first release.
  22. Gah, I've been bitten by the bug I just ordered the Sideshow General Obi-wan, got on the waitlist for the Snake Eyes and the Hot Toys Iron Man is tempting me really bad. Must resist, need money for Yamato SDF-1, will convince self to wait for second Iron Man movie and a possible Hot Toys War Machine and Iron Man
  23. I just bought the General Obi-wan off Amazon, had a gift certificate I got from using the Coinstar machine at the supermarket to count my loose change. Now I'm worried I'm gonna start wanting more and then maybe branch off into the Medicom and Hot Toys figures as well I have my eye on the Sideshow Darth Vader (Obi-wan gotta have someone to duel with ).
  24. 1/2000, here be the thread we got going already Yamato 1/2000 DYRL SDF-1
  25. Smiley424

    VF Girls

    nicely done, though the hair throws me off. I think she'd look better with a ponytail out the back of the helmet. Still nice job.
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