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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. Nice, work, I've been toying with the idea of doing a scheme like this for years. Glad to see someone finally do it and hope I become inspired enough to do my own.
  2. I am also resurrecting this thread in hopes that mickyg will pipe in with an update. I just started my VF-1J kit, I bought without realizing it was un-assembled (I thought it was only un-painted). A lot of good photos and tip in this and Hikuro's thread though, that you both of you.
  3. I'm sorry to hear about how this project turned out for you, but I picked up a few tips. I bought a kit recently, not realizing the kit was un-assembled and un-painted (I though just un-painted). This coming from someone who just built their first Real Grade Gundam model. I should start my own thread as a way to keep me motivated to finish it.
  4. Very nice work, I am in for one for sure!
  5. I am thinking about picking up an Armored Ozma model. I have a first issue NMIB First Edition 1/60 toy and I'm not holding my breath for Bandai to re-release the Renewal versions any time soon. Just wanted to heard any thoughts on these kits. I am new to the Bandai modeling scene with just a RG Zeta Gundam on the way.
  6. So after seeing my friends WIP PG Astray Red and in the process of watching Zeta Gundam for the first time, I have a RG Zeta on the way. After this one, I may try out a HG, MG, or even PG plamodel next. The RG won't be here anytime soon though as it is in my HLJ private warehouse waiting on the VF-4G to be released. I second the RG Gouf!
  7. Nice replies everyone. Just signed up for my free trial of CrunchyRoll. Starting Zeta now, may rewatch MSG as its been almost 10 years since i watched that series. Might give 00 another try too. Thank you everyone.
  8. Question for you Gundam fans. I have only watched 0079 and 08th MS Team in their entirety. The only other Gundam I have watched was the first season of 00. The second season of 00 just didn't appeal to me enough to keep watching Just wondering if I should start watching Unicorn or if I should watch more UC series first.
  9. Memphis is FedEx's primary hub, I think all international deliveries are routed their before going on their way. In more related news, hlj.com orders are stopped while it is back availible on nippon yasan.
  10. "Just when I thought I was out . . .they pull me back in." After about a 3 year hiatus, this sucker has pulled me back in. I pre-ordered with HLJ.com and have been scouring the web for Macross Frontier Renewal valks and eagerly anticipating the CF VF-171 while contemplating the Yamato VF-17S as well as possibly completely a DYRL Skull Squadron finally. Forgive this old man and his ramblings, but that warm fuzzy feeling or excitement and anticipation for a new toy is back and kicking!
  11. Smiley424

    Bandai SD Infinite

    can't wait for mine to come in the mail with my bandai monster. hope more variants come out, and hope for a next joke machine
  12. Excited for both to come. Shadow of Colossus came out during my frugal living phase of life and I never was able to pick it up. Right now I'm waiting for Vanquish, Enslaved, and Fallout New Vegas to come out. I'm kinda meh on the new Ace Combat but will hold judgement until more details and a demo become available.
  13. Bioshock Infinites looks pretty awesome, I may have to pre-order that one and maybe pick up the original Bioshock. Right now I'm waiting for Vanquish and Enslaved:Odyssey to the West. I was sold on Enslaved when I found out it is based on the Chinese folktale Journey to the West. Civilization 5 is on it's way in the mail.
  14. I didn't realize til after I posted that the demo was MP. How are the controls and transforming? Silky smooth and not too clunky or awkward? I am looking forward to the SP more that the MP, but if the MP is fun, I'll give it some time too.
  15. anyone with a 360 try the Transformers WFC demo yet? How's the game play?
  16. My only complaint was that the team didn't get captured and fabricate some crazy forklift tank to bust out and defeat the villains. Overall and good, fun movie.
  17. Well, a new cartoon was announced a couple days after the new Thundercats cartoon was announced. New Voltron Cartoon and Toys
  18. Already have Batman for PC, GOW is on the list and apparently Red Dead Redemption is sold out for PS3 on Guam right now. Some should be coming in this week.
  19. finally got a PS3. my PSN tag is smiley424, same as here. I live on Guam, so I might be on at odd hours compared to you folks in the states (10-13 hour time difference West Coast - East Coast). Eagerly anticipating War for Cybertron, playing some older PS3 gems right now (Assassins Creed 2, Demon Souls, Uncharted 2).
  20. Grew up watching these movies, my uncle would always rent these and watch them with me and my cousins. I'm not sure if this movie fits, but I was very impressed with Red Cliff. Also Drunken Master and Drunken Master 2 are classics all fans of the genre should see.
  21. Talking to green dots on the radar scope and reading strips from the hopper in Guam

  22. I too am in the same boat as Vi-RS. I pre-ordered and paid in full for the M&M VF-22s and have been trying to contact them for about a week now since I noticed that they moved their website. No response after a couple inquiries through the website and emails. I will try to call them since I'm in Guam so Japan is 1 hour behind where I am. I am giving them another week to respond before I start a dispute with Paypal and AMEX.
  23. I'm waiting for the Quarter to arrive and VF-22 Max to debut so I can finally have my M&M VF-22s.
  24. very nice, but I'm waiting for a War Machine from Iron Man 2.
  25. Ordered both from Over-Drive. I was going to get the M&M VF-1Js but the VF-22s are looking way too nice.
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