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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. I found a 1/48 low vis on Mandarake for about $240 shipped. I have been looking to get one again after selling mine back when the low vis were in reselling for like $400-$500. Came in perfect condition, just some shelf wear on the box. Happy to have my first 1/48 call back in my collection.
  2. http://edition.cnn.com/2016/05/18/us/guam-b52-crash/ Crew got out safely. The B-52 was on departure roll when they had to abort. As you can see, the plane is a total loss.
  3. http://www.guampdn.com/story/news/2016/05/18/downed-aircraft-reported-andersen-air-force-base-gfd-responding/84564970/ This just happened this morning at Andersen Air Force Base on Guam. Hopefully the reports are accurate and the crew made it off the plane safely. The BUFFs could use an engine swap from the 1960s vintage TF33s to something more modern. Let's just say I have worked too many 7 engine "emergency" B-52 landings in my ATC career.
  4. No3ljm, that GIF is just too true. I knew someone here had to be the one who created it.
  5. And this was a couple months ago at Guam International (GUM). We had an An-124, IL-76, and B727 parked out there one day. The Antonov was parked for about a month before leaving and the Ilyushin came in with parts. The 727 is based out of here and is the loudest commercial plane here. Only the F-18s are louder.
  6. http://www.militarytimes.com/story/military/pentagon/2016/01/10/us-b-52-bomber-flies-over-south-korea-standoff-deepens/78588954/ The B-52s came from Andersen Air Force Base on Guam where they rotate every 6 months with stateside units. I wonder where the second bomber went as two went out. Another exciting day at Guam Center (ZUA). Definitely a first. I would love to work the Typhoons. Maybe join the annual Cope North exercise along with the USAF, JASDF, and RAAF. http://www.pacaf.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/377/Article/641873/us-5-partner-nations-to-participate-in-cope-north-2016.aspx
  7. Smiley424

    Hi-Metal R

    Dammit, I just saw joppewo's link and now I have a Hi-metal VF-1S Hikaru on preorder. I wasn't sure about this line at this scale, but the variety is what pushed me to order. Now I will have a Bandai 1/100 to join my Arcadia 1/60 and Yamato 1/100 VF-1S Hikaru!
  8. Preordered one when my Yamato VF-4 is still MISB never opened!
  9. Looking for prices on Bandai Renewal Valks and armor. Thinking about selling as they only sit in my closet unappreciated, which is a crime IMO. Opened 1 x VF-25F Alto 1 x VF-25G Michel 1 x VF-29 Isamu NIB 1 x VF-25A CF 1 x RVF-25R Luca 1 x VF-171 CF I also have all the armor parts for each valk NIB as well. I am thinking about keeping the Alto. I have seen a bunch of for sale posts, but everything sold and no prices are left on the postings. jum
  10. So a couple weeks ago, some Russian Bears did a little orbit of Guam's airspace. Then a couple days later a couple F-22s came out to do intercept training. Coincidence, I think not. We were tracking the Bears on radar the whole time and knew they were coming our direction beforehand. Seeing a flight of F22s do an unrestricted climb to FL280 is a sight to behold. They reach that about 10 miles off the departure end. An interesting week at ZUA.
  11. Thanks 505thAirborne for you sizing review. I am a whole lot more comfortable with my size choice now. I can't wait!
  12. Great flick, a nice sci-fi adventure movie. As a fan of the GOTG comic, I had some quibbles with the changes made, but it worked for the story they are telling and the universe they are creating. I am going to try to watch it again in legit IMAX.
  13. http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/30-totally-stunning-photos-taken-around-andersen-afb-g-1594283910 Just posting this because it is relavent to my job. I have had the pleasure of working as an Air Traffic Controller out in Guam for the past 5 years. I've worked with different USAF squadrons that rotate out to Andersen AFB as well as USN, JASDF, and RAAF contingents annually for multi-force exercises. They liven up an otherwise routine day. Them and the attack Cessna's that is.
  14. Peru Props does nice stuff, but he does not respond to English inquiries. I emailed multiple times asking questions about other helmets he makes and if he does commission work without a response. Maybe someone can try in Spanish?
  15. Helmet size is determined by your head's diameter and your head shape plays a role as well.
  16. Hooray, got the preorder email too. In for one in red with a request for custom color quote. May have to get another!
  17. Just ordered the Vf-25F you linked, I was looking at it all night and just took to plunge. I am still waiting on another Ozma Vf-25S release (I have a V1 MIB) to have my complete Frontier Skull Squadron. Now the question is Alto only, or get a pack for Michel as well?
  18. Yeah, there is one for 150 up right now. I might have a trip to Tokyo in June, not sure to buy now or wait.
  19. Anyone get any updates in regard to this helmet? I have heard nothing since my initial email and I have not seen any updates on their Facebook page regarding this.
  20. Because it is in the far reaches of outer space away from Earth. I could not believe Marvel chose to do this movie, the concept is abstract and out there. Trailer and related videos are looking good. This is a must see for me.
  21. I agree, an F40 without a wing would just look wrong. I am currently shopping a new vehicle and I had hoped the new WRX would be it, but I think I will be going with a 2014 or older WRX hatch, I am still undecided on STI or not. Any other suggestions in the sub $40k range. Prefer RWD or AWD and no coupes. Me and a friend are rebuilding a miata for that coupe-life.
  22. @ anime52k8, check out notebookreview.com for all things laptop. In the forum there is section where you can put your budget and what you want out of the laptop and members will link you suggested builds and such. @ CrusherJ, Tomshardware.com forum has a similar section for desktop builds and lots of info/review on components, but everyone here has a lot of knowledge/information as well. On to my question, can anyone suggest a good hard drive cloning software. I just picked up a 500gb ssd for my laptop.
  23. Great, now I have to pick up an Alto Renewal for this. MacrossWorld Problems!
  24. Very nice! Inspires me to continue with my build, but I have too many projects on my plate right now.
  25. Hope this goes through. Lego has been on a roll lately. I have the Delorean from Back to the Future which was one of the first kits to go through the cusoo process and it is a pretty cool piece. Now they just released The Simpsons house set and just announce Ghostbusters HQ and Ecto-1 set.
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