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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. Honestly, I'd like to see Yamato do an Angel Bird paint scheme, though if I had more confidence/experience I'd do it myself. The Angel Birds were the Valk Demo Team, right?
  2. Its not too big a deal for me, but there is a slight gap in the nosecone area under the cockpit when I deploy the nose landing gear. It's really slight and is not a big deal to me. Also looking for the limp wrist fix, I'll probably find it around here somewhere.
  3. Thank you, before I was thinking to get the Vf-1S Hikaru and the Yammie VF-1J M&M (they have to make these, there is no way they won't) but now that I've bought my books for this semester, I don't know anymore. I think I'm gonna go with 014 cuz thats my number, it was the number I was assigned for soccer and hockey, so I just made it my favorite number period. I'm just a little hung up on applying the decals, I don't know if I have the confidence in my hand eye coordination to do nicely.
  4. Yes, I want a series that'll showcase the VF-4 as the main valk. If not another Macross series, something with transforming mecha, thats all I really want. I was thinking a new series should be made along the lines of 08th MS Team but from what I understand, most if not all the Zentradi fleet was concentrating on isolating and capturing the Macross. Were there skirmishes, battles on other fronts? From what I can tell and understand from the movie, it seems like the UN Spacy didn't exactly do much of anything to aid the Macross or really fight the Zentradi except for the completion of the grand cannon.
  5. I would like to see a show set a couple decades after the Macross TV-series, just to see more of the VF-4 Lightning. I think that valk rocks, my fave along with the VF-19
  6. Hello all, I know this post really serves no REAL purpose, but I just had to announce that I got my 1/48 Low-Vis today finally. I knew this valk would be big, I knew it is supposed to be the ultimate toy valk, but even with such high expectations, when I finally opened it today, I was just utterly amazed at the size, detail of this baby. WOW!!!!! I still can't decide which mode to keep the valk in, they all look great. The innovative perfect transformation is pretty cool too, I like it. So far I'm keeping it in Gerwalk cuz that was always my favorite mode and it just looks kick-ass. I do have one minor gripe with the hands, they don't hold the gunpod as well as I'd like, though the size is fine with me. Hope to see the TV-style hands available with TV-style Fast-Packs. Hey mods, I think maybe there should be a pinned topic for people to just gush about new acquisitions instead of having everyone put up a new topic everytime.
  7. I remember this show, it was awesome. I don't remember much about the characters and whatnot, but the mecha action was pretty cool. I like how the robot looked like a cowboy, with hat and laser pistol in a hip holster.
  8. But seeing empty shell cases fly is just plain cool! On a second note, the DYRL launch arms seems to clamping/pressure type deal and I would think magnets would screw around with the electronics and whatnot, and I think they would want to avoid that as much as possible, even though I'm pretty sure the electronics in a valk would be heavily shielded from electromagnetic pulse and such. Just my two cents.
  9. Lovely, would like to have a set with a color scheme to go with the low-vis, just for kicks really. More likely I'll end up having to paint up a set myself (if I dare). Hoping for M&M VF-1J set with TV Fast-Packs (hoping, wishing, praying)
  10. Hmm, sounds good, I'm in no rush to go out and get Macross Zero just yet. I'm currently waiting for my copies of Macross Plus DVDs to come in and still mulling over Macross 7 (to watch or not to watch).
  11. I was gonna make up a new topic, but since this one is here already talking about the Macross Zero DVDs, I'll ask here. I basically had the same question as the topic starter, but also was wondering how many episodes the OVA is. I think I'm just gonna wait for them to finish the series and get the whole thing in one shot. I just want to know a rough estimate as to when that may happen, if anyone knows.
  12. Definately seeing it at the midnight showing, will definately be kick-ass. I'm a big fan of the books as well, and though dissapointed with some changes in Two Towers (ahem, Faramir) thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Though changes have been made, I love how Peter Jackson and Co kept some of the more subtle details from the books in the films (good old Bill).
  13. Welcome to the boards, great place, cool people, always a pleasure to be here. Ahhh, I too will soon know the joys of owning the 1/48 Low-Vis, mine should be arriving September 2 according to UPS. Damn, I'm going crazy here waiting for it to come!
  14. Wow, that looks really nice. I've played the first one, loved it. I assume I need to have Freespace 2 and then download the improvement files? Anyone know where I can find a copy? Apparently Freespace 2 is a hard to find game. They go for around $50 on Ebay. Dammit, I saw it once at Software Etc for $20 like 2 years ago, told myself to pick it up later. Also, I remember my brother telling me something about some guys doing a total conversion of Freespace or Freespace 2 into Wing Commander. Now thats a game that should get remade. Only the original Wing Commander and Wing Commander 2 Vengence of the Kilrathi plus the secret missions as well. Those two were the best, though I've heard good things about Prophecy.
  15. Real nice, now I'll probably have to pick up another set of Fast-Packs just for this baby.
  16. 1/72 = 1 1/60 = 1 1/48 = 1 Numbers to definately increase in the future.
  17. Yeah, I'm waiting on the four-disc. I might pre-order over at amazon cuz they got it for $25 with free shipping
  18. I don't really care when its coming out, just that it is cuz I skipped the first Vf-1s because of all the q.c. issues, but I'll definately pick this one up.
  19. Nice to see the place is back, and better than ever. Now I gotta go find a nice avatar for myself. Its good to be back
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