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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. Good thing I did a search on the forum before throwing this out as a new topic, hey that feature is useful Anyway, I was reading some anime magazine (we got a bunch at work, I work at a bookstore) and the cool plane designs caught my eye. I'm glad I was able to find this topic, now I think I'm definately gonna go with Macross Zero.
  2. Nice, I've been waiting for these every since the first 1/48s came out, knew the day would come. Hopefully tax refund will be able to cover for these.
  3. Nice, sounds good, I'll get around to picking it up when I get some more disposible income. I work at a bookstore and was thumbing through a companion guide for the series and the animation just looked really superb. Storywise, I don't demand too much, just something coherant and interesting, it should flow with the way the show is being presented too me. Definately one my list, along with so many other series . . .
  4. Seems like deja vu, I feel like I've seen this before, maybe not, who knows, whatever Following in no particular order: Macross (all of them, SDF & DYRL are my favorites, still need to get Macross Zero though) Space Battleship Yamato (good story, still need to finish) Cowboy Bebop Trigun (from what I've seen, awesome stuff) Outlaw Star Big O Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team
  5. What's up everybody. I was at Best Buy the other day and noticed this must've been recently released. I'm just curious about this show, hows the action with sky battleships and all that. Thoughts and opinions on this show if you please.
  6. from what I understand, Minmay Guard is a color scheme first introduced by Hasegawa for one of their model kits of the VF-1 valkyrie. I don't know if it was originally a fan custom job or what. Personally I like it and think its a pretty unique color scheme. Anyone who knows for sure, elaborate for us if you please.
  7. Smiley424

    1/48 Enigma Custom

    Hot, I really like the sawtooth design, sweetness
  8. I really liked the show and was dissapointed when Fox cancelled. I finally thought there would be a new good sci-fi show, but surprise surprise it was cancelled. Will definately try to pick up the DVD set when my disposable income increases.
  9. Just picked up 2 at the Wal-Mart in Hamilton, NJ. Definately a nice piece of toy engineering. Transformation was a little difficult at first, but thats okay because its soo beautiful. I picked up two and I am currently selling the other if anyone is interested.
  10. sweet, I really like how the Binaltech/Alternators are using the car parts as weapons. I'm still hoping for them to have a machine gun or rocket launcher clip on to the sound bar. That way it can be detached and reattached over the shoulder like G1 Hound has. That's really my only gripe about the new design, though it seems that this time around he's a civilian jeep, not military. Oh well.
  11. I really enjoyed ROTK, though it was a good movie. I still think Fellowship is the best adaptation of the book overall, but does not take away from my enjoyment of ROTK. Am definately waiting for the Extended Edition, will make it just that much better. I'm glad to see Sloth still getting some work in the biz Me and my buddy were hoping for him to kick some ass, I was hoping Theoden would take him down (kinda like in the book) before being jacked up by the Witch-King. Anyway, Hurin, I totally agree with what you're sayin about the Armies of the Dead. But again, just some fanboy talk, no real biggie, doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the movie.
  12. I just recently finished watching all of Mac7 and found it enjoyable. I liked the mecha, M&M VF-22s were sweet, Battle 7 was pretty hot too. This series is definately different from SDF and Mac+ and I think that's just fine. If I want to watch SDF, I'll watch SDF. If I want to watch Mac+, I'll watch Mac+. To have Mac7 come out and just be a rehash of SDF with new characters, mecha, and songs is just weak. My only complaint about Mac7 is that the love triangle story isn't as prominent as in SDF and I feel that it doesn't get resolved at all really.
  13. another reason for me to finally pick up a GBA. this is more up my brother's alley, he's die-hard megaman. Me, I've only finished Megaman 2 all the way, don't know why, but its my fave. Hope they keep the cheats in, for nostalgia sake, though I'm not sure how they'd pull off the Megaman 3 jump cheat on the GBA. I remember when me and my bro found out that cheat. He was just playing, and I was just messing around with the 2nd controller when lo and behold, Megaman started jumping through the top of the screen.
  14. Classic Trilogy over prequels anyday. I give a slight nod to Empire over Return, but I like both. A New Hope is okay, but its most redeeming quality is having to drink a beer/take a shot everytime Luke whines about something (But I was going to Taschi Station to pick up some power converters!).
  15. I found the show interesting to say the least, nothing too spectacular. I have seen Battlestar Galactica reruns on Sci/Fi and found the show to be okay. I liked how the space battles were done, pretty cool to watch, missile volleys very Macross. I think they could've done a better job with the Galactica, there was just something about it I didn't like. Story and characters were ehhhh. I'm just really watching for the space battles. That's the primary reason I ever watched sci-fi in the first place. The new designed "Mighty Robots of Battlestar Galactica" were pretty cool, definately kick the asses of the "Gay Robots from Star Wars".
  16. As everyone has said before, definately worth getting. The Yammie 1/48 is already a beautiful toy, adding the FAST Packs just takes the toy to a whole other level. Your valk is naked without them
  17. Hound looks pretty nice, 'cept he doesn't have the mounted gun like he did in Gen1. I could see Trailbreaker being made a Hummer. The triceratops is okay, nothing spectacular, definately reminiscent of Beast Wars. I personally am waiting for them to give a go at Jazz and Wheeljack.
  18. Little update for anyone who cares. I ended up picking up Mac7 and Space Battleship Yamato. I have finished Mac7, okay series, has its moments. I'm currently watching Yamato on and off, its pretty good, I'm enjoying it. I'm also now looking at getting into Big O and Initial D Second Stage (recently watched the first stage, loved it, laughed my ass off).
  19. Until I get three 1/48 yammies, I'll be constantly switching between the modes. I had my 1/48 low-vis in gerwalk mode with fastpacks for the longest time, but decided I needed to show it off in battroid mode. I usually don't keep it in fighter mode, just transform it whenever I wanna fly it around cuz I the gap under the cockpit unsightly. Need to get me some of those display stands.
  20. I was just looking at gunpod on my low-vis VF-1A and was wondering why does the gunpod extend when its being used by a valk in battroid mode? I'm guessing it helps compensate recoil and balances the gun more evenly in the valks hands. Also, in gerwalk mode, is the gunpod used in extended or compact mode?
  21. I've finished the series, the episode where they launch Operation Stargazer is probably my fave cuz of all the crazy mecha vs. mecha action, and Max breaks out the Blue VF-22. I was waiting for him to finally take it on himself to pilot a valk and get things done. The Varatu Valks are pretty cool, I like how they are based on the UN Spacy valks they captured. Anyway, for most of the series I didn't think there even was a love triangle at all. Not until the episode with the sound booster backpacks where they visually show the triangle did I realize wtf was going on. I also thought they'd go somewhere with the girl in the white dress with flowers but I guess not. As for the age thing, I figure it must be something with Japanese pop-culture or something. It does bother me when they go and fan-service these young girls, but it's so prevalent in anime I just tend to ignore it and pay more attention to the overall storyline of whatever show I'm watching.
  22. I was just thinking, in Macross they seem to fly in groups of three, always a group leader and two wingmen. We have Hikaru, Max, and Kakizaki in SDF Macross. In the beginning of Mac+ it seem to be Isamu and two other pilots in the beginning fighting the zentradi. In Mac7 Diamond and Emerald Squadron were composed of three planes. From my understanding, don't fighter squadrons break into pairs when engaging the enemy. I was just wondering if there was a reason behind the grouping of three valks in Macross.
  23. Okay, now that I just finished watching Macross 7 and Dynamite 7 I have a question. Mylene decided that she loves Basara and not Gamlin, but from what I understand, that never gets fully resolved, i.e. Basara & Mylene don't get together in the end. If thats the case, man, that sucks, I like to have the loose ends all tied up by the end of the series. I figured the semi love triangle between Basara/Mylene/Gamlin would get resolved, and it does I guess, but I don't like how it was done. Throughout the entire series I was half expecting something to happen with the girl in the white dress with flowers (either she gets with Basara or her and Gamlin get together since Mylene and Basara do). But it seems there's no clear cut resolution of that whole situation. Anyone have anything to say about that?
  24. I'm currently watching Macross 7 and had some questions. 1) Why does Battle 7 transform into a robot mode in order for it to fire the Macross Cannon. The only reason the SDF-1 transformed was because the fold systems vanished and that was the only way for them to fire the Macross Cannon. I thought that in the Megaroad series of colonization ships, they did away with the transformation, I assume those ships fire their cannon in a manner similar to how the Zentran/Meltran ships did in DYRL. I like the design of the Battle 7 in robot form, its pretty sweet, but it doesn't make sense to me from a practical standpoint. I figure its a homage to the original SDF-1. Any other ideas/opinions? 2) I have the FX version of the series and at the end of the discs, after I've watched all the episodes, there are these little shorts that seem to flesh out the story a little more. I've seen one showing Gamlin while he was training under Millia and another showing how the first group of humans were enslaved by the protodevlin. I was just wondering if the shorts were part of the series or added in afterwards.
  25. Hello everyone, I'm just posting my opinions on Macross 7. I'm kinda in the middle of the whole series right now, I find myself liking the series overall so far. It is very different from SDF Macross and Macross Plus. The show does start off pretty slow, but its finally picked up and has gotten pretty interesting. The music is definately an acquired taste, I don't find it too bad, but they just sing the same 4 or 5 songs all the time. Definately gets grating at times <_< . I really like the mecha, hope to one day see Yamato do some Mac7 mecha. Overall, after a slow start, I find myself liking Macross 7.
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