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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. I've seen some Star Wars Unleashed at Target, though they only had Obi-Wan. Oh, EBGames and GameCrazy might carry them too (I've seen McFarlane's at some EBGames, though mostly the sports ones)
  2. Just got my Alt Meister from Walmart.com today, he's pretty sweet overall. The colors are off on roof pillars and around the doors/windows. Its not too bad though, and I'll be keeping him in bot mode anyway, so its even less of a worry. My only real gripe is that it looks like they glued the handbrake on backwards. I know this is the case on some Alt Meisters over in the TFW2005 forum. Meister is nice enough for me that I might get the red version too, but I'll probably wait to see what the Decepticon version will look like. Grimlock is looking pretty nice as well, will definately be getting him because he's the new Mustang and he's Grimlock!!! Final question, any other sites to order Alternators from besides BigBadToystore.com and Walmart.com? I've been ordering from Walmart, but they don't pack them too well (Toy and plastic bag filled with air). My Dead-End came okay, but Meister's box was all crumpled on one corner. I heard BBTS packs pretty good, but I wanted to know if there were any other e-tailers around.
  3. Nice, I heard about the no-allergy cats. I'll try to keep the thread going, though this is from last week Ipod photo New Ipod with color screen to show photos. Frankly, I'll wait for the video Ipod thank you.
  4. I delved into Magic briefly during the unlimited days, got out of it after Arabian Nights expansion. I always thought you could only summon creatures after placing lands and before going into combat, but there are all these new-fangled rules and such nowadays. Anyway, Black Lotus's were $$$ back when I played and I'm pretty sure they're $$$$ today, especially since yours are from Unlimited. Check around, but you're holding a couple 1/48s with FPs in your hands there
  5. The game sounds pretty good overall, I'm anxious to play it, though it won't happen till about Christmas time for me (brother has PS2 on the opposite coast Me=CA, him=NJ) but I can wait. I hope by then the AC5 Flightstick package is still around, I think I'll be picking that up, well, depending on the price though. Question, can the stick be used with AC4? How about being able to possibly plug it into and use on the computer?
  6. I have yet to play San Andreas, but I'm a little dissapointed to hear about all the cussing and the wonky auto-aim. I hope to dialogue gets better, improves as the game progresses and you move out of the Los Santos area and into the back country, San Ferro and Las Venturas. The new auto-aim sounds pretty stupid, especially it locking onto car tires now. I think thats useless and not necessary. Can't you manual aim any weapon now, cuz then just manually aim for tires, no need to include that in the auto-aim. JsARCLIGHT, that tip you put up is definately useful, it'll help out alot. Also, you gotta practice hold the PS2 controller and using all your fingers. Ideally you should be using your pointer fingers on the L1 and R1 buttons and your middle fingers on the L2 and R2. I'm pretty sure most people (including myself) just use their pointer finger to push both shoulder buttons, which works fine in most games, but in GTA I got used to using both my pointer and middle fingers cuz it helped out alot in firefights.
  7. Looks good, I'm definately want to get at least 3, maybe more.
  8. I'm down for a couple of those at least
  9. how about James Bond, James Bond Jr!!! This show was just a ridiculous mess.
  10. neat, I'm always up for some good wuxia type movies. I'll keep my eye on this one.
  11. just a little update for myself since this thread has been ressurected: 1/48 = 1 VF-1S Hikaru with FPs 1/60 = 2 VF-1J Max VF-1J Millia 1/72 = 2 VF-11B FP YF-21 FP
  12. Original NES Contra, still haven't beaten it without dying, I have without using a continue or the 30 lives (up, up, down, down, left, right, B, A, Start will never be forgotten, ever). Always nice to pop it in the NES and blast away. I still play Civ2 and just recently finally got into Alpha Centauri. I fear the day I actually get Civ3, which was pretty awesome the times I've tried it. Soul Calibur 2 was the first and only fighting game I ever got into and tried to learn inside and out. Just an awesome game. GTA, been with the series since the top down days, was pretty cool then, but just evolved into the great game it is today (GTA: San Andreas looks to be the best one yet)
  13. Takatoku was the original company that first produced the 1/55 scale valks. They went out of business and Bandai bought the molds and produced them. This is all during the 80s when SDF Macross and DYRL were releases. Later on in I think the early 90s a Korean company, Joons, got the molds to the 1/55 scale valk and produced them then. The Joons valks are bootlegs/knockoffs and were never officially liscensed from Big West. Thats it in a nutshell.
  14. Yeah, I want Knight-Boat, the crime solving boat!!!!
  15. With all the talk of customized mecha in Mac7 and valks being owned by civilians in the Star Trek Syndrome thread, I want to see a new series follow like a mercenary/explorer bounty hunter group that fly their own "tricked" out valks. Have it set around the time period when Mac7 occurs so that we can get a nice selection of valks to work with (finally the VF-4 will get more significant screentime ). Have the characters work and interact with the seamy underside of the Macross Universe: bounties, hits, smuggling, pirating. I guess what I'm looking for is some kind of crazy combination of Macross, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star.
  16. Hmm, these are tempting, I've been looking for new sneaks anyway. I'm gonna have to check out the skateshops next time I got out. Around where I live, Camarillo CA, seems to be pretty big on skating, there were a couple shops close by on the Nike website.
  17. wow, the red certainly does look much brighter than the others pics I've seen. Still can't decide on which color still though.
  18. I've only played AC4 and I always though the "world" was a bit small in that game (being only like one major continent and surrounding islands). Never really thought too much about it, but now seeing the entire world, pretty cool. Since AC5 occurs in the same world, I willing to guess the plot involves two member nations of ISAF fighting each other after the conclusion of the ISAF-Erusean War is AC4. A scenario that might have occurred in real history after WW2 between the US and Soviet Union.
  19. Sweet, I think I might have to get the Giftset Extended ROTK just for Minas Tirith and Minas Morgul ends, they look awesome.
  20. Yeah, I think you're right David. The tankers definately look like they have less polys than the fighters. I hope that gets beefed up some in the final version. F-16XL Nice, I like that they included the "cranked-arrow" F-16. Mig-31? I'm pretty sure this is a Mig-31 because it makes more sense to include the Foxhound than the Mig-25 Foxbat; can someone verify? YF-23s escorting ? bomber Of all the images, this one intrigued me the most. YF-23s escorting that crazy looking stealth bomber. I haven't looked at any images from AC5 until now, the game looks great. The variety of planes is even better than AC4. I hope to see some wild and awesome paint schemes. I wonder if when you fly in 2 seat fighters (like the Tomcat) there will be chatter from your RIO. That would be a nice touch as long as what the RIO says is relevant and doesn't get too repetative. After seeing those pics from the game, I'm even more psyched about this game .
  21. From what I understand, Rising Sun was console only. Pacific Assault is PC only.
  22. Yeah, I think so. I read in the latest EGM that there will be in-flight refueling and take-offs and landings will be more difficult in this game compared to AC4.
  23. thats hot, they got the Monster in Mac0, SWEET!!! . I'm definately gonna try to catch up on Mac0.
  24. neat, I'll definately check this out as soon I iron out all the issues I'm having using bittorrent through a router.
  25. ah, I'm not digging Ravage as the Decepticon version of Tracks. Just looks fugly and stupid as hell. I like the Tracks Alternator design alot and was hoping for a cool Decepticon repaint; I like the black Corvette better than the blue. Though actually, I could just kitbash a head from some other Alternator, hmmm . . . .
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