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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. I heard they're still having problems with the flight control systems on the Osprey. The whole tilt-rotor mechanism seems to be more problematic than originally envisioned. I'm not up to snuff on my aviation news (honestly, this post is what keeps me up to date on most things involving aviation actually ). Someone with more knowledge on the subject could clarify for me.
  2. I'd like to see a cool wallpaper using polidread's awesome valk girls.
  3. Smiley424

    VF Girls

    Dangaioh, that looks pretty good for a wip, I'd like to see the finished product. I was wondering if you or polidread could use the ladies from Macross in these valk girls. I'd like to see Minmay, Misa, Millia (in her red VF-1J of course), Claudia, and the Bridge Bunnies . Also, even though this thread is for valk girls, I think a SDF-1 girl would kick ass ! Just a couple ideas for you guys, I know art takes time.
  4. Sounds interesting but everytime I hear "Warriors" being mentioned, I can only think of some 80s movie about gangs killing each other "Warriors, come out and play". Anyway, I was just watching History Channel show on the A-10 Thunderbolt (Warthog) and I noticed how the Avenger cannon when fired sounds almost like the Gu-11 gunpod. I just thought that was neat. Onto the actual topic now. If this has been brought up before, excuse me for not going back.through the entire thread A-4 vs F-5 (whatever versions you guys think match closest campabilities wise) In a close-in knife fight. I think the two are very evenly matched in this kind of battle.
  5. Toy still looks cool and interesting, but I think I'm waiting for someone here who's definately getting the Koenig Monster to snap some more close-up and detailed pics before I decide on this one. Right now it looks like either Koenig Monster or 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru me.
  6. yeah, they look pretty cool and all, I've been thinking about getting them for a while. The best point to get them I think is the fact that WST Megatron in gun mode fits in 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime's hand .
  7. nice job on the recast as always Rohby. For me, a neutral gray is fine, but if you want to give us more colors, thats cool too . Wheeljack, I dunno, I kinda like it, kinda don't. I'm waiting for more finalized pics of him and Shockwave before I decide.
  8. OT, KOTOR related. From what I understood, Revan and Malek fought against the Mandalorians. It's Jolee who fought in the Sith Wars with Exar Kun and Nomi Sunrider.
  9. either way, its a pretty cool looking photoshop. on a side note, Alternators and other Transformers are on sale at Target. Like 15% off on Trasformers. The $17 Alts compelled me to buy Silverstreak. Now's hoping they'll drop Grimlock on Friday, pick him up finally.
  10. hmm, I thought the red alpha had a more deeper wine red color. maybe I'm just thinking of the gekken alphas. I'm still on the fence about getting the MPC Alpha. I'll probably go for the standard green variant if I do decide to get it.
  11. Smiley424

    VF Girls

    awesome work polidread!
  12. Honestly, any of them would be cool IMO, but I voted for my valk, the VF-4.
  13. Right now we have Grimlock as new Mustang and Swindle as a yellowr Jeep (repainted Hound) out right now, or in the near future. Only confirmed future Bin/Alts are Windcharger(?) as a Honda S2000 and Battle Ravage as a black Corvette repaint of Tracks. Binaltech/Alternators webpage The above site is a pretty good one which keeps tabs on Binaltech/Alternators.
  14. Huzzah!!!! This is what I've been waiting for . Time to pick up that non-fp 1/48 VF-1J I've been putting off. Or maybe I should get the reissue VF-1S Roy. Either way, I'm definately getting the 1/48 GBP, no doubt about that.
  15. I'm gonna check out the Val Surf store in Thousand Oaks, CA this week, most likely Wednesday. If they have any, I'll pick up a couple. I'll post back with confirmation if they do have any available or not.
  16. Definately the name factor is the biggest reason I think. Robotech is just the known name of Macross in the USA. You'd think with the internet these days (They have the internet on computers now ) people would do some more research, especially since alot of auctions on ebay use robotech and macross synonymously. I remember seeing Robotech on TV in my youth and I owned a Jetfire. Years later, I end up on ebay looking up Jetfires and find Bandai Macross Valks going for insane prices (this was around the whole Toycom deal, during the tough times of Macross collecting). DL entire Robotech series, just an awful mess, bleeding ears from Reba West singing, etc. On a whim decide to look into this "Macross" people keep metioning in some auctions for valks. Find the old MacrossWorld Forum, discover Mac+ and the rest is history. Toynami Veritech is okay, but definately not worth retail $80. I'm tempted to get the Jack Archer YF-1R cuz of the color scheme and its animation error head. Plus its going for $30-$40 on ebay, not a bad price.
  17. Yeah, 3000GT is a bit overrated IMO, its too heavy. I think the Acura RSX or Mitsubishi Eclipse would be a good Cliffjumper.
  18. since some of us have been putting up pics of G1 Devastator and SuperLink Devastator, here's a crazy awesome looking resin/diecast Devastator statue prototype for auction on EBAY being talked about over in the TWF2005 forums. Awesome Devastator Statue The detailing is just sick!
  19. here's my rant on Darth Maul. he gets sliced in half by Obi-Wan at end of episode 1. Okay, thats fine. Then they set up for the start of what war, the CLONE wars. why Darth Maul is not cloned and reincarnated is a mystery to me. General Grievious, looks cool, but definately comes out of left field. I just don't know what to expect from him/it.
  20. I heard the trailer or whatever makes this movie look cheesier than stuffed crust pizza, but thats what my friend said . The Thing looks funny in the pics, I can't tell how big he is, but I always thought The Thing was around the size of the Hulk. Not as big, but close in size.
  21. I played the demo, its alright, just another FPS. It was definately choppy and the AI wasn't all too bright, but that could've been because it was a demo.
  22. Nice, I gotta hand it to Lucus, he knows how to put together a good trailer. Will most likely go see this.
  23. Southpaw Samuarai, I whole heartedly agree with you about the Battle of Minas Tirith. In the movie, it didn't feel as long and drawn out as it should have been. In the books, the seige of Gondor lasted for weeks, right? (sorry, I haven't read ROTK since before I saw it in theaters) In the movie it seemed much much shorter than that. It just wasn't built up as well as it was in the book. And the whole thing with the Army of the Dead and how they dissed some secondary characters from the book who I thought were kick-ass and hoped to be in the movie (Prince Imrahil anyone?). Okay, enough of my rant on ROTK, I could go on all day . Even with all my gripes, I still enjoyed the trilogy, what they got right they did pretty well. I'm excited to see the extra footage in the extended edition, hopefully it'll make me like ROTK better, but like 1st Border Red Devil, I think Fellowship of the Ring was th best one of the three. Also, I like what they did with the Special Extened ROTK with the sculptures of Minas Tirith and Minas Morgul, I think I might get the Special Extended ROTK.
  24. looks really nice. I too have been following on and off since the Homeworld 1 mod, now I must go find HW2
  25. yeah, thats utter nonsense to have exo-squad toys for that much. I remember when those things were on clearance for like $5, even the bigger E-Frames, should got some then.
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