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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. Hmm, interesting. Definately bloody as hell, though it looks to me like it'll be more along the lines of Rambo III over the top action than Rambo First Blood (which I just watched on TV, better than I remember).
  2. I read that Fearless was supposed to be his last "period-piece" martial arts movie, that he'll still be making "modern" martial arts films like War and Unleashed. After seeing this trailer for Warlords thought, I'm not so sure.
  3. I read in Wizard or somewhere about how they recently finished filming the destruction of the Tumbler in this movie, so I wonder if ol Bats will be acquiring a new vehicle for this movie or what. I really like Eckhart as Harvey Dent and I'm curious to see if it'll be green hair, white skin Joker throughout the film, or if we'll see a transformation (cold-blooded serial killer to homicidal maniac cold blooded serial killer). Also I would like some more detecting on Batman's part. Some new gadgets won't hurt either (just nothing too or convenient).
  4. anyone looking for a good Star Wars story, check out the Star Wars Legacy graphic novel that's supposed to come out May 2. It's set 150+ after the Battle of Yavin and the story revolves around a descendant of Luke Skywalker, Cade Skywalker, who gave up being a Jedi and using the Force after the Sith destroyed the Jedi Order. The Sith are led by Darth Krayt, who defied Sith teachings and revoked the "Rule of Two". The New Empire is also a player, led by Emperor Roan Fel (I assume he's a descendant Baron Fel from Rogue Squadron) who have their own group of Force-users, the Imperial Knights. They are loyal first to the Emperor, not the Jedi Order or the Force, and use identical grey-bladed lightsabers.
  5. Interesting. I see that it's in the Timm-verse animation style. I wonder if it'll be tied into that universe (Doomsday escapes from the Phantom Zone somehow). Though AFAIK these DC DVD movies are supposed to follow the comics more closely (Lois looks different in the trailer that she does in Adv of Superman and Justice League). Looking forward to this plus the Teen Titans one based on the Judas Contract storyarc.
  6. If you accept Star Wars EU, then last I checked, Chewie died in the first book of the New Jedi Order series. Never got into the NJO or anything after that, so I have no idead about Legacy of the Force series. I do suggest people check out the comic Star Wars Legacy, though it has not been collected into a graphic novel yet. Also, check out the new Knighs of the Old Republic series, first graphic novel just came out. Though it stars a different jedi padawan, it touches into storylines from KOTAR the game. Its set during the Mandolorian War and we get to see some pre-Sith Revan and Malak. I think its very well done, fans of KOTAR the game should check it out.
  7. Cap's death should've been at the end of Civil War and not in the individual issue of Captain America IMHO. He will come back, but hopefully not a for a couple years, but since there's a Captain America movie coming, I'll say sometime around when that hits theaters. Anyway, hope that either Punisher or Bucky or both take up Cap's mantle. I'm looking forward to DC's WW3, but shouldn't it be WW3 version 4.0 or something like that? For better political/social commentary in a comic, check out DMZ from Vertigo, very well done.
  8. yeah man, the last issue of Civil War was disappointing. I was really intrigued and totally got into Civil War, but the payoff just wasn't there, just like House of M. It kinda just ended. Okay, so Spider-Man outed himself but aside from that and the death of Goliath (C-grade character, at best) nothing really happened to the Marvel U. Even Reed and Sue Richards didn't split up for long. I was waiting for for the Stamford Mom to reveal herself as Loki and Thor to make his return (officially, not just picking up Mjolnir and disappearing in a bolt of lightning), but I guess not. Also, I figured the Marvel Illuminati would be outed at some point during the Civil War. I don't know how I feel about Marvel right now, I may just start sticking with the Ultimate Universe from now on (I smell Ultimate/regular Marvel U crossover coming).
  9. Ditto on both points. Everytime I look at pics, I like it less and less.
  10. Man, at that price, I may have to pick one up. I'm still unsure about the whole controller until I actually get a chance to use it myself. All the video I'm seeing makes it look really good though.
  11. Hey, Season 8 has the episode with Hank Scorpio. That episode is in my Top 5 and may be my favorite Simpsons' episode ever. I think that episode alone makes Season 8 worth getting. As to the movie, I do agree it's 10 years too late, but I'll probably go see it anyway.
  12. I'll second that one. I just recently finished watching Season 2. I think the best part about JL and JLU are the fights. Like when Supes and the Justice Lords threw down with Doomsday. Or later in JLU when Superman and Captain Marvel fought. On a side note, I'm eagerly awaiting the Absolute Edition of Kingdom Come which is supposed to drop in August.
  13. Good to see someone else is following TF comics at least. Yeah, I agree with you on Ej Su. His work is okay, but nothing spectacular. I guess he has a following in the TF community. I really like Joe Ng's work on TF vs GIJOE and the story overall 'cept I wanted to see some panels of Omega Supreme duking it out with Menasor and the two other Decepticon gestalts (I forget which ones they were). Anyway, just needed to move away from MP Starscream talk. Also, Devastator as ONE M1 Abrams Tank = Not a good Transformers Movie
  14. I'm still buying a MP Starscream, but I'm not as excited about it as I was initially. Alt Mirage looks awesome, I'll definately be picking one up, if I can find one that is. Anyone reading the current IDW Transformers comic? I thought the Infiltration arc was wrapped up nicely with Megatron vs. Starscream. I do have a question about the Stormbringer comic that just started this week. Is this is a continuation of the War Within storyline from Dreamwave? That's what I'm guessing, but in the story, they reference the Infiltration storyarc in Stormbringer. Optimus gets a emergency transmission from Earth and he refers to it as Prowls command sector which is how it is in Infiltration.
  15. Damn, my wallet was half hoping my valk obsession had passed. I was able to resist picking up any of the new 1/48s or the VF-OS. But a 1/60 YF-19 is a must have for me.
  16. Thanks Chowser for the response. You know what, I Youtubed luxeon and got your video. I noticed the Robotech boxes in the background and I half-guessed that if might be a MWer's video. I think I'm gonna pick up the youngling saber and check it out.
  17. so Chowser, is are these guys conversions legit? As in are they stronger and more durable than the normal FX sabers? Also, do they still light up the way lightsabers are supposed to? I'm very interested in them, just wanted to know your opinions and anyone else for that matter.
  18. The art in All-Star Superman is done by Frank Quitely. The first issue he drew Supes a little off for me, but he's refined him in subsequent issues, so he looks better to me now. I really like his art, have been a fan since him and Morrison did New X-Men. The art and the story go well together.
  19. If it wasn't for Jim Lee's art, I would've stopped buying All-Star Batman already. Story is moving along at a snail's pace; I can't believe it took that long for them to get to the batcave. All-Star Superman on the otherhand is very good. I just recently started reading comics and Grant Morrisons is one of best writers out there IMO. Civil War recently kicked off for Marvel; the first issue was sick! I found new respect for Cap, he tore S.H.E.I.L.D. a new one.
  20. Yup, large sized Marvel Legends figures. I'm eagerly awaiting Iron-Man, I'll check out the others too, but IM is my fave. I heard they're a late summer/fall release.
  21. It's like a helmet or something. Like a part of his armor that he dons.
  22. Ya, I heard it was the usual Sci-Fi Channel business. I'm excited about this one though, some movies just need to be animated. If you're gonna use CGI, you better have at least a LOTR or King Kong budget to pull it off.
  23. nice little vid. I was wondering what happenned to Warhawk; it was one of my favs on PS1 and dissapointed it wasn't on PS2.
  24. Nice, I'm gonna have to check this out
  25. I concur with Shin and Isamu that Whedon's Astonishing X-Men is an excellent on-going series to check out. New X-Men by Morrison is also very good read also. If you're looking for some good recent Wolverine, check out Wolverine: Enemy of the State by Millar. I found the story pretty cool involving the Hand, Hydra, S.H.E.I.L.D., Daredevil, Elektra, and the X-Men. It's two volumes with volume 2 only in HC right now I believe. Also, All-Star Superman #3 just came out and I really like what Grant Morrison is doing. It's a different take on Supes and I really like it. Also, the story is moving along nicely unlike All-Star Batman and Robin which hasn't gone anywhere since issue 1. Three issues in and Batman and Robin are still in the Batmobile! WTF!?!?!
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