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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. Check the forth topic from the top, it has links to steps to do it for the FX DVD as well. I followed the directions and it worked perfectly for me. I don't know about the Bandai R2 DVD though. The subtitles really clear up everything compared to the regular subs on the FX version.
  2. yeah, the WildCATS relaunch has been shelved for now because Jim Lee couldn't meet deadlines. He's why All-Star Batman just recently got back on track after a year. Also, I understood Spidey's rationale in the JMS arc, but he made a big deal about the Black Suit and how he needed to be rougher, tougher, and meaner than before so the ending was a bit anti-climatic to me.
  3. All Star Superman is how Marvel should be doing the Ultimate line; keep the basics the same but then let the writer do whatever. That book turned me on to Grant Morrison and now having read some of his other work (The Filth, WE3, Uncanny X-Men) the man has a very creative mind. I also love what Miller is doing on All Star Batman. He's possibly crazy, hurts criminals for kicks, and doesn't mind criminals dying while he tries to save the innocent. I feel like the Ultimate line doesn't take as much risks, changes in the characters as the All-Star line does. Don't get me wrong, the Ultimate line is pretty good for the most part (I read Ultimates) but I just like All Star much, much better.
  4. Really, is that the direction they are taking mainline Spider-Man. God, comics just can't ever change huh? I agree with you Shin, I recently jumped into Spider-Man because he went black but jumped off again after he confronted Kingpin and did not kill him. A man takes a shot at you and instead shoots one of the most important person in your life, critically wounding her, and you go to all this trouble to not kill him. I know these are superhero books and things don't ever change, but I'll complain about it all the same. Sinestro War is pretty awesome, I'm loving it for the most part. My only problem is I feel like Kyle Rayner got turned pretty easily. I was expecting him to unleash as Ion and tear up a pretty good number of the Sinestro Corps. Also, with Superboy Prime on their side, how's the Green Lantern Corps going to win? The ENTIRE Corps couldn't stop him at the end of Infinite Crisis, so what about now with the Sinestro Corps picking off GLs left and right. Currently my number 1 book is Fables and Jack of Fables. The whole fairy tale characters living in our modern world got me hooked and now that is looks like the war between the Fables in Exile and the Adversary is heating up. I recommend Fables to anyone who likes good writing.
  5. I mean really, how can they not have gotten Sabbath's Iron Man for the movie. Actually, I'm curious to see if the song is actually in the movie, or is just being used in trailers and stuff. Still, that made the trailer 100x's better ending like that.
  6. I voted for the good ol M1. Pretty much right now, I think all the contemporary tanks are similar in performance and armament and it comes down to whose crew is better trained. First one to get a shot off is the victor.
  7. WOW, that's all I can say about the first video. Respect to those guys for going out on stage and doing that in front of such a big crowd. Most respect to Gerwalk guy cuz he actually showed his face. Would've been better if Regult guy did the Minmei side to side dance
  8. Funny article I saw on Yahoo news Rich Russian tries to buy B-52
  9. In my opinion, I don't need the Big 3 in the JLA (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman) but I'm fine with it if they are. I feel that the JLA should always have the following 3 characters: Green Lantern (Hal Jordan prefered) Flash Martian Manhunter
  10. Nice, I really like the WWI designs, especially Grimlock and the Dinobots.
  11. Good to hear. Some things just can't be done live action. I'm glad that they've finally figured that one out with the Dr. Seuss properties (though I still disagree with taking a 10-20 page book and making a 2 hour movie out of it) like Horton Hears a Who. Big budget CGI would make a great JLA movie.
  12. Nice, the most advanced weapons devised by science, but I must do wheelies to aim my weapons to the sky
  13. Wow, as much as it seems that all the posts praise GI Joe Extreme as the most adult Joe show, I can't take that show seriously with an intro like that. I just keep going back to the South Park episode Chinpokomon and "Alabama Man".
  14. Nice, nice, how's the Judge Dredd figure and Savage Dragon, those are the only two I'm really interested in. Any accessories or anything? Also, I'm pissed because i just found out the Absolute Edition of Watchmen is OOP and I'm not paying a $50 markup for it ($75 coverprice, $125 on Amazon/Ebay). It is truly a nice tome, any fan of Watchmen should pick it up because of how nicely they've cleaned up everything compared to the regular paperback.
  15. No way, with the money Transformers made, I'm pretty sure every studio is picking up whatever 80s cartoon movie rights that are out there. Same deal with the studios picking up all the comics after X-men hit it big. It's not a matter of if, but who and when.
  16. oops, got ahead of myself, that's what happens when one doesn't read a post completely. anyway, so there isn't a comprehensive documentary on the Yf-22 vs Yf-23. Well, I guess since that program was during the Cold War and everything was kept under wraps as much as possible (not a project to sell planes like the JSF is). Would love to see one though.
  17. it's either the head is too small, the hands are too big, or a combination of the two. the figure looks all out of proportion, though it could be from the way the pictures are taken.
  18. Nice, I'm very pleased so far with everything I've seen in regards to this movie. I like how the original grey suit looked in the SDCC clip and the mockup they had there. To me, there's something off about the helmet, I can't quite place it. Maybe it's just the angle. I wonder about the red/gold suit, if there will be a physical suit or just pieces like the gauntlet from the previously posted pic.
  19. I know what you're talking about baronv, I remember watching it on TV. Ah, here's a link, I think this is it Amazon Nova Battle of the X-Planes. I knew X-Plane was in the title. I think this is it.
  20. Yes, that is correct AFAIK the Mig-29 has/had these covers which would cover up the main intakes for the engines (under belly intakes) and other vents would open on top. Actually though, from what I understand, the intake covers were not completely solid, but something more along the lines of a metal mesh or something like that to prevent sucking in debris (birds and such).
  21. At first I figured the movie would be cheesy Hollywood attempt to cash in on the LOTR Fantasy craze, but with Gaiman doing the adaptation and the cast, I'm giving this more of a chance.
  22. Nice little teaser (saw on youtube, wasn't shown with my screening of Simpsons the Movie ) Didn't give away anything, but got me all excited about the movie.
  23. I personally would like to see Lion Voltron and Vehicle Voltron done by Revoltech with accessories. Plus spring loaded fists and detachable chopper blades on Vehicle Voltron.
  24. Nice pics, both Downey Jr with the glove and the Original suit. I like how even the Red Gold suit glove is sleeker than the silver, but still bulky, as it should be.
  25. No idea really, and I collect the IDW comic series. Maybe Infiltration is Volume 1, though Optimus Prime comes to Earth at the end of the book, so I would think Stormbringer occurs before or overlaps with events in Infiltration. I work at a bookstore and I know we have these in stock so I'll check out the numbering and see if I can figure out something. Those new figures for the new animated show look interesting. I'm still holding judgement on the show until I actually see it. I don't agree with the animation style being used, but if the story is decent/good, it'll work for me. I initially hated WB Superman and Batman because I didn't like the animation style used, but the stories won me over and now I'm a big fan of those shows as well as Justice League/Justice League Unlimited.
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