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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. Nice, love those pics of sonic boom plumes.
  2. The Hyundai reminds me of a shrunken down G35 coupe and the Kia looks too much like the current Honda Civic.
  3. He will always be Ted Theodore Logan in my eyes
  4. You have to take into account that the movie probably crammed together a whole season of story into 2 hours. Also, maybe Whedon had an entirely different idea for the Reavers since he was more or less forced to end the TV series with the film.
  5. He's going to somehow figure out Setsuna is a Meister being that they are neighbors and all.
  6. Hopefully this series doesn't go that route. Patrick just seems to blast off like Team Rocket from Pokemon (maybe he'll finally get his due one day).
  7. hmmm, I think I may have to pick up the all plastic version with stand. If the plastic quality is good, I figure I can get some better posability out of this version.
  8. It's nice to see Snyder doing an animated short of Tales of the Black Freighter. I think the animated short should be included with the film, either before or after, instead of just having it as a DVD extra. Costumes are okay, bit too superhero-ish for my tastes.
  9. Looks like the MGS 4 bundle will be the 80 gb version, but the release is still unknown (I see late Q2 2008 and June 2008) which is too late as graduation is in May. Still a nice bundle, may have to get that for myself
  10. Okay, so does anyone know what's up the the 80 gb version? I've been checking online lately and it seems to be out of stock everywhere. I'm thinking about getting one for my bro for graduation but all I see are 40 gb ones. I might just end up getting the 40 gb one as he's modded his PS2 so he'll still need it to play his import games and such anyway. Just curious if any knew the reason the 80 gb is sold out.
  11. Nice idea but I'd rather see Bandai come up with an entirely new design for the VF-1 series instead of breaking out the old classic mold (which they already did for the Vf-1J, Super Vf-1S, and M&Ms).
  12. Boeing is good for the big stuff; transports, airliners. Yeah, I know what you're saying about Boeing. My cousin works for Boeing over in Long Beach where they produce the C-17 Globemaster. Anyway, he has this poster "100 years of Boeing Aviation" or something like that. About 75% or more of the planes/rockets pictured are Boeing planes because they bought whatever company originally produced them.
  13. Smiley424

    VF Girls

    Nice, can't wait to see how that turns out.
  14. Nice, were you trying to take down the B-52 with your gun or just got too close to the tail while lining up a shot?
  15. After picking up the Absolute Edition of Watchmen recently(gorgeous, anyone who's is a fan should pick up a copy) I just don't see how the movie can be good. At best it'll be a summary of the book.
  16. True, I'm just thinking out and speculating like crazy . I also think Ali knows more than he lets on (I don't think he's just a merc that loves war).
  17. I'm curious to see if there is one grand puppet master pulling everyone's strings, from Sir Alejandro to Celestial Being, to the Trinities, Wang Liu Mei, Ali, the Union, HRL, and AEU. If so, this is manipulation at a Palpatine-eqsue level. Perhaps this Veda (super computer? A.I.?) is the one behind everything and everything concerning stolen data is all a front.
  18. Mockup looks promising enough, now the wait for an actual transforming prototype.
  19. Smiley424

    Macross Revoltech

    Definitely getting a Regult or three . Not sure about the 19 and 21 though, I'll have to see some more pics. If they do a Qrau, they need to do a TV Milia and a TV Max.
  20. Nice pic, but I'll be waiting to see something more substantial before I splurge on this guy. It is my fave Destroid, but I want to wait and see what details the figure includes (opening missile pods, recoiling arm cannons, etc).
  21. I'm thinking that Graham's scientist friend will retrofit the GN drive into his Flag thereby keeping his promise to defeat the Gundams with his Flag. Still waiting on episode 20 to get subbed.
  22. Nice except the missile pods on the VF-1S look like one is stacked on top of the other.
  23. I'll be picking up a PT 1/60 but I'm not sure if I want to get the Roy VF-1S. M & M VF-1Js for sure though. I'm hoping to see a TV Max and then hopefully see a TV Millia Q-rau to go with it.
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