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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. A light hearted and fancyfree episode to help bring us down from the Mecha porn of last episode. I had fun with the episode, the humor was well done, very slapstick with Sheryl slamming into the walls left and right. Everything involving Luca had me chuckling as well. Ranka has me rooting for her, I'm always a sucker for the underdog I didn't think mystery boy would appear so soon, but here he is with his harmonica. Looks like we also get a Gubaba type in the the green squirrel thing that took Sheryl's panties, another plus. Nice touch making the VF-1 on the roof of the school 011 a la Hikaru's VF-1A in DYRL.
  2. We can remake them, we have the technology
  3. Watched episode 7 and for the most part loved it. Nice action, the Konig Monster sequence was killer I liked how the battle played out along with Sheryl's farewell concert. So now we have a triangular conflict to go along with the love triangle, interesting I liked how noobish Alto was in the battle being caught up in everything around him; kid needs to develop better situational awareness lest that gets him killed (oh wait he's protected by Plot Armor ) I do have issues with the Macross 1/4 sequence, the only thing that saved it was small size of the ship allowed me to give it the benefit of the doubt. If the ship was Battle 7 size or so, I would have called shenanigans. I liked how in SDF:M it was explained that the ship needed to transform to fire the main guns. I don't like that they continued the idea of transforming cap ships in Macross 7 with Battle 7. It's not a deal breaker or anything, just a minor annoyance to me. Were those fixed gun turrets on the Macross 1/4 or were they Cheyenne type Destroids?
  4. sorry, some things just can't be live action, just can't. This is one of them. Another is Dr. Seuss. I'm glad they finally realized that and went CGI with the new one. I still have a problem with taking a 15 page book and turning it into a 2 hour movie.
  5. I liked episode 6 as it helps build up to the Itano Circus fest that will be episode 7 The animation was off on this episode, hope it doesn't get any worse becomes less frequent. I loved the end sequence with Sheryl singing and the launching of the Macross 1/4, can't wait to see that baby in action. As for who's going to die, my money is on Klan Klan. No particular reason.
  6. Saw it today and loved it. I put it up there with Batman Begins and Spidey 1 as my favorite comic-book movies (with an edge as I'm a big Shellhead fan). Downey Jr did a great job as Tony Stark and the way Stark was portrayed in the movie was spot on. The rest of the cast did their jobs and I still hate Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts but she did fine and the sexual tension between the two was a great inclusion from the comics. Next movie will be kickass as IM will be more proficient in use of his suit and fully powered, War Machine will be in it (I hope), possibility of multiple suits (have a soft spot for the Hulkbuster Armor), and Mandarin as the villain FTW (at least keep the Fu Manchu) Tidbit at the end of the credits was great.
  7. Just finished episode 5, I loved it It was very well done and beatifully drawn. Seeing the Zentradi living full sized in their own Island was awesome and I concur on the hippobovines, I want a plush one now Alot of details about the Frontier Fleet and Vajra are revealed, nice. Sheryl came off pretty well in this episode, I'm already sad for whichever girl is not the one in the end Next episode should be balls to the walls action, I can't wait.
  8. don't know if this was mentioned before but I just saw an ad for these in one of my comics 3 3/4" Indy Action Figures from Hasbro Looks like they're going to span all four movies and being as they're made by Hasbro should be on par with the GI Joe and Star Wars figures. Too small for my tastes, plus I'm afraid I'll start buying GI Joes and Star Wars figures if I start getting these.
  9. I know Gandalf had some adventures fighting the Necromancer (who turned out to be Sauron I think) or something along those lines. Don't know about anything else though. Someone else more up on their Tolkien can probably clarify.
  10. For this show it's called "American kids can't identify with the non-American as the main character, we must re-tool the show to make the American the star and superior to his companions"
  11. Price drop, I like the sound of that, and a quieter PS3.
  12. Just watched Episode 4, loved it. Some nice action scenes in Alto's final test, nice to see the updated Q-Rau. Ranka singing "My Boyfriend's a Pilot" gelled very well with the action and was another nice homage to SDF:M. I especially like the part where Alto and Klan Klein are fighting and they draw a heart that matches up with the lyrics, nice touch Alto doing the kabuki pose after his first kill was priceless. My only minor nitpick is that there are more anime cliches and fanservice than I'm used to seeing in Macross but it wasn't too distracting and the comedic ones were nice (Luca ducking out to give Ranka and Alto some alone time had me laughing out loud). Even though Ranka didn't win Miss Macross, I think she'll get some new opportunities just from the exposure (I'm sure some music producer saw her performance and thinks she could be the new Sheryl). Loving the series so far, looks like they're going to lay on the Love Triangle heavy and thick from the get go. I hope that in the end when Alto chooses (and he better choose, I don't want no Macross 7 crap) it's not too melodramatic and over the top. I see that Luca has eyes for Nanase (who I like better than Sheryl and Ranka looks wise) and I think Mikhail should take up the Roy Focker SuperPimp mantle (showed some of that in episode 1).
  13. Episode 3 was pretty sweet. I liked the little break in action and seeing more character development and other tidbits. The shelter scene was a nice homage to SDFM and DYRL and the jokes and back in forth between Altoh and Sheryl had me laughing. I hope to see Ranka belt out some Minmay classics in the Miss Macross competition. Little Monster tease and the Q-rau tease at the next episode preview have me wanting more. I find Leon, the President's aide to be very shady. I just get that vibe from him.
  14. I really like how it seems that the VF-25 can take on different packs for different roles. So far we've seen a Super Pack, Heavy Weapons Pack (a la GBP), Sharpshooter Pack (though we don't get a clear pic of Michel's valk so he could just have different gunpod though I would assume some more specialized sensors to go along with it) and Elint Pack. It also seems that there is some tactile feedback in the control stick when Altoh goes to pick up Ranka with the valk. While it does add some tension to the scene what about after when Altoh is escaping? Does the system automatically lock itself so that if Altoh is holding the control stick tightly (which I assume he does as he is doing some crazy moves to try and escape the Vajra) he doesn't crush what he's holding?
  15. Yeah, I wondered about that too. I think it probably has something to do with Alto switching from Theater to Piloting as his major at school. Just rewatched episode 2 and loved the mecha action at the beginning. Ozma using the transformation abilities of the VF-25 to avoid fire was nice. I always felt the valks should be constantly transforming to keep the enemy on their toes. I especially loved Alto flying the 25 in gerwalk mode (always felt gerwalk mode was under-used and under-appreciated). The Itano Circus just have me chills, pure awesomeness . I have to agree with Graham and Mr. March about the background music. The music is extremely well done and complements whatever is happenning in the scene, be it Alto saving Ranka to the Mayor scene after the battle to Sheryl sneaking out to find Alto. I hope they release a CD with just the score. The intro is really growing on me, I caught myself humming it at work. I hope to see Sheryl or Ranka do some Minmay songs.
  16. Am I right to assume that there has never been an Obi-wan in Clonetrooper armor action figure from the Clone Wars animated series? I know there is a statue/bust and 12 inch doll from Sideshow but never a 3 3/4 action figure?
  17. Just finished watching Episode 2 from Gattai. Loved episode 2, nice nods of SDFM/DYRL as well as Mac7. Liked the idea of Michel having the sniper rifle but could do without the superfluous opening of the weapon (if you saw the episode, you'll know what I'm talking about). I really liked seeing Luca piloting the EW pack VF-25. Looks like the VF-25 is able to perform different roles by attaching different packs, sweet. I like the picture quality of the Gattai version and since I don't know Japanese, I can't nitpick the subs, but they worked for me. Another thing, when I first got the Gattai version and played on VLC, the playback was extremely jerky. I then downloaded Zoom Player and now have no problems.
  18. Yeah, the reveal for who Darth Krayt pretty much was the reason I stopped reading Legacy; I just didn't care for it at all. Also the KOTOR comic started off very well but now it seems like they are dragging out the story, but I'll be sticking with it for the time being. Sorry to derail a bit. I do find myself always checking out the SW toys but never bought any. Just trying to prioritize my spending and I don't need another drain on my income . I would've been all over the Darth Revan and Malak figures, but those never even made it to the shelves as far as I'm concerned (damn scalpers ). They should make more KOTOR figures, I'd be all over them.
  19. Just rewatched Casino Royale last night, kick-ass. I'm excited about this next installment though the title is kind of out there (though I'm sure the movie plot will explain it's significance).
  20. Surprise, surprise 787 delayed again Though I do have to admit, I think the 787 is one nice looking airliner. I don't keep up on airliners so I haven't really studied pics of the plane until seeing the news today.
  21. I'm digging the "A" head and I hope they don't go Kakizaki with Luca, give him more than that.
  22. Ah, now that you mention it, I think I recall them going over that about Lichty. So in the preview for Season 2, is that Graham with the metal face mask? And is that Alejandro they show drinking as well? Man, some folk just can't die.
  23. Waiting for an english sub to drop but did catch the intro and ending on youtube. I liked both intro and end, intro had some nice bits; Bridge Bunnies , transformed Battle Frontier (that's what I'm calling the fighting section of the colony ship unless there is an official designation), reinforcement of the love triangle between Alto, Sheryl, and Lanca. I liked the morph into flightsuit for Alto and Ozma, nice touch. Intro music gave me a Macross 7 vibe while the ending was reminiscent of Voices from Mac+.
  24. So I just finished the last episode, fun to watch but overall left me feeling "eh". Corner busting out that uber Gundam and then Graham coming in outta left field just didn't feel right. It felt like "okay its the end of the season, everyone has to die or suffer debilitating injuries and everything blows up". Also I'm a bit confused I do like the new relationship revealed between Allelujah and Soma Peries.
  25. I like the graphic style they are using, realistic but still cartoony, keeps the spirit of GTA. I wonder if this game will tie into the older GTAs (probably some cameos and such)
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