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Everything posted by Smiley424

  1. Question for PC RPG players. Anyone here ever play a game called The Witcher? I'm tempted to get the Enhanced Edition to tide me over RPG wise until Dragon Age gets released (can't wait for some good old Bioware goodness). Just noticed there is a demo so I'm downloading as I type. Still anyone with any thoughts and opinions I'd love to hear them.
  2. I hope Bioware does not screw us and comes up with something epic for ME2. I hope they revamp some things (NPCs should only carry weapons they can use) and give me some Mako vehicle vs vehicle combat.
  3. Haven't played it in a while, but I did not notice too much difference. The touch screen is used to access your inventory and during battles, but you can just use the d-pad and buttons. According to one review, there are some tweaks to the translation but I did not notice anything major. Still one of the best RPGs ever, I need to get back to it. I believe I just got back to the past from the future with Robo.
  4. So anyone here have any of the Sideshow 12 inch figures? I'm really tempted by the General Obi-wan Kenobi in Clone Trooper armor. I love Obi-wan in the armor and was sorely disappointed when he wasn't wearing it in Episode 3 at all
  5. $299 is a nice price for the PS3 and I would be all over this, but the announcement of the Yamato SDF-1 and Bandai Macross Quarter pics have put any thoughts of the PS3 on the back burner for now.
  6. Woo, all kinds of wonderful items were announced Launch Day including the Macross Quarter. Looks great so far, I'm waiting for more pics and details. I haven't been this excited over Macross Toys since Yamato announced the original 1/60 valks after the whole Toycom debacle. Love what I see so far and can't wait to see more.
  7. Looks pretty nice, though I'm holding out for a Virgin Road variant. OmegaD3k's idea though does tempt me
  8. I hope the "Next" is a VF-25S Full Armor set. That's what I'm really waiting for. I know I'll eventually get the Alto or Ozma, but holding out for the Full Armor.
  9. Man, I take a break from the Macross World for a couple days and everything gets dropped all at once For now I'm all for this version at the current scale and price point. At the least Yamato should add the main cannon firing sound effect. Can't wait to see more of this massive sucker.
  10. the bandai has become an eventual buy for me rather than an immediate buy. I like it enough that I know I want it, but I don't feel that I need it right now. Also, I know the Super Packs are coming out soon, but what about the Full Armor? That is what I really want.
  11. Smiley424

    Macross AMV

    nicely done! I had to download it to have on my computer for whenever. makes me want to watch Macross (all the shows) again
  12. Sheryl is the current "it" girl and my number 2, while Ranka does have her charm, but nothing can replace a classic. Lynn Minmay gets my nod.
  13. I will reinforce the notion that a pic of what you are looking for has appeared on the board before. I remember someone commenting "Q-Tip Attack" which was pretty memorable. It was a pretty slick custom job.
  14. nicely done miriya. I'll get around to doing my Tomahawk one day. In fact, I need to take that sucker outta the box and let it breathe some fresh air
  15. so how is Mirror's Edge? I heard about it and the game concept sounds cool. I know it's not your typical FPS at all. Also heard it is not ported so well to the PC, like all ports these days.
  16. very nice, I'm very excited to see this movie now
  17. Aargh, I was trying to avoid getting these (managed to not get any Marvel ones) but when I saw the Snake Eyes I had to buy it. Te uzi and sword sealed the deal. I think I'm gonna have to go back and get storm shadow, plus they were on sale for $8.99 at Target in Florida. I have a gift card with like $3 left on it. There were two there when I was in there Monday, hope he ain't gone.
  18. Smiley424


    welcome to the boards koushiro, you sir are a lucky man. Nice deal on the Q-raus you scored there and cannot wait to see what you and your wife a putting together, sounds like all kinds of awesomeness. You should start a new thread in the "Fan Works" section with WIP pics. I know a lot of folks here love seeing the process as well as the final composition. Hmm, I think the Q-Rau has gotten on my list of things to buy in the near future. Now if they did one in TV colors, I'd have bought one already.
  19. glaugs and regults in 1/60 scale please Yamato!
  20. If Bandai can re-release the old Chunkys not once, but twice I wouldn't worry too much about the Alto and Ozma VF-25s becoming ultra rare. I myself am still mulling over these and hoping for an Ozma Full Armor Superpack.
  21. A good game is a good game, regardless of when it was orginally created. I second your notion on 16-bit games getting no update love. Some of the best games came out of the Genesis/SNES era.
  22. Smiley424

    VF Girls

    Nice to see some new folks get in on the Valk-Girl craze, nice work there Chronocidal. polidread, eagerly anticipating the new pic, it's always a pleasure to see what you come up with next.
  23. I am eagerly awaiting some more news and actual pictures of this one. Right now I'm in for one, I hope my enthusiasm for this toy doesn't diminish the way it has for the 1/60 VF-25.
  24. man, I'm pretty meh about the Bandai 1/60 Frontier toys. I'm just gonna wait and see for a detailed review from folks here first. These exclusives make me want to get these even less. I think I'm gonna just get one but even then I'm still not completely sold. I might just invest all my moneys in the Macross Quarter instead.
  25. I am really impressed with the way the writers are handling the multiple story lines going on right now. I am looking forward to episode 7 and how the Allelujah/Soma Peries encounter plays out.
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