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Everything posted by Test_Pilot_2

  1. Also, I found the HML at a lower cost and with free shipping here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/325846791835 I think it's all the same stuff, just different sellers.
  2. Great, now I can't unsee how big Zeta's noggin is... My excitement is now ruined. All I can think of now is Idiocracy's scene where President Camacho is commenting on the size of Not Sure's head, but instead of the peanut commentary it's the opposite.
  3. It's a 1/100 flea bay special... https://www.ebay.com/itm/276150291797?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D777008%26algo%3DPERSONAL.TOPIC%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D274144%26meid%3D9deab7ff083c4220ba6c7a8dc99f9708%26pid%3D101949%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26itm%3D276150291797%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D4375194%26algv%3DRecentlyViewedItemsV2WithMLRPbooster&_trksid=p4375194.c101949.m162918&_trkparms=parentrq%3A4aff4df51920a2562b0573a5ffffdcd4|pageci%3Aa864ca57-8063-11ef-90c6-2e22e044d8dc|iid%3A1|vlpname%3Avlp_homepage There are many options of it, but this should give you an idea. Hope it helps.
  4. I mean, you could be doing worse things with your money... You know illegal things... or things that are really bad for your health. I mean, at least she knows you're not out and about... you know... doing things, right? She can't expect you to go out and pick up other girls by telling them about your elite gundam collection, right? These items typically appreciate in value if properly cared for... so they're investments, right? That should be protected so, you know, there's always motivation for additional cases and storage? It's the Zeta man... it's like... Gundam royalty. One must make room for royalty.* *Everything I'm saying here is unwise, I know the threat is real. I too, live in fear of the boss... But some things are worth dying for.
  5. Oh boy! What's the release time? Need to make sure I get in line for this Zeta, even with the substantial price... The Deathscythe was close to 38000 yen... the "Botflation" is real.
  6. That would be an awesome way to display it! I love the dynamics of the armor-purging scenes. The logistics are a struggle, all the arms and stands needed are solved for - Aliexpress has really inexpensive base and arm sets making it a better value, but the space needed is another story. I can always build another cabinet. That doesn't mean I can survive telling the boss of the house that I ordered yet another cabinet. I think she's started keeping a count of them and what magically appears inside of them so I'm gonna have to start performing the "car parts voodoo," magic. @ChristopherB I figured there was a chance of that, but didn't want to assume. I'm thankful you're well-supported. Since you're already part of the fraternity, you know what I was talking about, so we'll leave it at that. My collection is a perpetual, janky work-in-progress, but I'll upload pictures somewhere, Consider it like the 80's "B-Movie" version of a collection, complete with SpaceBalls backwards ass moments. This one is essentially the third revival of a collection, the first two falling victim to the fact that you cannot eat Valkyries to survive. Regarding the name plates - absolutely. As far as the Armored Gerwalk nameplate, I think I have some of the info on the box (bottom right corner), but I don't think it's complete. I can snag the metrics from the Mecha Manual, I think. The rest I'll noodle out. If you have specific figures and content you'd like on a name plate, PM them to me and I can start working on them. Full disclosure, it takes longer than normal for me to do anything because I'm on "Dad Time," which is the opposite of "Bullet Time," where you only have about 10 seconds for something a day, but instead of 10 seconds becoming 10 minutes, the 10 seconds are actually 3 seconds, because science and reasons. @M'Kyuun offered the files for me to build my own variable glaug at no cost. I tried to pay the man and he just wouldn't have it, lol! I ultimately settled on if I ever bump into him at an airport, I'd buy him a beer or coffee or something. I also learned he is a really dope dude outside of this stuff - crazy humble for his level of talent. He spent the time going over his design to help me be successful and in the process taught me alot about what I needed to know to engineer my Endymion. The Lego parts weren't that expensive - I ordered many from online stores and I also hit all of the local Lego shops with open bins, supporting small businesses locally and abroad. I roped in the whole family to dig in bins to find the needed parts. The family time, meeting cool people along the way, and journey traveling around to gather up all of the parts was priceless. The biggest investment was time and it was well-spent. We have a nice community here @ Macrossworld. @Shawn and @Graham - thanks guys (and all who do what you do). I'm thankful for all of you.
  7. I know that journey well (and all its ugly permutations), my friend. Understand that you are not alone, ever. I'm lucky in that I'm part of the military community (all past, present, and family) so it's easy to know we're not alone - the military is the largest fraternity in the world. If you ever need back-up, holler, at the very least I can listen and would be glad to do so. I personally am thrilled you pulled this off. This set is so niche that I don't think it would exist otherwise. It stands up there with @M'Kyuun's Lego Variable Glaug. In fact, it fits really, really well with it because the color scheme of my variable Glaug matches the armored gerwalk :). You creators are the most amazing people, anywhere. You take fleeting thoughts and make them reality and the process is spectacular. Watching @ImChris5115 build what I think looks like the next generation of variable fighters after Kawamori makes me feel like I'm watching history in the making. Someone has to pick up his torch when it's time for him to rest and I have never seen such compelling evidence of a successor as what's going on in that thread. You guys are the future that keeps this stuff alive, literally. You're the best of us fans, picking up the material, making it real, and helping it grow. I wish I had a fraction of ya'll's talent, but then there would be all kinds of idiot boobjob Valkyries out there - everyone would be very afraid. Again, it's a privilege to be able to even have this stuff. All of it is a labor of love. You didn't have to share it, but you did and that makes you (and folks like you) awesome. Thanks man, you and your team that made this happen - thanks guys. You all rule! On that note, one thing I do create are custom nameplates for creations, see example(s) attached and what's on them. If you could PM me some basic information on the project and its creators to put on the nameplate, I'd like to credit you guys' work in my collection display so people understand what they're looking at.
  8. Sweet! Poor stand is holding on for its dear life... use an HMR with stiff joints! My only shenanigan is the left leg armor doesn't want to stay together, but sorted that out. Privileged to have one of these, it's so cool!
  9. So... chonky... can't figure out where the two little gray squares go.
  10. https://tenor.com/n6evU6N32Uy.gif I failed hard at inserting a gif.
  11. Mine is getting here today... hopefully soon! Excited! Any 1/100 Milia Q-Rau's I can pair with my shenanigans out there? Maybe I can snag a 1/60 and make a play on perspective... Then need to figure out how to create an effect that shows Milia's shot bouncing off the armor :P. Then I need a Battle-7 with Kakizaki colors.
  12. I think they did that to balance the armor mode... It's catch-22... Feet too small in full armor or too big as a rider and vice-versa. Have not been a fan of the parts-forming, but the video showing the articulation parts-forming allowed is convincing. The details are spectacular and maybe it's blasphemous, but I like the tweaks to the design. The piston on the shin looked funny until I saw the piston on the heel and mechanically, that makes sense to me. It also makes for a more convincing approach to the launching when transforming into the full armor - I think you NEED that kind of thrust and power to get that air time. Derpy face isn't as derpy now. This will make a fantastic display piece and with the tweaks remain a bit more sustainable/less prone to break down over time. This will make a great filler while I wait for Eagle (if it ever comes). I'm not at all surprised this has sold so well - this price point in today's day and age is a breath of fresh air when similarly-appointed figures are going for 300 +. Not quite Sony PS1 vs Sega Saturn price announcement-level, but it definitely caught enough attention to sell out!
  13. Boggles my brain every time I see this. Keeping my eyes peeled for when it's available for sale. This is one of the best designs I have ever seen.
  14. My Dai Apolon Trangur finally made it. The set is complete. Pulling these guys together was a journey. Saved a bunch though. The auction to win this guy was a nailbiter.
  15. Test_Pilot_2

    Hi-Metal R

    Great pics, except I'm getting a "cover of new pop culture rock band single" vibe coming from the last picture...
  16. Yeah, I've got concerns on how to get my paws on one myself. With the travel I do, odds aren't in my favor for being Johnny on the spot. I'll try though. Jumped on this bandwagon from early on!
  17. Test_Pilot_2

    Hi-Metal R

    I always like these displays - is that a 1/60 Messiah nestled in with the HMRs? I'm wondering if there's a 1/100 Messiah out there that I missed...
  18. Technically, there are three... The monster up top is in Gerwalk... and it's pretty the only Gerwalk that matters besides the Variable Glaug :P. (Runs from tomatoes)
  19. Looks to me like the wheels are sitting lower (I/E in the right place) than some past images. I think that's a good thing, yeah?
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