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Everything posted by Test_Pilot_2

  1. So I was looking at the Unicorn... and said... wait... are those ENVELOPE tiles... There are envelope tiles in there. Definitely next-level. These things have to weigh a ton, but look like they're standing on their own. I wonder how they're supported. Especially the huge Unicorn.
  2. Not a major change, but enough change to assert the Beefintseeker's capital-ship finding and sniping role with the large long-range missiles mounted on the arm. Think I'll find a Messer HMR VF-1 to dress up in the other armor.
  3. Current version of Mazinkaiser. Had to request support from ShowZStore because one of the mounts on my scrander was machined wrong and instead of being a circle, it's an oval so the wing won't go in :(. It's dicast and the peg is dicast so muscling it is a no-go... still looks amazing. Once I can add the wings I plan for a different pose.
  4. FEXT OWL-1 SP02 Armor I now have the missiles for the Beefinstseeker and need to find another Valk to dress up :P.
  5. Anyone have experience with Yoyakunow on how they handle releases? Would've thought I'd have heard something by now on the Ozma =/.
  6. CCS Toys Limited Mazinkaiser SKL. Box is massive. I could post the toy haul for my 5 kids from yesterday post-by-post, bur that would eat up too much space. Needless to say, filled two car loads of Ally X's, TVs, transformers, gundams, barbies, hot wheels, every Disney toy ever, games, PC parts, and then some.
  7. Got some, sweet!
  8. This along with the turtles games, multiplayer avengers, Capcom DnD arcade game, battletoads, Golden Axe (later versions), and the Simpsons brawler are amongst my favorite 4-player games. I still need to buy a 4-player cabinet and modify it, I just can't bring myself to carve up my turtles 4-player cabinet. I keep eyeing the Golden Axe 4-player. Someday. AvP arcade is probably one of my favorites of all time. Needs the HD remaster treatment.
  9. I ended up buying another Ally X for my other son - one got the desktop upgrade, the other got a handheld upgrade. He bought Space Marine 2 and tried it on his Steam Deck and it was just awful... The Ally X runs it much better. I'm also building him an EGPU with the spare parts from his brother's build. So win-win. I just wanted to be fully transparent as I think next year will be transformative for these handheld PCs. My Ally X also replaced my personal laptop I travel with when I'm on TDY.
  10. Is today Archi Pro day or did it come and go? I may have totally missed it.
  11. They're already here though... https://gamerant.com/ayaneo-teases-latest-flagship-handheld-gaming-device-amd-ai-9-cpu/ AMD's new chips are already hitting the market. The new Deck 2 is signaling a meaningful performance jump on new Nvidia chips. https://videocardz.com/newz/amd-ryzen-ai-365-hx370-gaming-handhelds-outperform-rog-ally-x-with-z1-extreme-by-15-20 My Allies have quickly replaced all of my other gaming devices, including my gaming PCs... Now that my EGPU enclosure works so well, I can enjoy this performance anywhere... I will never be tied to my desk again. Playing from a recliner in my living room or from my home theater recliners in the theater > everything else anymore lol. My current gen consoles collect dust, but I am upgrading my son's pc for grins. We'll see how it goes. AMD 7600x3d, Asus Mobo, 32 gigs of ram, nvidia 4070 super, phantom 120 cooler, etc. This combo is fantastic right now if you're near a MC and if you're curious about the processor, new reviews have been going out. Stealth-released... this processor is fantastic. https://www.microcenter.com/product/5006834/amd-ryzen-5-7600x3d,-asus-tuf-gaming-b650-plus-wifi,-gskill-flare-x5-series-32gb-ddr5-6000-kit,-computer-build-bundle Well, shoot the discount is gone... Back up to 600-ish. Sorry guys =/. It was $400.00 for a long while.
  12. Very much so. The extra 8 gigs of ram is worth it. I also have the Z1 Extreme and turned that into my video pinball machine's PC for Pinball FX... nice and small so it even fits inside the cabinet. The move off the proprietary adapter is huge, too. I bought the 6850xt gpu for my Ally X and it was crazy expensive. I built that much more powerful egpu for a fraction of that cost. Although, where we are right now... I would say wait for the next generation of handhelds... word is the new ai-based chips perform much better.
  13. Definitely getting a physical deluxe version of this... Has this been posted yet? I need to dual-boot my Egret 2 Mini still =/.
  14. OK, this one was so much fun to play with and pose. I had to find a way to display the absurdity of its sword, lol.
  15. @Scyla So just got around to opening Tryon 3. It's a hodgepodge of painted and unpainted. When I unsealed it, there was that really strong sweetish smell of airbrush paints. The plastic yellow parts don't look translucent to me, same with the red, but there are areas/parts where the budget was cut for the legs. The legs/falcon section is a brick house. Followed by the ray and then the lion is well. Yeah, kinda jank. Even with some shortcomings it's absolutely terrific and just over the top in all the best ways! Edit: Just finished combining it. It's transformation and combining is an absolute delight. Well done, Bandai!
  16. Right behind the 0D came this fun one! Gundam Tryon 3! Took more pictures of this box since it really invokes the fun and spirit of super robot toys! Feels like Christmas in November!
  17. Waited such a long time for this exquisite toy... Thank you @Corrinald. If this is not my #1 Macross toy, it's trading blows with it... Truly spectacular.
  18. Test_Pilot_2

    Hi-Metal R

    Set up an alert @ Mandarake, check AmiAmi secondhand, yahoo auctions, most secondhand places... then buy away. They're cheap.
  19. That is really wide! 3 monitors or maybe that Samsung curved ultra wide? What are you on? I think the 4070 should work well, too, although your mileage may vary. I hope it ultimately works well.
  20. Delightfully, this setup was put together because of STALKER 2. When I saw the system requirements for it initially my heart sank because I was afraid I missed the mark. However, it runs beautifully. I have to use FSR and frame generation, but the game runs awesome with 70-80 FPS, all epic settings, on a 4k TV. I know not everyone has been having an easy time with STALKER 2 and I hope those issues get resolved so more people can enjoy this fantastic game. It's been years and years waiting on a new STALKER and this one delivers (in good ways and bad ways) the original STALKER experience. The system requirements aren't really as crazy as listed, but you do need alot of ram to run it.
  21. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the assignment, lol. All of the SoCs I own are high-quality and have more accessories than a Claire's store, but the surfaces are all simplistic to me - took a closer look at my SoC Gunbuster and aside from the few parts that have the pearl paint effect even he's pretty basic. When I look at my Metal Builds, Metal Robot Spirits, etc - they're slathered in details so much I'm afraid of handling the doggone things for fear of scratching, rubbing, whatever... My SoCs - not as much. I've always seen the MB's a notch above the SoCs in build quality and detail. Maybe I can't tell what's painted and what's not on my SoCs - blame my old eyes. I think it's awesome that you pay far more attention to the details and construction than I do... I'm just kid-happy with the Tryon-3. It hits all of my childhood tropes just right and it came as a surprise when Bandai announced they were even going to make the thing!
  22. Can't wait to get mine... It is of the Chogokin line, so when I read the comments on it I wonder if there's an expectations mismatch. I don't expect a ton of paint, tampo, etc off a chogokin. I think it's perfect for how it's branded... I'm just happy it's here because I just cannot see a MB or MRS of this.
  23. Make the base so you can open the bottom and insert a circular image card... Suddenly the base can be used for anything. The image cards can be manufactured for next to nothing. Charge a premium. Profit. Just don't charge so much that people just etsy or make their own. Done right, your market would expand exponentially. If you do this and it's a smash hit please remember me st Christmas or on my birthday :P.
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