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Dark Skull

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Everything posted by Dark Skull

  1. Thanks! I found two vids that helped explain "how to" do it properly I'm going to try it later today.
  2. @ Falcon18 - Ah ok, gotcha. Thanks @Fighting 103. I found it on AE and went and scrounged up some extra cash and bought it. I hope the tint isn't cracking on it when I get it. At the very least, I now know what to do about it BTW, I think I'm searching under the wrong terms, but is there a video on how to properly transform these nice 1/60 valks? I mean, it's kinda like the 1/48s, and those I have no problems with. However, when it comes to tabbing the legs into the nose....I can't seem to get it in right and I don't want to break it. Sorry for the n00b question, but I'm new to the 1/60s and I can't read the Japanese instructions
  3. AE? I'm assuming anime export? I'm posting from my phone at work right now. Got a link?
  4. Oh cool. I'm assuming the VF-1S low viz has the rainbow tinted canopy? I think aside from the vf-1j mass production, that'd be the next one I'd hunt down. Nice! I need to find one lol
  5. Oh no, I have a Cavalier on the way. It's making it's way across the Pacific as we speak And that one is a link to a VF-X that I purchased recently as well. In the middle of trying to get a 1/60 VF-1J Mass production....and man those things are so hard to find lol. I hate having to have gotten back to collecting Macross stuff so late.
  6. Thanks to this thread, when I get the VF-1A Cavalier in, I'll be looking for the rainbow tint and remove it if necessary. Thanks for the tip everyone! I should probably contribute some pics soon of my collection that I had to rebuild. But I don't know how everyone feels about crappy cell phone pics.
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