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Dark Skull

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Everything posted by Dark Skull

  1. Can't say I've experienced that with FedEx...yet. But I have had similar things happen with DHL, and USPS. Can't wait for the pics!
  2. If it makes you feel better, I had a package one time coming from NY. It got to my hub earlier than expected, then went back to the state hub. All in all, 7 times with the back n forth just so they could meet the "Expected Delivery by" date. It was so funny I had to screenshot it. My FG-01 is now in Los Angeles...so I'm hoping I won't have a repeat of that
  3. I finished watching it. Overall I like it. For me, it is by far miles upon miles better than anything past T3. But while T3 wasn't really needed, it at least showed that no matter what we humans did, judgement day was going to happen because skynet is just going to skynet. I felt the last 3 movies really wasted an opportunity to really show the grittiness and how violent and desperate the future war with the machines would be. They tried to...but to me it was lackluster. Terminator Zero seems to set up for it though. Needless to say, when comparing it to the last 3 films, this was something I felt should have been a story told instead of what we got. But again, that's just me.
  4. Pretty sure it had more to do with walking under a ladder.
  5. I got mine coming in from Ali Express. I'll let you know how that turns up when I get it.
  6. @sjoebarry
  7. Ah the tech spec reader! Use it on the back of the packaging where you see that graph. The clear red hides the "red lines" so you can see the blue line better. The graph I'm talking about should be on the lower left hand corner of the back according to all the pics of the back I've seen Still waiting on mine to come in. A nice callback to the old G1 Transformers boxes for them to include that
  8. Nice! Now that I see how yours turned out, I kinda want to do the same when I get mine But...how to do it? And where do I get the stickers from? lol
  9. Gundam marker or?
  10. That's a nice lookin' box. Hope I get mine soon. At least a shipping notification
  11. I kinda like it red.
  12. I don't know if it's my eyes playing with me, but the shade of coloring seem a little different. I kinda wish they would have made this one with the grey visor...
  13. Now this is what I call a Millia Custom! :P
  14. I was a fan of the original Jetfire toy before I realized it came from the 1/55 Chunkies. Being a fan of both, of course I would not have minded if it was "G1 accurate" but...knowing it's a KO of a 1/60 valk? I don't mind the Macross markings so much. Personally, I thought about the work it'd take to make it so, but then I got lazy and decided that whenever mine comes in, I'm going to leave it as it
  15. Ouch....have you contacted the customer service of whoever you ordered it from?
  16. And if they do, and then they make one? You can thank me later :P
  17. Well, they can make it real easy to take apart the legs so that you could mount it on backwards. Maybe a few screws, no glue used or anything, and just some extra steps in the instructions
  18. They were only backwards in the "bot mode" pics lol But yeah, if it were possible, I'd still get one. Just like I'm in for this not-Jetfire.
  19. Wasn't Orbot homaged with the 1/48 VF-1A Woodland? Though it would have been better with the 1D valk. Then again, I don't believe Yammie ever put out a 1/48 1D. Though these days, I would think 3Z might do Axoid 1: because they're "Robotech", and 2...they've already got molds for the 1J so it'd just be an easy repaint for them. How many people would buy that? I might Looking up some old pics, they even did an armored VF-1D! Ah the memories...
  20. I recently saw a pic of a Kakizaki VF-1S custom (DYRL paint job). It looked real nice too. Now that makes me think of a DYRL Max 1J I think the wildest thing I did was take an extra 1/48 VF-1J stealth and made it into a VF-1S from an extra 25th Anniversary VF-1S junker. It's in my avatar. The only reason why it has a green visor is because I had another VF-1S 1/48 junker and I took the visor/eyes from that and swapped it into the head before I "transplanted" it onto the VF-1J Stealth.
  21. I hear ya. Personally I'm leaving mine alone for the most part. But if ToyHax/Reprolabels makes a sticker set for this, I might just get it. And as non-canon as it is I still remember the toy commercials for it
  22. That's part of it, but if one were to be a stickler for exactness, you'd also have to remove all the macross emblems, all the jolly rogers (on the super parts and tail fins), then put autobot emblems where they belong, as well as remove the "001" on the wing of this not-Jetfire. Then for any blank spots that may cause to exist, you'd have to find matching red paint to fill in the gaps where there's supposed to be a red stripe, paint the inside of the legs with the design it had/or hope that toyhax/reprolabels makes a sticker set etc etc etc. So in short, it'd be a bit of work to make it look exactly like the G1 toy. It's possible, but I don't know how many folks would go that far.
  23. You mean a 3rd one?
  24. I dunno...I thought about removing the jolly rogers and the macross emblems. But in the TF world, figures like this are often times referred to by the character they're supposed to be with the "not" in front of it. In this case, this is "not-Jetfire." I figure if I leave all those emblems on there, then the name in my own little head canon is justified...because he's not Jetfire.
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