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Everything posted by orindlt

  1. Waiting waiting waiting for confirmation
  2. Well I'm not smart enough to figure out the search engine for HLJ - so pretty upset at those that forbade posting links here. Thanks - IXTL - managed to get it. Still can't find it in search engine.
  3. Sold out AmiAmi
  4. Still can't find the link there
  5. And if you were clever enough to write a bot, you'd be able to have it run continuous queries against the search engine on each site as well I'd imagine rather than querying here
  6. But how do you figure what the direct link is? For example, I'm searching on HLJ and not getting anything at the moment.
  7. It would have to be a pretty clever Bot. Certainly helps me to find things when people post the link here. It's probably more helpful than not to MWF people.
  8. It's like the 5 stages of Kubler-Ross when it comes to preorders: Hope: It's going to be available for five minutes Fear: It will be gone 2 seconds after the preorder opens Terror: I have one in my cart and I'm trying to perform check out and the site isn't loading Anger: Someone who missed the preorder window randomly snags one the next day while casually browsing Acceptance: Maybe I can get one when they are finally released next year
  9. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I kinda wish the Macross World twitter account would mention it - but the trick seems to be to check in threads in the Toys forum about a week prior to the 1st of the month.
  10. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Before I knew how it all worked when I got back into collecting Valks, I got taken for a ride on eBay a guy with a good reputation sold me a YF-30 between preorder and release, and then disappeared taking about $400 USD with him. Couldn't get a refund through PayPal because this was before they had the lengthier payment cancellation policies and the guy was able to string me along long enough that the window on getting a refund closed. The only good part of the story was I ended up in Japan visiting a store in Akihabara and saw one in a glass case and bought it.
  11. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'd also be a little concerned that while they rolled back the website defacement, that the attackers might have gotten into the back end database and started harvesting information. If their IT people were in a rush, they might not have done the necessary post-incident cleanup work. Sort of like with the Target Breach a few years back where they detected a problem a few days before the post Thanksgiving sales, but didn't want to take their payment card infrastructure offline during their busiest period - so millions of credit card details ended up in eastern europe.
  12. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    CDJ - figure it's an easier grab than AmiAmi or HLJ because they want payment up front.
  13. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I have 2FA enabled on my PayPal account. I've noticed that sometimes PayPal can just time out with a number of different browsers. This time I was trying to use it on separate computers using separate browsers and it flaked on me three times when trying to preorder this time. Does anyone else ever have the problem that you can sign into PayPal, but you never get the prompt for the 2FA code?
  14. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Maybe that's how they should defeat the Windemerians in Delta. Rather than slim Waifu, they go the "fat lady singing" route.
  15. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So in my HLJ account it has "order stopped" next to the valk in the list of open orders. All other open orders have a date next to them for when the release occurs. I got the confirmation email - does that mean I'm waitlisted, or is it just an oddity of HLJ's system?
  16. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    ZOMG. Kept getting timeouts at HLJ with a valk in the cart. Kept rocking back and forward, back and forward. HLJ goes order stopped. Just kept rocking the browser back each time I got a timeout. And success. With the email and everything. Now I just have to go and tell my 13 year old son that I forfeited his soul for a cool plastic robot.
  17. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Some people would stab your Nanna if it would get them another valk ;-p
  18. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Happy to pay up to +50% at this point. Seething.
  19. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Fuming. Would have been willing to pay and extra $100 USD to not have that crap happen on 2 sites with "Paypal Authenticating" - so much for two factor authentication
  20. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Completely @#$@$#@#$@#$!@#$!@#$ by Paypal's unwillingness to authenticate.
  21. orindlt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Multiple browsers across multiple computers even ;-)
  22. orindlt

    Hi-Metal R

    Got mine at AmiAmi
  23. orindlt

    Hi-Metal R

    Nah - the Glaug replacement was the Reseen Marauder. When TRO 3055 was published (the Stone Rhino was the cover image) - FASA hadn't made any mechs unseen - TRO 3055 even included "Clan" versions of the adopted Macross Mecha. In fact the Stone Rhino, which wasn't designed in house by FASA, but was subject to some weird art contract, was also rectonned to look quite different from how it appears above. The MWO Online Reseen Marauder looks like this: (I'd love a HMR line of the MWO mecha, but the best I'll get is the Iron Wind Metals minis)
  24. Just got my AmiAmi payment request
  25. Got my AmiAmi payment request
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