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Everything posted by orindlt

  1. orindlt

    Hi-Metal R

    Success at AmiAmi for me, just ordered the one though.
  2. Went with AmiAmi as the HLJ link no longer seems to be working - even a search of the site doesn't show it.
  3. If I owned a Yamato VF-4 now, I'd be tempted to sell high on eBay now, buy the Arcadia, and enjoy the difference.
  4. Yeah well now that I know a little more, I'd probably ask around here first ;-) Speaking of one born every minute ;-)
  5. The one I was looking at was to 1000 USD without shipping, so as long as it's less than that I'll feel like a winner ;-)
  6. Really glad this is happening. Almost pushed the button on it on the secondary market for a crazy sum and it is my current grail valk.
  7. Thanks - here's an article that explains a little more what I was on about http://www.instructables.com/id/When-a-Phillips-is-not-a-Phillips/step10/ - according to a few sources I've encountered, many Japanese models and toys use the JIS rather than Phillips standard. If you use a phillips with a JIS screw, you are more likely to strip it because it won't fit correctly because it's a bit to pointy. If you use a JIS screwdriver with a phillips, then you won't run that risk as it doesn't have the point.
  8. When doing repairs / taking apart Arcadia and Bandai stuff, should one use JIS screwdrivers like these http://www.amazon.com/Moody-Tools-Driver-Pollicis-58-0405/dp/B0001X0SK8/ref=pd_sim_469_7?ie=UTF8&refRID=1MFRE7PGCJW0K4W2MKHG or will standard Phillips heads work? (I read on another forum where people were repairing some 3rd party transformers that not using JIS type screwdrivers could lead to stripped screws)
  9. Thanks for the answer! Do you know if the glue issue is on all of them or just some? (I'd got the impression that it was across the board)
  10. Will we avoid the leg problems if we simply do not splay the legs out when transformed?
  11. Even though I fixed the shoulders on my 0 with Shapeways parts, I'll be much happier to have one or more that doesn't have that taint of having required repair.
  12. Long time lurker here - thanks for all the info guys - What I've learned from reading here has been much better than trawling ebay (and losing several hundred on a fraudulent YF-30 auction which was beyond the ability of PayPal to recoup because the bugger was clever)
  13. Feck
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