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  1. AmiAmi order arrived in Australia today
  2. Got a shipping request from AmiAmi - so they seem to be working through their backlog.
  3. Japanese websites at pre-order time is semi proof that most businesses don't need to give a rats about scaling their web apps based on demand. I just went with Luna to avoid stress.
  4. With AE just remember you have to pay for it to confirm your pre-order for these TWE items. It's stated during the ordering process, but there have been a few members here and there who have gone through checkout not realizing they needed to come back into their account and actually click the button to pay now.
  5. I've been using BBTS for way more than a decade at this point - and whilst reliability is a strong point (I think in hundreds of orders I've had one item that they've cancelled on me) - speed is fair. It's not awful and it's not lightening quick. However given what a mess global shipping is at this point ... well patience is key. It can take a few days between clicking ship and it showing up on tracking, but stuff is generally well packed. Their service is great - whenever I've had a problem with a figure (maybe 3 or 4 times since the early 2000's) or so they've sent replacements out without fuss. I ordered the same VF-25 from them you did. It's good to be able to order from them again -I got some of my original Valks from them back when they carried Yamato releases (including an Ivanov) (they stopped carrying Macross Valks at some stage but I couldn't say exactly when - but I definitely got a VF-11, a bunch of VF-1s including the Stealth and Forest camo ones from them in the distant past). Pre-ordering from them in future (assuming they get the figure) will be less stressful than from the Japanese retailers - but likely more expensive and you'll get your figure later. TF Source, another American retailer I frequently use, also is carrying this figure. Their shipping is faster that BBTS, but they sometimes get figures a few weeks later.
  6. Oooh nice, that's my photo & tweet 😉
  7. Hmm - premium Luna Park - seems they figured out what was obvious to the rest of us - that if you charge us a small fee or reward us based on repeat custom, we'll bend over backwards to spend money with you.
  8. Psychologists could write books on our ritual self punishment during these preorders. (Attenborough Voice: Why do they keep doing this to themselves? See their hands move to the F5 key. Their heart rate increase as the anointed time approaches)
  9. 1D from both NY and Okini arrived at the same time in Oz (I ordered from Okini expecting NY to flake - they still haven't on me but I'm glad I was able to snatch a 31-AX from HLJ and not have to test my resolve again)
  10. From the "Wonders Never Cease" department - a Prep in Progress email from NY. (Though nothing so far from Okini who I ordered from after coming to the conclusion that NY would flake)
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