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Everything posted by iceberg

  1. I didn't see any one post it, so I probably missed it and it's here somewhere, but has anyone noticed that R***T**H Classic Collection Vol 1 also contains the Original Japanese Macross? http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00M4EF57I/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=2Z3EMIT03ZZZY&coliid=I28DPCGU6IY9OQ I wonder how badly it's butchered though. I hate to give HG my money but I cant find Macross on BD in the US for less than several hundred bux.
  2. Warning, sarcasm! What! There are no triangles in Macross! Certainly no love triangles! Now if only BE would do something about getting this to the States.
  3. I've followed news on MW for a while buy just joined the forums today. I just purchased the following: 1x Macross Crusade Vol.2 -Triumph of Sky and Blaze- Booster Box (15 Packs x 10 Cards) by Bandai 2x Macross Crusade pre-built deck set [MC-S1] 1x Macross Crusade 3rd -Rondo of horror- Booster Box (15 Packs x 10 Cards) 1x Macross Crusade setup starter I downloaded a copy of the English translation of the rule book above but the card translation links do not work as of this moment. Does anyone have a copy of the cards that have been translated? My Japanese is horrible but I can translate the cards with enough effort but if they are already done it will save a great deal of time. Thanks in advance. EDIT: seems that much content from the site is blocked because of malicious ads, I've managed to get to the site.
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