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Everything posted by edstuff

  1. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    Boy bandai sure knows what theyre doing with these hi metal releases. Im hoping the popularity of the valks will keep em coming. Maybe more frequently too
  2. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    Im begging for 2 seaters
  3. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    Dangit. Did not see roy
  4. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    the paint on that glaug..... Jenius we can wish
  5. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    Im aching for ostrich and elint
  6. I kinda wanna find the remastered version on youtube now just so i can hear what everyone is talking about
  7. This was my first arcadia/v2 as well. Truly blown away. Wish i got the ostrich and elint when they first released. Hoping arcadia makes them and soon
  8. But he looks so innocent. Are you sure it was him? 😜
  9. Its the adv. Sounds like it sposed ta
  10. 2 pcs of good news. Come on already bandai!
  11. My god man. Just.....wow
  12. This confirms something i was afraid of and im pretty sure jenius stated as well. There's just no way we will ever see a hi metal legioss. Its just too tiny
  13. Will do man. Thanks. And your project is massive!
  14. Ha! I bought the dvds on ebay for like 6 bucks shipped. Been watching it over and over
  15. that is awesome! Did you get the lil guys on shapeways?
  16. I think i said it once but will again. I'd love to see some inbit by you. I just got draftsite on my work computer and may give a space crab a shot. I downloaded sketchup at home but yeaaaa i need to update windows 😛 older pc
  17. Does anyone have a pic of a 1/55 chunky monkey standing next to a 1/55 legioss?
  18. Thats unfortunate
  19. I didnt see any mospeada anything on shapeways. Are they still there
  20. Your paint job on the tiny gakken rider is quite impressive. The bigger ones of course too but the amount of detail on the lil guy must have been a pain
  21. the second pic...the inbit...jealous
  22. 30 years old and still more durable than the newer versions
  23. My arcadia strike came with the box a little dented in one corner so i feel ya pain
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