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Everything posted by edstuff

  1. Nice. More star wars required Zombe can't wait to see that finished
  2. Rc ship looks like quite the project! Im calling hulkbuster finished for now. Might add weathering and other detailing in the future but tbh im burned out on it.
  3. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    Saw this and thought of max and miriya
  4. Oh right and thank you. Before pic attached Edit: arbit thats crazy!
  5. Hulkbuster baf. This toys got some weight to it!
  6. Picked up one of those titan hulkbuster figures for like 8 bucks. Thought it would be fun to paint. Almost done...i think
  7. If my preds werent all back in their boxes I'd post my collection. The only hot toys i own are preds
  8. ok yea im totally watching that. Vulture looks awesome. I wonder if mk got the part because of birdman?
  9. Your watches are beautiful
  10. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    This robot needs a handlebar mustache
  11. I thought about grabbing a cheap beta too
  12. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    Eagerly awaiting the 1D
  13. Patience aint easy. Im waiting on a bunch of things i hope get remade
  14. Awesome mospeada haul!!
  15. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    Noice Edit: screw it make both
  16. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    Then i gotta say 1a all day
  17. edstuff

    Hi-Metal R

    I was gonna say green but dont you have an extra 1a head?
  18. They sell just hands too right? What scale should i look for?
  19. Has anyone 3d printed articulated hands for the 1/35 gakken?
  20. Playing return to castle wolfenstein now
  21. Oh yea thats right. Thats kinda funny
  22. The only alpha toynami i bought was the sue graham shadow. Even tho she was in only one episode...and died...and never actually piloted an alpha
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