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Everything posted by edstuff

  1. That's amazing man
  2. That's not a joke machine. I wanna say it was called a "morpher" but I could be wrong. Oh and Gakken you can actually get that stuff at an auto parts store too. One kind is called jb weld. But it takes FOREVER to dry. Like 6-8 hours or something like that
  3. That looks incredible
  4. found it thanks They were much cheaper
  5. How much did the Yamato destroids generally go for BEFORE Yamato went out of business? I see some on occasion for 150 and am wondering if that's higher, lower or about the same.
  6. Great news on all fronts sir!
  7. Amazing work. I would have loved to see wip pics
  8. Oh that looks pretty cool. Almost like it was made for it. Don't they make an SD elintseeker too?
  9. OK. Maybe just repainting could actually cover it up too then.
  10. well the stuff I prefer to use is called aves apoxie sculpt. I usually get it on ebay. How bad is the damage though? If it's a super thin layer of damage then sculpting may not be the way to go now that I think of it. But when I sculpt anything I usually keep a small cup of water for my fingertips. It really helps keep your sculpt smooth.
  11. Just finished up a custom Mighty Muggs Robocop I made for a friend.
  12. Aah Calvin & Hobbes, nostalgia. But anyway, do you know how to sculpt? Would it be possible to repair the damage with a little sculpting?
  13. Eep I hope it's not a staph infection. A coworker of mine once had one so bad he almost lost an arm!
  14. Mods please delete. I just re-read the rules more thoroughly.
  15. Aah this is why I asked. I didn't want to be a rule breaker my first week here. I've gotta keep an eye out for a conversion. I didn't know they existed.
  16. Hey guys. I'm not quite in the market for it yet or I would have posted this in the Want Ads. I was wondering if I would be out of line to ask if anyone had recast parts for 1/55 Super Ostrich and/or Elintseeker. I can't afford the actual figures so I figured I'd buy either a jetfire or VF1A and try to customize them. I wasn't sure if I would be offending anyone to ask for recasts so I figured I'd ask here first. Especially since I'm a newbie I didn't want to anger anyone. Be gentle in your replies please. Ed
  17. Great job! And your english is better than a lot of people who only use it as their primary language.
  18. I'm on board for it. And I actually prefer the round head over the original sdf1's, especially in robot mode. It looks ionno more like a head.
  19. Hmmmm I'm a newbie to painting to but my advice is pretty much opposite everyone else's. I use either testor's acrylic or model master paints. Sometimes what I do is wet the paint brush with water, dry it a lil bit on a blue shop towel and then paint. You have to do several coats with certain colors but it leaves no brush marks. Silver for one takes 7 coats. But this is just my way.
  20. I would love a veritech/joke machine renewal. Toynami could make 'em since they have a contract right?
  21. Gakken's review for this on youtube is what actually brought me to this forum. I saw his post for it on Sideshow Freaks forum then watched the vid. Then when he mentioned this forum in the video I was like wait there's a macross forum?! So here I am. Oh and I'm buying this too. I love the SD stuff. My favorite robotech toy is my VF-1A joke machine.
  22. I was looking for an introduction thread on this forum and didn't find one. Apologies if I'm just blind. But I wanted my first post to go somewhere cool and this is about the coolest thread I've seen on any forum anywhere. You sir are sick! You are insane! Keep it up. I can't wait to see what this looks like completed. Amazing.
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