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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. we project e5 have tried to show The formal proper product against an yukikaze item. it is a plan which will put into the market in the inside and outside of the country. To 2007 it will requite for you guies interest with the proper product.
  2. F/A-27C 'JAPAN NAVY'
  3. yes, i am. we'are going to be on for 2006 summer wonderfestival & c3-hobby2006 1/38 mave 1/72 sylphid 1/72 f/a-27c
  4. Original information website about 1/38 mave yukikaze and 1/72 sylphid http://blog.naver.com/seolpung http://cafe.daum.net/ProjectE5 I hope you guies visit my cafe and blog and have a good time.
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