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Everything posted by Fusion

  1. It's been a while now. I finally made plans to visit Japan. Any tips from our fellow members who live there?
  2. https://geektyrant.com/news/a-live-action-voltron-movie-is-finally-moving-forward-with-red-notice-director-rawson-marshall-thurber
  3. This He-Man skipped leg day.
  4. Looks fun but seems like all the good scenes are already displayed. However will definitely check it out.
  5. Any place to get a summary of stuff happening. Got confused a bit with a lot happening and I'm slow to follow.
  6. What was the best price for this thing? Tempted to maybe get it from Amazon.
  7. So how are they able to make ultra suits? I always thought ultraman was ultraman because he's part of that alien.
  8. Galaxy Edge was cool...... The ride was just okay. Definitely won't be worth a 3 hour wait.
  9. It was alright. The beginning was the best. There were a lot of drawn out scenes that were mostly filler IMO.
  10. Why didn't the regular Predator just use his "gift" to the humans to stay alive?
  11. I think this was around for a while and Netflix is just branding it as their new Ultraman.
  12. Anyone who wants the smaller/mini diecast box for the Voltron should grab it from Target.com $42 shipped right now. I'm pissed I paid $80 for it a few months back.
  13. Where's the best place to buy the DX Soul of Chogokin Combattler V ???
  14. What I dislike about all the Bayformers are how vulnerable the bots are. They make the humans superior in firepower even though you would think a alien being who was able to travel space to get to earth weaker.
  15. Where's the best/cheapest place to get the GX-72 Megazord?
  16. I'm shocked as to how many assassins they seem to portray in a given area. Seems like everyone and their mom was associated with the business.
  17. Is there diecast from the ones sold at Target/Amazon?? BBB has it listed as diecast with a price of $99 for all five. BBB Voltron
  18. Anyone know when the Voltron's might start shipping? I pre-ordered from Anime Island.
  19. Post the best place when that Megazoid comes for pre-order guys!
  20. How reliable are they? Especially something that is 6-8 months out before delivery?
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