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Everything posted by dur

  1. I opened my copy from tokyo otaku mode today... bent laser! ARGHHHH! Unrelated note, I also opened up a copy of joytoy Horus Lupercal and his middle spike was broken. Guess fiddly bits are just fiddly no matter what property/company.
  2. Well, technically the missiles were never available with hayate's supers- only with the 31j-kai release. Mirage's supers came with missiles and arad came with missiles with his valk, and I think that's the only way we ever got them? (IIRC).
  3. So.... confused... I would have bought multiple super 31A's: oh well. I sold my Hayate a long time ago and I suppose it it's super cheap I wouldn't mind another.
  4. If you sign up for TOM premium as a first time member, you can get the YF-21 down to $289 shipped for yankees For those of you who PO overseas, isn't this going to be like, impossible to beat after the cost of shipping? Is there any reason for me to keep my amiami PO if I'm more concerned with price than getting it earlier?
  5. Ever since I saw that VF-22 in delta, I've been hoping we'd get that valk: I love the low viz schemes and wish we'd get more grey cannon fodders in general!
  6. I think, after shipping, this price actually might be better than my amiami PO... though I imagine they will receive the product a month or two later.
  7. For those of you who are more experienced with recent shipping costs... is there still no insured surface shipment method? Is the cheapest insured option still generally DHL for a valk? I'm guessing that's a no on the "small parcel?"
  8. The only difference is that some of us already own both the YF-19 full set and VF-19 Advance and weren't looking to add another one. In this case, it's a "brand new" release, but who knows if that will change anything.
  9. This is what I meant, sorry for any confusion. I am tempted to just wait it out like a clearance hawk... I guess the downside is if it's very popular I'll end up needing to sell a kidney to get this valk.
  10. I am seriously considering waiting the long game for the WWM releases to go on sale later just so I can get support if there's a YF-19 antenna-esque problem again
  11. It does seem like the nose was extended... or is that an optical illusion due to the paint? Either way, I'm excited for this release. Chonky AF but I don't mind.
  12. Random thought: are the weird proportion decisions on the arms to facilitate internal gunpod storage on a future VF-22?
  13. I have a confession to make: I never liked the YF-21/VF-22, fighter or battroid. I think maybe someone with my aesthetic designed this, because I do actually like the bandai rendition specifically because it does not look like the source material. I am getting one and really hope we for some bizarre reason get a wright immelman VF-22S at some point.
  14. One of my arms was also super floppy out of the box: I disassembled and reassembled the ball joint and the problem seems to have disappeared. Perhaps it was just a funky screw thread?
  15. I ordered my 25F from tokyo otaku mode (got it for $208!) and it's pretty sweet- the main thing I'm confused by is the fighter mode/FP stand. For me, it's physically impossible for me to mount the fighter- the "prongs" for the hip bar are too wide. I did a little experiment and removed the armored intake covers and it fits perfectly without them. Is this just me? I see that there's two versions of the front part of the stand adapter for FP's/no FP's but both of them have the same problem/are the same width, which doesn't make sense to me.
  16. Forgive my ignorance: is there a reason to buy from overseas retailers now that it's wordlwide release other than getting it earlier? Most of the places, after computing shipping, come out more expensive than eknightmedia or tokyo otaku mode after their typical MSRP discounts
  17. This color scheme is the only one I want. I really hope they do supers for him instead of just armor
  18. So.... anyone producing aftermarket waterslides? I see them on ebay/taobao for valks and such, but I haven't seen any tomahawk ones.
  19. I suppose if enough people wrote polite e-mails to BBTS customer service requesting that they offer DX macross stuff, it would happen. Hint hint.
  20. It is not the same as the 31A: there's the much more aggressive saw tooth on both wings and canards, different mission pack, and extra large beam guns that are no longer integrated into the fuselage. Personally, I think the original 31A was a prettier bird, but I do like how the new FP's look and will hopefully get a few of the AX's just to put the FP's on. I especially like Arad's new ride, but Hayate will do for now
  21. dur

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think that's a normal 31-A under there from the fact that the beam tonfas aren't so ginormous... weird that they would feature it though, given that the armored Kairos was already in the previous movie. Perhaps it has a more prominent role in the upcoming movie? I bet a whole squad of them gets blown up to show how serious the baddies are, LOL.
  22. dur

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I didn't think I needed yet another Hayate, but there you go... It's not quite as sleek as the original 31, especially with the protruding guns, but I still like it. I especially like the color layout with accents instead of the whole bird being that color.
  23. dur

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I have a bunch of 31's but have not had anything really major like this: the fighter gap behind the cockpit is the most I've ever had, but it usually went away after 2-3 transformations. I have chuck but haven't opened him: I'll let you know if I find this issue as well when I do.
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