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Everything posted by White

  1. Oh I thought there definately was a relation, just for fun. As far as Max piloting goes, a point for him is that it is his descendants are all well known good pilots, in both Macross and in Robotech, heh.
  2. I agree with Keith, Bright was about to lose his self control.
  3. You guys aren't giving Hikaru enough credit for keeping his Wingmen alive when he's off fighting people. Best example is when he fights Kamjin on the deck of the Macross, he recognizes the leader and goes after him himself, sparing his wingmates the risk of tangling with him. If Max was truly as hot as you all say he is, then Hikaru would have ordered Max to take him. There is a reason that Hikaru was always promoted before Max. The final battle of SW1 also shows this, with Hikaru being very serious and whatnot.
  4. Yeah it's a total Big Zam + Zeong mix.
  5. That's awesome, nice job.
  6. I'm not sure if what "Gloval" means or if it's someones actual last name matter much, because I don't know anyone with the surname "Global" either, and plenty of last names have no "meaning." Although mine, shockingly enough, is a color... However, classicly in Macross it's been "Global" and if that's the way you want to go, that's how it is. I know I'm always disappointed when he talks in Macross because I remember the RT "Gloval" so vividly as a badass when it was on long ago, having the last name be different isn't that big of a deal. Except for the pornstar part. Oh well.
  7. I think RT went with "Gloval" because he looks Russian, but the compendium says he's Italian, which makes sense with the "Bruno" part of his name. I'll always prefer "Gloval" over "Global" because "Global" is kinda silly and despite all the hate against RT, the accent of Gloval in it was sweet. "Global" just sounds made up. Or like a porn star. Either way...
  8. Is the VHS dub the one that starts out over Ontario? I think I've watched a horrible quality version of it long ago. At least, I remember it starting out over Ontario, but who knows.
  9. That's pretty sweet, and yeah, better pose!
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