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Everything posted by frankell05

  1. Thanks guys , I was referring to the live action film. Whoever wants to use the image feel free to do so. If you put it anywhere public it'd be nice to get credit. I don't do commissions at the moment, but I would take suggestions as to what you'd think would be badass and fun to make!
  2. I am gonna color it, but its probably gonna take a while...
  3. i was pretty happy with my luca, and thee is one on sale for about 11000 I think on jungle anime, I would snatch that one.
  4. I just threw away around 30 boxes....
  5. frankell05

    Hi-Metal R

    if they made all of the ones in the poster I would get at least doubles of everything!!!!!!!!! I want my 1/100 yf-19!!!!! dang it.
  6. frankell05

    Hi-Metal R

    Do you guys think this will be a pain to pre order?
  7. Never mind, I just read a bunch of comments on the article . So basically this project is primed for a re-design make over. Not gonna lie , I'd rather see a well done true rendition of macross, but I'd be ok and would still watch a robotech inspired sci fi transforming robot movie.
  8. Thanks for the comments guys , no coincidence lol that's good ol Toby's face . I just uber excited at the thought of a film coming out, so I did it as if it was for a film . I don't have many concerns about legality, since it's just fun. I'm gonna finish this and do a few more of valks in action to float my boat. I'll post the finished one soon. Cheers
  9. So if this movie were to happen what do you think we would get ? So they basically can show the old series but not produce any new content? Without getting too in depth , would you be able to give me an idea of what range of freedom they have to the rights they have ? Or point me to a source that explains it? Thanks for the comment!
  10. Hey Y'all, I got really exited at the thought of a macross/robotech live action movie, so I decided to start making some concept art of my own. This is a "live action" version of rick hunter. Its in the works, but here is the process.
  11. damn NY hasn't even sent a shipping notice! Nevermind, I just realized that I made the order together with another pre order item released in april. now I have to wait until Aprill for this item to be sent to me. I am a bit frustrated, just a bit , just a bit.
  12. have you guys seen anyone's work in progress of one of this kits? I've only seen pics of the put together project but I haven't seen anyone who has painted it or what it looks like when it is delivered to you.
  13. recommendations? The package was sent to me, but I wasn't home to receive it. Instead of leaving git at the door, they returned it to sender... awesome. Now its been about 40 days since they send it back, and nothing about the package. the usps side says to contact the Japanese side, and the Japanese site is a bit confusing and non user friendly. Should I wait longer to make a claim? has anyone done this before? Have they come through and compensated you? Thanks oh and BTW, I'm still trying to sell my aquarion dx attack type, if anyone is interested.
  14. Yieahhh dude!! I just ordered a few, I'm looking forward to getting these!
  15. cool, thanks! I checked shapeways after seeing this post and saw it there and got disturbingly excited, then I realized its not for sale yet so Ill be checking back and forth. I think is great that peeps are just making their own solutions to this problems. I looooves technolgy too!!
  16. has anyone made anything like this for the vf-171? for those damned shoulder pieces? triangle thingys?
  17. thanks a lot you guys for all the info!!
  18. yeah, basically buyee works like that. When I bought a 100 something dollar item i had to pay about 50 dollars in charges ans hipping at the end (without counting international charges form paypal. im just kind of put off by the whole process, feels like going to Vegas, every time you even think about doing something you get charged for it. suuuucks
  19. Ok, so I'm assuming a lot of folks here have dealt with yahoo japan actions. I have bought stuff through buyee already, and don't which to pay those fees again. My questions is regarding a particular situation. I have a friend in japan who is willing to receive the items shipped to him and he will ship them international to me. This is all great and dandee, but he doesn't want to have to deal with bidding on yahoo. I would be glad to take over that part but I don't see an option to sign up and buy stuff in English. Would I have to still use one of the intermediary sites like buyee to have stuff shipped to my friend in japan? would that save me any money in the end or not really? if anyone has had this experience I would appreciate any input. Also not sure if this is the right forum, but it is directly related to the purchase of macross toys, so correct me if I am wrong to write this here. Thanks
  20. frankell05

    Hi-Metal R

    if bandai is listening, pleeeeeeeeeease give me a yf-19 and yf-21 in hi metal scale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am gonna be so broke
  21. just got mine today, I gotta say, Im not diggin the super glossy pearl color. To me it makes it look like a cheaper plastic. after tranforming it I gotta say I prefer the darker versiona lot more. except that its broken.so i guess this one is better cause the transformation was smooth and nothing broke. still very happy I have it, bu tmy dream would be for all bandai toys to be done in the same matte finish as the yf-30 chronos. That guy has become one of my favorites.
  22. I had read somewhere that the kit required a lot of modification to build properly. I actually already put it together, and didn't really have any major problems. Granted my experience is limited, so the end product is not ideal ( alot of parts are misaligned and some stuff is way too loose, but what can I do? The only thing I am curious though is about what kind of putty can you use if you want to cover up a screw hole and re drill to adjust the fit better. If you have any recommendations I'd be curious. Oh and if your interested in selling that vf-5000b for a good price I'd be curious about that as well? you wanna sell it? eh?
  23. thanks for the feedback, I'll definitely be there!
  24. Hello I recently acquired a vf-5000b ver 1 kit. I was wondering if anyone has any resources on how to deal with the problems of building this kit? any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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