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Everything posted by frankell05

  1. I can't say enough, but nippon yasan is the worst place I have ever had the misfortune of buying anything from. they truly , truly are a bunch of pieces of shaiza.
  2. frankell05

    Hi-Metal R

    Nippon yasan sucks, stay away from them.
  3. frankell05

    Hi-Metal R

    screw nippon yasan, they suck. I'd rather pay a higher price somewhere else than deal with those a holes again
  4. frankell05

    Hi-Metal R

    I like that timer!
  5. anyone want to sell one of their 31a?
  6. yeah, their colors but not be as good, but dam I had one of these yamato ones and it crumbled into pieces in my had without me doing much, i literally watched 300 dollars crumble away. I much rather have some off coloring and much higher quality plastics and engineering. I'm all for these new fellas and anything new that arcadia makes.
  7. I already complained twice, and I still haven't heard anything form nippon yasan. they suck
  8. dayum! I am in the process of working on mine, but I broke my drill bit so i had to stop until a new one came in. I'm so looking forward to getting this done. i just have to remind myself to take it slow so i don't screw it up. missile doors open or closed? decisions, decisions...
  9. anyone finish one of the legioss mechs? I really want to see those painted up
  10. Hello everyone. im trying to figure out the name of an old 90’s toy line. It was a series of weapons , like a gun and a granase, that opened up to reveal soldiers and play sets inside. The little soldiers were about an inch in height. It was similar to micro machines but bigger In scale. Can anyone one send me in the right direction? thanks! Not being able to remember is driving me Insane.
  11. Does anyone still have a nippon yasan pre order for the 31a kairos? At this point I kinda don’t care anyone .
  12. insanity
  13. I do declare, I am rather curious.
  14. Hello, does anyone have the higher resolution pdf version of the instructions from a previous run of this kit? Thanks
  15. will do, thanks. the only other time I tried to build a resin kit, i wasn't aware that you had to reinforce stuff and that even though they had joint they were supposed to be static pose. so i ruined it . I am rather paranoid about this one , and i will be very careful.
  16. got mine today as well. looks very nice. Is there any chance of getting the instructions in a bit higher res? for an old blind man like meself?
  17. I second that, what did it is the fact that they wont refund you. Store credit my ass. If i actually get the kairos maybe I'll think about it, but if not, i will never buy anything form them ever again.
  18. is there a way to print this so it doesn't come out with so many print textures? and how big is this fella? can you print at different sizes?
  19. No way, way too much work for what people are willing to pay in commissions lol
  20. I wouldn’t mind having an Arcadia repaint of the yf-19 supernova. I never really liked what Yamato did with that color scheme . Maybe Arcadia could do some nice flat color version of it. But then again they have a history of not getting their blues right , but I’d oribably still buy it.
  21. transfooooooooooooorm it, yiessssss
  22. nevermind, i think its some kind of glitch on their site.
  23. ray is available for pre order at big bad toy store
  24. Even as just a bunch of parts it looks sick!
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