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Aye Aye

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Everything posted by Aye Aye

  1. 100% agree with you on that!
  2. wouldn't go as far and say up in arms, would say indifferent is all.
  3. I don't know, agreed that the blue looks 'nice,' and understand that manufacturers take some liberty in how they will render the toy, and agree 100% that the pilot is pretty much a lame ass...I guess it is so off from the source that can your really call it the de facto base model, and not a separate color variant? Maybe that's the part that sticks out so much. Will say that my YF-19 from Arcadia did not disappoint, and I do not expect this release to either. Overall the build looks like it is shaping up to be really decent. Maybe a bit less BRIGHT ASS BLUE would be nice is all..to each their own I guess.
  4. I may be off here, but isn't Macross the Ride sponsored by Hasegawa, and wouldn't that make it essentially improbable for the pally part set to come out for the DX YF-25? I hope I am wrong on this and this actually comes to light. Well, guess Bandai also sponsors the series and Shoji provides editorial supervision....hmmm
  5. Like the 0D, want to buy it...gonna have to fix that paint job though. I agree, looks like Max's plane...wth were they thinking releasing the prototype pic in that color? They would know that fans would react somewhat negatively to that, right?
  6. And....that's up there with something that I don't want as a wish from Arcadia...yet another VF-19, been discussed here like crazy I know, so not going to say anything other than that... I am echoing the calls of a bunch here, we need the VF-4 FB12 livery released ASAP!! This valk is just steeped in Macross allure, I just want it to see the light of day.
  7. I know exactly what you mean, I just keep it in fighter mode the entire time, which sort of sucks because battroid is the biggest draw (for me at least) to this 29. I didn't really like the other schemes of the 29, but like the 25S specifically for the head aesthetics and the fighter (lesser extent). I just keep it in fighter mode for now though as putting the toy through its paces seems to be a chore and since I have one I am trying not to break its head off until I can track another down if they ever reissue....
  8. Sorry late the game here...I have to say that overall this last run at the 25S renewal was joke. Sites were not kind. I have two of these and one armor, but I have them all in a box. I think I'm going to face the reality and just have to open one and get it over with now, as adding a third for retail, heck less than $250-$500 (why???? God?!??!) is going to be tough. Oh and sorry about your wing there Scream that completely sucks.
  9. I have a bunch of flight pose stands, but I these bad boys look to be completely perfect for getting all of the poses dialed on our valks!
  10. Ok, longtime viewer of MW forums, first time poster here. Have to say I am too impressed with the YF-30, in general there is something about the valks with the Hikaru-ish paint scheme (the red on black) that compels me to purchase each that come out regardless of similarities to the last. Only got one, so not sure whether to crack it open for display or keep it in the box...ugh....
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