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Aye Aye

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Everything posted by Aye Aye

  1. F91 Madness! Peeps get the option parts!
  2. Dang! That sucks! The thing I did this time was give the proxy the link, setup the order, strangely on the wrong day (day before), but they secured the order anyways. That's nice - make them deal with he damn F5 madness. Though to be fair it may have not been that bad at first and pBandai sold out as the day progressed.
  3. Is p Bandai sold out on all of the Kai MBs? I mean, just proxy the damn thing direct. It is so much easier than dealing with the hassle on these other sites. Especially if you don't mind waiting for combining your shipments (if you're like me and order a lot from Japan). That way your shipping per unit just balances through economies of scale. I mean I get wanting to have the item as soon as possible, but I can wait for a friggin option part set, considering the Red Frame has the most option parts out of any MB (which is just odd).
  4. The US retailer MB 'upcharge' does sort of even out with the shipping being rolled in from JP, but you still have to pay for domestic shipping which sucks. I did PO that crazy Red Frame power arm set through proxy though, not sure I'll ever take it out the box bc it so friggin huge with that hilt/beam sword thing. Not sure I want the Kai either, along with still having a WIP on the PG kit, I'm kinda Red Framed out atm. Secured a 7 Sword PO though, so that's done with...wallet is on fire, and now smoldering ash..haha
  5. Now that is awesome! Its so funny that the F91 is getting all this love when it's place in UC lore is so short-lived. Still the MB looks fantastic.
  6. Really want Bandai to begin producing more molds away from Seed and 00 though. The F91 is the right step, but they need another announced UC (or other series) suit. What about a MB Turn A?
  7. Metal Build insanity! Well, this one was a long time coming for a lot of us MB fans. Able to finally complete the collection gap from the outrageous secondary prices of the original release. Didn't pay any attention to the announced PO, but my last attempts at securing any PO with Japan retailers has been fruitless. Paying the US surcharge from on the respected retailers has been the only true way of securing these as of late...ugh.
  8. RA is looking sweet...I just took my sweet ass time in sending my damn payment to HLJ. Seriously guys, where do you keep all of your stash from all of your figures, models, etc. My closet is bursting at the seems with Gundams, Macross and other figures...good Lord! I need to clear some space for this thing!
  9. Loving the F91 MB...it may end up being the best MB. I am so dang stoked that the Seven Sword is finally at least on the docket for potential re-release. Also it looks like it is getting a slight refresh as well from its original release (i.e. Extra markings a'la MB Exia's latest release), but 100% tell. Regardless, this is great news b/c the scalping on Seven Sword is the worst in all figure Gundamdom. Also thanks F360 for linking the site to the Crystallized RD Unicorn, looks pretty spiffy for a RD figure.
  10. Hey did anyone randomly pickup the p-Bandai robot damashii crystallized Unicorn? Mine is sitting with the proxy, thought it was interesting to add to the ever expanding Unicorn collection, plus its kind of a weird one. Curious if anyone got one and can comment on it.
  11. The PG Strike Freedom...I actually did start my Build and stopped, suffering from fatigue - hehe. Lots of parts and the backpack/wing gimmick has a lot of the pros and cons of the kit itself. While a completed SF is impressive from the sheer size of it, the wings are finicky and are very top heavy. They're known for actually snapping the connecting peg to the backpack due to the weight of the assembly. There's plenty of workarounds and strengthening methods to get around it to ensure it looks great and doesn't break. I opted to start the build on the wings first, painted everything, did the strengthening of the wing connecting pegs with putty fill...the whole bit, then gave up for awhile. Looks really nice, but the wings alone are around 200+ parts alone! If you're not painting it the one big problem is the gold inner frame details. It was very disappointing that Bandai opted to use two different golds for these details straight from the box. One is ok, while the other can only be described as baby food/puke yellow. Not very nice. Thankfully, other than the wing assemblage the good gold parts are the most visible out of the box (mostly). My panel scribing skills are still in progress and that's another area that I feel the PG SF needs some TLC with more details. The leg area especially, which are very plain Jane. Like some have said the SF came out during the recession and some feel Bandai didn't go all out as it would be cost prohibitive to the customer. I for one like the SF b/c there's a canvas here to make an amazing Build if you take your time in painting it and dealing with some of the structural shortcomings. Alternatives? Well not building anything you have the gorgeous Metal Build if you have the coin. The other option is to go with one of the handful MG SF kits, like the Full Burst kit, which is pretty awesome.
  12. Agreed....I really like to have it for completionist sakes, but it looks friggin bizarre as hell.
  13. Chiming in here on the PG Gundam front, as I own every PG gundam currently. If you want to build any of these out of the box without painting Zeta looks very 'old school.' The PG Zeta is a great kit, but has a lot of the old style construction for the time period (screws, etc.). If you plan on painting it and your modeling skills are solid, you can scribe it, paint it, and make it look as good as anything that is out there, but it is a very time consuming process. The kit is over 700 pieces. The transformation gimmick can make it floppy, which is why some folks just build it one way and just leave it in either wavebird or Gundam mode. The GP01/Fb is still one of the best PG, or rather gundam model kits even to this day. Out of the box build, and assuming you at least go through decalling it, and maybe flat coating it with Matte Top Coat, you can achieve a pretty nice looking finished product without going through the painting process. The one area that the GP01/Fb really excels at is the fantastic inner frame detail that really comes to life if you paint with quality metallic paints (i.e. Alclad, etc.). I have yet to put either of mine together namely because I plan on panel scribbing and painting which will probably take me about a ~7-8 months to do so. Kit is huge exceeding 700 parts. Keep in mind that PG kits don't necessarily mean its 'hard,' anyone can build them, but you have to pay attention and not rush through the build. I think currently the best results straight out of the box for PG kits can be achieved with either of the three (soon to be 4) PG Unicorn kits + LED option kit. The kit looks amazing and simply trounces any of the figures and MG kits out there by a long mile. I really think the base PG unicorn with the full armor add-on + LEDs is just an impressive model and is a lot of fun to crank through. I will say my build for this + painting took ~8 months to put together. Hope that helps. Actually if you are a Macross guy, you probably should come full circle and build the GP01/Fb, as it is a Shoji Kawamori design, the only Gundam (so far) designed by the man himself.
  14. Hey does anybody have a preorder date for the nu gundam formania ex release? I had both of the original formania releases and recently sold both of them for some nice stack of dough, so I'm stoked they're re-releasing with a fresh coat and new gimmicks.
  15. I hear you, I use white rabbit as well. Its been very easy, but I didn't get my Destiny order in for the first run. I am guessing I am getting mine some time this month.
  16. Good god man! That is some serious bankroll dropped on some Destiny goodness there. What is the proxy that you used for this one?
  17. MB F91 really popped up a lot on US sites compared to other MBs! Nice! Hopefully everybody got one that wanted one.
  18. Every MB since Strike Freedom has been horrendous to try to nab on the first PO. I mean, it is way harder to snag then any of the DX Valks. The other thing that is really working against us in the US, is that a lot of the US retailers that actually get stock have seen their allotment shrink from Strike Freedom to now. Some sites were absolutely complete BS - cdjapan had nothing showing, then BAM it popped as visible on their site sold out - WTF?! Made no sense. F91 was way worse than Blue Frame. Reminded me a lot of Strike Freedom, which was wiped out almost instantaneously. Can't say I blame anyone that wants it, as I think this looks like the best MB figure to-date.
  19. Ok cool, thanks for the clarification.
  20. Right that is why I was asking if the entire pic was old as its confusing why they would be showing that with he outline of the QanT
  21. What was the source and date of the pic of the QuanT? It looks like its old to me...especially considering that super low price of 7S.
  22. Yep...got mine from proxy as well....easy. The scalping on eBay for that thing is ridiculous.
  23. Ok, so 16:00 JST on the 31st...that is what??? Sunday the 30th at midnight PDT???? Ugh...not how I wanted to start the work week,,,but you gotta put in the time if you wanna do the crime
  24. Yeah, but how can you can you not resist the combo of having the Strike Freedom & Destiny with WoL displayed in face off mode!!! Heine is cool, but its just kind of a weird one off...I don't know if I will ever take it out of the box. You know speaking of the Heine, I have the event version of the Heine Custom, does the Tamashii Online version have the same packaging? I think the packaging is pretty sick on the event version.
  25. They're really going all out on the F91. Very happy with the latest news on this and can't wait to preorder!!
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