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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. Saw the trailer b4 Dark Knight. The visuals are what I'd imagine (much like 300 did 4 me) but the music was oddly placed (Smashing Pumpkins from the Batman and Robin soundtrack?). I have high expectations for this one Zach Snider has another winner in Watchmen.
  2. Storming the Burning Fields is my favorite song from DF's Inhuman Rampage. Awesome pics A7!
  3. I was able to snag the Simpsons Game for $14 and Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion for $10 at Wally-Mart in Hilltop Mall in Richmond, CA. It was in a Clearance bin with Rogue Galaxy ($10), Pirates At Worlds End, PS2 GH and GH2 twin pack ($24), Cabella Deer Hunting, Stranglehold ($14), Untold Legends PS3 ($24) and some Wii and NDS titles. I got the aforementioned 360 games 2 weeks ago, I went there today to buy a wireless Guitar for GH:PS2 and there's still some games left.
  4. What do you guys think of the Airhogs Aero Ace/Silverlit Bi-Wing xtwin? IMHO they fly great with little or no wind and stays aloft pretty well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3U-QHFW6jc
  5. Freaking Sweet! To bad I suck at modeling, or in this case, Papercraft. Glue, I need Glue!
  6. I thought his work on the Lupin III dub was pretty decent too.
  7. "In The Shadow of the Moon."
  8. That was pretty funny plus the scene Betty shows Bruce a pair of Purple stretchy-shorts.
  9. Just got them. Thx.
  10. That trailer was fvcking corny. Sony should concentrate on giving the Uchuu no Senshi mini series OVA a proper region 1 release. Chances are slim though.
  11. 2 bad it's not canon but those Verniers look really great on the Sparta.
  12. Like the Armored Core and Virtual On games Exteel was announced last year as an MMO third person action game instead of a stand alone game. As time passed I forgot about it. I just find out it was available on NCsoft's website since December. The game is free to download you gotta sign up, that's free too. I signed up and downloaded the game today and starting on the tutorial. Control scheme is your standard FPS fair; w,s,a,d to move and mouse to target/camera view etc. and controls great well suited for a mech game. If the DreamPod9 (pen and paper) RPG Jovian Chronicles was a game this would be close match. Is anybody playing or interested? http://eu.plaync.com/eu/games/overview/exteel/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exteel
  13. Would MCB's be good for Star Wars 3inch figures and vehicles?
  14. Here's pics of Thexder for the Famicom.
  15. I watched Indy yesterday. I really liked the plot elements straight out of Erich Von' Danikens' books "Chariots of the Gods" and "Gods from Outer Space" which I both read which were really interesting. I recently found the Documentary from the 70's based off "Chariots" albeit it's in 10 parts. It reminds me of those old 8mm film reels you seen in Elementary School with the funky music and over dramatic narration, good stuff IMHO . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N6Drxzst6I
  16. I actually own the Famicom version of Thexder. It's a pretty interesting early take on a Henkei-Mecha side scroller. I'll post a pic soon.
  17. Not trying to diss' the SHawks fans but I'd like to see a live action Gatchaman first!
  18. Fixed! But he did use a Colt in Temple of Doom. http://www.indygear.com/gear/guns.shtml
  19. I picked up Indy with the Fertility Idol today. It pretty much has the same joints like the current SW action figures (I wouldn't be surprised if it were the same designers ). I counted 20 points of articulation and looks really cool on my desk! He comes with two styles of whips (one he uses and the other made to be stored on a loop on his belt), a colt pistol with really bulky holster to keep it in, shoulder bag, molded leather jacket arms and the golden idol from Lost Ark. It's a great toy and ya'll shold pick it up.
  20. Those cards look so bland. At least you get a figure.
  21. Looks sweet! It puts the old Kenner/Hasbro version to shame. Any idea how much the new Falcon will cost?
  22. I bought GTA4 at Circuit City and gotta free $10 gift card. The T.V. bits are pretty funny. I like the cartoon where three marines in "Spartan-esque" armor are wiping out peace loving aliens upholding Democracy throughout the Galaxy.
  23. I remember Saber Rider well and it rocked! It aired at 3:30 in the Bay Area on Channel 26 in the late 80's. What I'd like to see is an official US DVD release the same way World Events/Anime Works put out the Voltron DVD's. "STEED!"
  24. Destroy all Podcasts DX MFS Podcast
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