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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. I have the Ovalon AKA Whirl from the Transformers somewhere. It's about 7 inches in height when transformed light blue and can seat a human pilot which it didn't have just like the Skids TF that originally came with a mini scooter and micro figure plus it swiveled when in a "Battroid" position. I gotta fish it out of storage and take pics. ~G25
  2. It wouldn't hurt watching SD with a 5th of Jack . Damn, I actually missed it today but I did see the toys at the local music friendly Wal-Mart. The mini figs look pretty nifty I wouldn't mind an SD Tallgeese on my desktop. ~G25
  3. I yet to make a judgement on SD after I watch it if I ever get a chance too (I rarely watch CN at all. Too many badly dubbed Anime on their Toonami block I actually like that psudo Anime-Archie Comics toon, Totaly Spies that was picked up from ABC/FOX family better but that's just me.). The review somewhat piqed my intrest. It's coming up next, episode three I believe. ~G25
  4. Thx 4 the link Opus! ~G25
  5. That's nice B)! Any pics of it transformed? ~G25
  6. Sabre Rider was an awesome show when it aired. Sure it was different than the original i.e Bismarck but rocked. Colt the sharp shooter was the man and he had a fly mini-jet, I wanted 2 be like him. It's one of the better dubbed 80's Anime fare out there (I think Star Blazers/Yamato is the best of the best dub). I think I still have a video of SR & TSS somewhere I gotta look. Brings back good memories! B) ~G25
  7. I liked those Revel/ARII/IMAI RT models when I was a kid. I begged my mom to get me one that I seen at a hobby store. I got one that had the Mech walking on snow and came with a little skier too, I forgot what the RT name was but it was pretty cool. Is there a website that has the RT Revel Catalog with the Valks? ~G25
  8. I knew a girl in my Japanese language course in college who wore that shirt. It was white, and it said "Lying King" with Kimba in an angry pose w/ the same quote above. ~G25 LMAO funny
  9. One word. No. ~G25
  10. As long as the pieces fit it's all good! ~G25
  11. I have Simpsons season 1 & 2. When did Season 3 come out? ~G25
  12. Maybe these Mecha creations will convince you! http://www3.sympatico.ca/mladenpejic/Mecha.htm ~G25
  13. It's the Encinal entrance. Yep it does look like a prison I only went to AHS till my Sophmore year. I finished the last two at Island High. You might have heard bad things bout' that school (like a prison ironicly) but it was pretty tight. I'm class of 95. BTW: I'll check the list and see if I could make the meet. ~G25
  14. Any in-game footage? ~G25
  15. Two words: Ball Joints. ~G25
  16. Amen Brotha! ~G25
  17. I don't even have a 1/48 or even a 1/60 Super or Strike(yet) . Just a 1/60 VF-1a Max and VF-1s Focker. There my prized possesions and I'm greatfull I have em'. My prized DVD? Well it's no contest Animeigo's SDF mini boxed sets of course! But what I prize the most is my Mospeada Ride Armor (even though it's not Macross but it's a gr8 toy nontheless). The box is thrashed (about a c-3) and the display window is ripped. The toy itself is excellent looking with the exception of the hinges that swings and holds the wheel in place in robot form. OOPS!!!!!!! This is a Macross related thread I better stop ranting about Mospeada ~G25
  18. If I go Macross shopping, a Comic-con'ning I will go. Why? I haggle and bargain my ass for a deal . ~G25
  19. I have both the Exo-Squad and Matchbox versions and they have the logos and in the same area the thigh. ~G25
  20. I found out that the 70's Tekkaman was revived in a Video Game and Microman toy! It seems that he appeared in a game called "Tatsunoko Fight!" for the JP PSone and the action figures along with Tatsu's other superheroes (i.e Huricane Polymer, Cashan, Gatchaman Ken and a new exclusive chara) were based on the game. There's more info at: http://www.microforever.com/tatsunokomicro.htm Cool Stuff! ~G25
  21. I have AC3 and yet to play it. I also got AC2:AnotherAge at the same time recently and I'm working on that first. Finally, freaking analog control instead of the thumb blistering digital. It's more of a breeze to get around no complaints here. I did play a little bit of AC3. Same analog control, another plus for me . My half-assed AC stats AC2 mecha: Outlaw7 Color Scheme: Black/Khaki Size: Heavy can't seem to remember the rest, Thus being half-assed. ~G25
  22. I have a funky-ass 80minute VHS dub of "Tekkaman" the Space Knight. I think that's what your talking about right? ~G25
  23. Alameda High School where part of the Animatrix "Kid's Story" took place. Remember the entrance to the high school? ~G25
  24. My vote? Animeigo. Titles? Crusher Joe Movie/Ova's and SDF. Next acquisition? Urusei Yatsura . ~G25
  25. I remember watching it on UPN and it was called "Teknoman" way back in 1993. WTF? I was in high school when it came out and I saw previews of it I thought is this robot-human hybrid was gonna dance his way into a fight? Okay that's not exactly how I remembered it but it's just that I hated techno-house-dance-trance music (I was going through a hip-hop liking phase at this point). I actually saw the two hour premeire (ala RT) on a Sunday morning at noon and it was great. I was suprised but shocked after the end of the credits to find out that the kings of Tokusatsu/Sentai bastardization Saban produced an excellent Anime. Certain name changes were not a problem for me and that Pegas Mecha Tekkaman rides in is sweet. If they can only bring it on DVD with Jap. Language track w/ Eng. Subs. I wonder who owns the rights now? ~G25
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