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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. My GIJOE, RAH dreamcast is. General Flagg-Jon Voight General Hawk-Robert Redford Duke-Ed Harris Snake Eyes-Ray Park Gung Ho-Fred Dryer/Bruce Willis (Tie) Beachhead-George Clooney Spirit-Wes Studi Rock N' Roll-Owen Wilson (he needs a beard) Sgt. Slaughter-Himself Sgt. Stalker-Samuel L. Jackson (he was great in Basic) Grunt-Richard Burgie (UPN/SCI-FI's The Sentinel) Roadblock-Ving Rhames Cover Girl-Holly Hunter Scarlet-Julianne Moore Flint-Nicholas Cage Lady Jaye-Demi Moore Storm Shadow-Sho Kosugi Jinx-Bai Ling Tunnel Rat-Jet Li Lt. Falcon-Colin Farrell Heavy Duty-Mekhi Pfiefer Dusty-Viggo Mortensen From the Image Series. GIJOE's Junior Hackers Daemon-Haley Joel Osment Firewall-Allison Lohman Cobra dreamcast Tomax,Xamot-Antonio Banderas Zartan-Johnny Depp Big Boa-WWE's Kane,Glen Jacobs Dr. Mindbender-Christopher Lloyd The Gladiator from the first GIjoe RAH animation-WWE's Triple H, Jean Paul Levesque The Baroness-Cathrine Zeta-Jones B.A.T.S.-CG More Soon! ~G25
  2. I remember bits and pieces of that series. The video game on SNES was what I remember most. It was quite a good Shinobi, Ninja Gaiden, Bionic Commando-esque side scrolling game. ~G25
  3. During the last two months of summer I became a Theme Park nut! It's almost like a Macross obession i.e a roller coaster is the closest thing to flying. This summer alone I went on an ultimate park field trip Here's my list of themeparks and the coasters I conquered their. Six Flags, Marine World -Roar -Zonga -Boomerang -Medusa -Kong -V2 Six Flags, Magic Mountain This was my very first visit plus I got their pretty late, like at 5pm on thursday and didn't have a chance to ride all of the extreme rides (X, Viper, Deja Vu was closed, Riddler's Revenge, Flashback, Colosus and the new Scream). -Goliath -Revolution -Ninja -Psyclone -Superman, The Escape Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk -Giant Dipper -Fireball Paramount's Great America -Stealth -Demon -Psycho Mouse (A ride I'm truly scared of!) -Top Gun -Grizzly -Vortex -Drop Zone I'd like to be part of ACE (American Coaster Enthusiasts) someday if I had the time off. But this is was close enough. I'm ready for next year! ~G25
  4. Kill Bill looks awesome. I saw the trailer before Matchstick Men with the new footage. It's gotta be production I.G infamous for their Johnny Chase t-mobile commercial and web series. BTW the same night I also saw the trailer for the new Bill Murray indie flick "Lost In Translation". Anybody gonna check that out about an American hawkin' Whiskey in Japan, Interesting. ~G25
  5. In mm2 the Music in Bubbleman's stage was awesome! ~G25
  6. WTF 50 bucks? If, by chance, they sell it at Suncoast in the near future I'll just wait till it becomes clearence fodder!!!!! ~G25
  7. Are you sure your not talking about Mirrormask (Coming out next year BTW)? He, Dave McKean and Henson's Workshop are currently in post production. Huh? I knew Neil worked on the english translation on Mononoke Hime. It does intrigue me as well bout' Avalon. ~G25
  8. I used a chair heh, heh, heh! B) ~G25
  9. OMFG! No shizzit? The blue bomber ROCK'ed my world from the first NES games to the SNES/PS1 X's. I never played the Arcade games but with all of the games in one big package I better get my damn money's worth. What's the MSRP BTW? ~G25
  10. I'm so blessed I discovered his music from my dad at a very young age. One of the greatest Country/Folk musicans of our time. RIP Johnny Cash ~G25
  11. Ditto. I heard it on the news this morning I was shocked! He was a comedic genius and I'm also a BIG Three's Company fan. John Ritter you will truly be missed. RIP Let's all do a shot for Jack and eat Tuna Sandwich's at the Regal Beagle! "To Jack!" ~G25
  12. That was a great montage. SPOILER AHEAD! I also liked the tension between Minmay and her parents when she realizes she want's to be a popstar. It was brief and to the point. Well executed! I hear people say that this was episode 37 of SDF. Is that true? ~G25
  13. Too bad I only have the first 3 episodes on fansubbed VCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . they rocked. I need to find the HK DVD's now! But being strapped for cash at this time it's gonna be hard but they will be mine, THEY WILL BE MINE! ~G25
  14. I just bought the first 7eps. on DVD. An excellent Anime with moments that'll make you LOL ! Worthy purchase I gotta get the remaining 19 episodes. Thanks Right Stuf for emptying my wallet once more. ~G25
  15. If Digital is cheaper i'd say go for it that's what I did. You get more channels and I'm sure for a few clams more you could get the Starz Super Pack (i.e Action Channel ). ~G25
  16. I knew since the first time I saw the trailer back in April it was a Shakesperean Vampies vs. Werewolves (i.e Lycans) flick and White Wolf was far from my mind and I had friends who plays the WW RPG's (don't know which) . Now this lawsuit and all? WTF, why don't White Wolf sue the estate of William Shakespere. It's just a loose adaptation of the original work. ~G25
  17. Damn no I' Channel? That sucks but your not missing much though. Have you thought about DirectTV or change to local Cable i.e does the town/city power company provide cable service? ~G25
  18. I totally agree with you. Maybe Gonzo should go into production of a Hellsing feature film (Animated of course). I have Action Channel on Digital but ironicly don't watch their Anime nor do TechTV or CN but if I do I click on to International Channel for some Slayers Action subtitled Here's International Channel's Anime Pacific Time schedule ~G25
  19. Ditto. I also miss the fact that he spoke with a vocal vox thingie which was canned circa 97/98 but was a cool gimmic for Kane. ~G25
  20. I heard from a friend years ago that Fabio was gonna be casted for either an animated and/or a live action version of Mighty Thor. Weird weird stuff man. ~G25
  21. Have you ever seen a Pikachu, Mario or Sonic at TRU? Same deal.
  22. Awesome coloring job and LMAO funny . ~G25
  23. I played Front Mission 3 on the good ol' PSone. I didn't get very far but man I liked the turn based mech action which we don't get enough of. Sure Armored Core is all about action but I gotta give props to Squaresoft for their interpretation of hot mech on metal action (That sounded wrong ). I always imagined Fasa's Battletech being this kind of game and not like the Mechwarrior sims. If SS could bring the SFC Front Missions on GBA, in english I'd be set. ~G25
  24. Funny stuff. I didn't know the that Simpsons figure was out already. I should get out of the house more often and stop watching my Animeigo Macross DVD's over and over. ~G25 BTW I'd get one of the Legioss MPC's if Gamestop/Funcoland stocked up on them.
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