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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. Headmasters got my vote! The other went to Tekknoman/Tekkaman Blade. ~G25
  2. Got mine at Best Buy. ~G25
  3. They were eating Rotisserie Chicken. ~G25
  4. Yep it's US Newtype. I have the issue with the Five Star Stories poster. It also came with a couple DVD's; an ADV disc with the 1st episode of St. Seiya dub/sub and a series sampler from Media Blasters dub, and a sticker sheet of the first 10 issue covers. ~G25
  5. "Kalgan take me away!" ~G25
  6. The vf-1 series. ~G25
  7. Have you thought of looking into buying an RT Super Poseable? I noticed the hand sculpts is from DYRL because the fingers are more squared off than rounded (like the TV's version). Hope this helps. ~G25
  8. Awesome work! ~G25
  9. Ditto. I heard about that title (i.e Movie) a long time ago and I just bought it recently as a set it came with the two OVA's as well. ~G25
  10. Robot Jox was a chessy good flick. There wouldn't be G-Gundam if RJ wasn't made. ~G25
  11. Sold mine when I got all the SDF Animeigo mini box sets. I'm RT tolerant (used to be a fan long ago) but I've no intrest in the new so-called remaster. <_< ~G25
  12. Flash Gordon. Cheesy bad movie, but decent music score by Queen (One of the greatest rock bands ever!) ~G25
  13. I just wonder how the Armada game will be? ~G25
  14. For those of you who get Tech TV they air(ed) Beyond 2000. Seems like they pulled the plug in October. According to TechTV's show schedule on their website no future episodes will air . ~G25
  15. I must have overlooked that review. Thx A7 ~G25
  16. I had a bootleg famicom 30 in 1 cartridge with an adapter with that Macross game. I'm sure it's the same Namco release that came out in 83. A cool game back in the day it puts that RT GBA game to shame (gameplay wise but not graphicly though). I wish had my NES cause I still think I have that cart somewhere at my house. ~G25
  17. Here are a couple anime I heard of that sounds intresting. Planetes Gungrave: The Animation The latter I'm sure you played on the PS2. The game was a decent mindless shooter but I just hope it translates to animation well. The former is about two astronauts that pick up space junk in Earth orbit. That's all I know about Planetes but it piques my intrest. A7 I hope you watch these and post reviews in the future! ~G25
  18. Stay away from Bakshi's LOTR. It combined the Fellowship and Two Towers novels. Seen it and it was boring it made me go to sleep and the story pacing wasn't so great. I had the DVD, sold it, end of story. Stick with Peter Jackson's far superior vision. Can't wait for the 4disc special edition of the Two Towers on Tuesday! ~G25
  19. What's up Macfarlane? Bring on the Power Loader damnit! ~G25
  20. The Dementor's hand looked cool like a Ring Wraith without his gauntlets. ~G25
  21. Ditto. ~G25
  22. It looks like the face on Mars! kiddin', the Skyfire head really looks gr8 like it's TF animated counter part. It's looking good Kidkorrupt! I would have never thought of using an original or bootleg Devastator head. ~G25
  23. If I recall from my old TV media instructor in college that Beta is the standard in India, the land of "Bollywood" and Sony still manufactures them. ~G25
  24. Oh I remember Mighty Orbots. The blonde dude with a his little android companion and 5 living mechs in his apartment and the evil Umbra (Which looked like a vaginal MCP BTW). Props 2 Tokyo Movie Shinsa for the animation who also worked on Bionic 6. ~G25
  25. I happen to see it on Amazon. I was suprised and I know a few of you know about this title. I haven't seen this horror flick yet (I hear it's like Ringu) but do plan to pick this up at Best Buy (if they have it that is). Are there any MW reviews? ~G25
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