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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. Kinda OT but has anybody seen Kung Faux on Fuse TV (which is a far better MTV btw)? Tommy Boy (records) and Dr. Dre produce 1970's bad kung fu flicks that combine rap, pretty graphics and bad dubbing. Their intro is written in freaking inteligeble Katakana. Thanks alot Wu-Tang Clan . ~G25
  2. What about the Budweiser missle can in DYRL? ~G25
  3. Can't find that thread on the tf2005 board. Any Smokescreen sightings in the SF Bay Area? ~G25
  4. I thought I only called Sci-Fi channel that way. ~G25
  5. Hell yeah! SAAB is the kind of Sci-Fi we need more of. Fave characters: West Wang Vansen Hawkes Mcqueen ~G25
  6. An excellent example of B movie crapulence! I cringe when I see it or mention it. <_< ~G25
  7. Last April I remember seeing a Tatu poster at Rasputin Records that looked like this. A cool poster BTW. My guess is the Anime is based on that. I know many of you either like or dislike Tatu but I like them. They did an excellent cover of The Smith's "How soon is now". Even Morrissey thought it was brilliant. ~G25
  8. gerwalk25

    Age Check! :)

    I'm 27 with: -Animeigo 3 mini boxed DVD sets -ADV Mospeada 5 disc DVD set -Yamato 1/60 Valkyries VF-1a Max & VF-1s Focker types -Gakken Mospeada Large Ride Armor, Stick type -Toynami SD Morhers Legioss/Alphas Stick, Fuke, Belmont and Shadow types -Toynami SD Morphers, VF-1d Trainer Type and VF-1j Super Millia types -Toynami Super Poseable VF-1j Super Millia type -Banpresto Perfect Transformation Valkyrie CF-1AJS Super type ~G25
  9. Next year my sister is leaving for Beijing to meet her friend. Unfortunately she didn't tell me exactly when she leaves but anyway she asked me if I wanted anything. I didn't tell her yet, but I do want a Yammie 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru type. Before I tell her I need some help. For those MWr's who been there recently (or live there) do they sell Yammie's in Beijing and how much would it/they be, and if so which stores? Any info would be appreciated. ~G25
  10. Not to bash any "Firefly" fans but like I said in the past, it's an Outlaw Star/Crusher Joe rip-off but that's just me. ~G25
  11. Right now I don't own any new releases but I did get older titles at Gamestop. They had a buy 2 used games get 1 free deal and I got Mark Of Kri, Bloodrayne and the first Onimusha (Warlords). I never played these titles and all will keep me busy. I also snaged Ehergeiz at Blockbuster. The Dungeon Quest and Othello mini-games are addicting. The best games on PS2 this year that I've played is Max Payne Sly Cooper Gran Turismo 3 The newest released games I like to get? Ratchet & Clank 2 Metal Arms: Glitch in the System Secret Weapons over Normandy Max Payne 2 XIII ~G25
  12. That was a most excellent review A7. This goes on my list as one of the best Sci-Fi films ever, it made me want to be a Starfighter when I was young . I thought their was no DVD release until I found it at Tower Records this summer (and Scarface). I just hope their will be a 20th anniversary edition in a few years. ~G25
  13. I liked the fact that the original series used the idea of "Ancient Astronauts" i.e Chariots of The Gods, too bad it didn't carry over to the new Mini Series, which I voted good but not great. The newest Viper (Mark 4) looked like (ironicly enough) the Vic-Viper from Konami's shooter Gradius/Salamander. Cool design IMHO. ~G25
  14. Looks like I'm heading to Gamestop/Funcoland this weekend and early! ~G25
  15. I traded my old GBA and PSone w/ monitor for a Cobalt GBA SP! A really excellent upgrade from the original GBA, it's a keeper. Anyway, here's a few games I suggest. Sega Arcade Classics Konami Arcade Advance Mario Kart: Super Circuit SMBA 2: Super Mario World And any Tetris title ~G25
  16. DAMN! Double post!!!! Bump.
  17. Yep. That's how I found the link to AN's website on ADV's site. ~G25
  18. I just checked out the website. I'm in the Bay Area and I don't think we get video on demand in my area. I just typed in my zip code plus my name and address to "Demand" AN plus to win a Honda. U can enter here http://www.theanimenetwork.com/demandit.html ~G25
  19. Would the IG figure be considered a Jumbo Machinder?
  20. Ahhh she's so cute! ~G25
  21. It's blasphemy when the TAE ship designer calls a ship the "Valkyrie". Booooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~G25
  22. I have the Blue Sirens set. It set me back 12$us and they do remind me of the old Gobot/MR toys. True, just on the Motobikes, but there is metal on the upper thighs of the lead Police car and for some reason clear plastic on the the bicepts as well. I hope to find the rest of the teams soon. Right now I'm searching for the Series fansubbed. ~G25
  23. I 2nd that. Priceless moment? Faye swimming in front of a toilet. ~G25
  24. Ugghhh. don't even get me started with the stupid Mario Dance during the end credits . Know one plays Live Action Mario and Luigi like Capt. Lou Albano and the bartender from the Jeffersons . The SMB Toon was cool with previews clips of the upcoming episode of Zelda on Fridays. ~G25
  25. that was a pretty sweet show. Mega Man, Kid Icarus....who else was on there?? those were the only two i remember. i know Link and Zelda made an appearance once...... Simon Belmont, but he was more like Indiana Jones than the Vampire Slayer we know and love . BTW I'd be funny if somebody cosplayed Captain N . ~G25
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