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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. If we do, expect Yune fugly artwork on the box . ~G25
  2. And to think they started out distributing badly dubbed Kung-Fu flicks. I watched them in my teens on Saturday late night TV where HG's logo was slapped on right before the flick. I can't believe I remember that, I was stoned or drunk for most of my teen years. ~G25
  3. Megs should be a Binaltech/Alternator as an Abrams Tank. ~G25
  4. Sure they have. They probably seen it as "Clash Of The Bionoids". I can hear the RT people saying "Who's Hikaru?" or "IT'S LISA NOT MISA!" ? ~G25 P.S how could I have missed this topic? G4tv is crack !
  5. No, dude. He should be a Pontiac Aztek. It should be that new Chevy Aveo or when Cartman calls for a towel "ABEEEEEEEGA!" ~G25
  6. For the SF East Bay Area MW's San Lorenzo Target has three Sideswipes. I got the last Smokie there and they were at the Actionfig aisle. Also try Bayfair Target I saw three Smokies there. ~G25
  7. It's from Gatchaman Fighter the third least known series. It spun-off from Gatchaman 2. ~G25
  8. A great sub like A7 says stick to it! ~G25
  9. I remember this review back in the old fourms glad u brought it back A7. I'm glad I have the DVD and since I'm a Gatchaman nut the OVA series rocks! I liked the remix cover of the original intro to the series and the video after the last credit roll in the final episode of the OVA. Excellent remake of an excellent series sans BOTP. ~G25
  10. TechTV just got the rights to Last Exile and will premiere sometime in the middle of March. I don't know the details but will premiere during a Sunday Anime Unleashed marathon. Tech TV's Anime Unleashed website ~G25
  11. I saw the trailer a few weeks ago, meh <_< but Lady Penelope is easy on the eyes . Rotten Tomatoes Thunderbirds info here ~G25
  12. I see an Alt./Binal. Nightbeat as a black Mustang Saleen. That would look ever so sweet! ~G25
  13. I've been watching these two shows for quite some time now. I'm curious what you guys think is the better VG review/preview show? If you know any others let me know. TechTV's X-play site G4TV's Judgement Day site ~G25
  14. Bout' frickkin time. I almost thought of getting bootlegs at a Con'. Thank Kame I didn't get em'. ~G25
  15. Sure! She knows of Macross but never seen it (yet) plus I don't know if she ever heard of cosplay gotta ask her **heh heh heh** ~G25
  16. Update! I guess it changed from the last time I looked. ~G25
  17. -Bandai/Popy DX Dynaman Dynarobo, the Japanese relaese not the US Godaikin. -Original 1990 Nightmare Before Chrstmas Sally Action Figure by hasbro, before NECA copied the design and re-sold it. -Batman Animated Series 1st version of the Penguin. OOps forgot it was a Macross Toy related thread thus my Holy Grail Mac Toy? -Takatoku 1/100 scale VF-1S! My Fault ~G25
  18. The feeling is mutual. ~G25
  19. All I gotta say is "Hey Tatsunoko Pro. WTF?" ~G25
  20. I recently won a DYRL "special edition" DVD (bootleg obviously) on eBay to replace the one I let my cousin borrow (I still have his MGS2 ). The subs aren't too bad there some errors here and there but it's nothing to complain about; I've seen it enough times that I practicly know what they'll say and do next. Apparently the company that distriubte the DVD is called FX. Plus I know of Manga (not to be confused with Mangle) with their releases of Hellsing and Macross Zero 1&2 which I both own that also has subs on par with FX. If I came across another auction which has the better subs or is there better HK subs out there? ~G25
  21. My list staring with ten! 10. Kagaku Ninja Tai Gatchaman/Battle Of The Planets (First Anime I've ever seen ) 9. Uchuu Senkan Yamato/Starblazers (Second show I've seen and still a great series!) 8. Akira (I liked the Streamline dub **mw members proceeds to take out implements of harm**) 7. Venus Wars (Excellent, period) 6. Battle Angel (Should have made more OVA episodes or possibly a TV Anime) 5. Tonari no Totoro (A super cute flick!) 4. Wings Of Honneamise/Royal Space Force (Anime at it's finest) 3. Macross Plus (Movie and OVA Series) 2. Chojikku Yousai Macross (Enduring series I'll never tire of oops I forgot DYRL. How can I forget? DAMN !) and #1? 1. Gunbuster, Top O' Nerae (The first Anime that brought a tear to my eye) There you have it, my top ten! I also have honorable mentions in no particular order, some are non Anime btw. Mospeada Magic Knghts Rayearth Centurions Spiral Zone The Transformers (TV Series And Movie) Kido Senshi Gundam Wing (TV series OVA and Movie) Megazone part one Black Jack (A subject anime never covers. Surgery) Mighty Orbots (Directed by Osamu Dezaki, Dir. of the Black Jack OVA's and Movie) Blackstarr (I remember this came out before the original He-man did. Pretty cool show IMHO.) ~G25
  22. Oh yeah! Some kid at the Close Encounters Arcade was playing a Lupin type game and it was from Castle Of Cagliostro? Cool! ~G25
  23. Did anyone notice the Dynaman Dynarobo toy in the back behind the Valk model's and Tetsuwan Atomu? I gotta kick outta that because I still have my Bandai/Popy DX Dynarobo, not the Godaikin version. ~G25
  24. I only seen the first three episodes of GGG. I thought the characters looked familiar on the Korean boxes. I noticed many series like TF 2000/RID and Microman toys show up in Korea and on eBay often. ~G25
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