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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. Greatest ending to an Animation, Ever.
  2. I snagged a Rebel Vanguard at TJMaxx for 4bucks. The bazooka he came with was way too big so I gave it to my Halo Hayabusa Armor other than that the figure is pretty good for troop building.
  3. Titan Maximum is pretty funny. You never see a giant robot wink back at you after it's transforming sequence.
  4. I picked up a White Hayabusa and Sgt. Johnson. My Hayabusa has a loose right hip joint but it's nothing to complain about. Sgt. Johnson I didn't know about until recently when I saw it at Gamestop. His joints are tight and looks great overall. He kinda looks like Ernie Hudson, my pick as Johnson for a Halo film!
  5. I have to go with HAL 9000 from 2001 A Space Odyssey.
  6. It made me wanna play Rock Band again.
  7. At least the transformation looks less complicated than a CM's Ride Armor. I'll pick this one up.
  8. Youtube user lukemorse1 is a gaijin who lives and work in Japan who post his Video Game and Arcade collection plus vids of shopping trips to a recycle electronic store called Hard Off and his videos are great. It seems that his wife and child left him because he concentrated more on his games than his family. It's unfortunate because I'd think a guy like him would pay equal attention to both but apparently this wasn't the case. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhaBPKrk7RA
  9. Les Stroud FTFW!
  10. I saw those at Target. I decided not to get a set since the quality of Mega Blocks fail compared to Legos.
  11. I hear that it's open for a sequel. Any truth to the speculation?
  12. The final blunder for Sega, console wise was the Dreamcast. It was way ahead of it's time back in 99' but what hurt sales later on was the PS2. I'm not dissing it really I still have mine still hooked up for some KOF99 action.
  13. RT.com for expressing an opinion on the bad qualities of Toynami's 1/55 VF-1J. And that's when I chose another forum, MW!
  14. That SDF-1 and VF-1's in mini-fig scale are pretty solid!
  15. Berg Katse looks sweet!
  16. I sold that wretched, glitchy and full of fail game and got RB1 and RB2. BTW did anybody download the RB Spinal Tap Track Pack?
  17. The one on the left.
  18. I actually remember the episode where Skyfire goes into gerwalk mode!
  19. This movie was pretty bad it makes Message From Space look as good as Star Wars.
  20. I've been out of the loop buying TF's lately. The one I really have my eye on is Ransack (imho should have been called Divebomb). Ransack Review
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