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Everything posted by gerwalk25

  1. Look no further than Toys R' Us where that model i.e Cannon Spider is on clearence for $4.00 also the rest of their Zoids stock is on clearence.
  2. My favorites are: Star Wars, OT -Millenium Falcon -X-wing -A-wing -T-16 Skyhopper -Cloud Car -Tie Interceptor -BF's Slave-1 -Lambda Class Shuttlecraft TPM, AOTC -Naboo Starfighter, For some reason I'd imagine it would be able to Transform. -Jedi Starfighter -JF's Slave-1 -Padme's Personal Yacht B5 -Star Fury S:AAB -Hammerhead BSG -Colonial Viper -Cylon Centurion LSF -Gunstar -Centauri's Car Anime, Cowboy Bebop -Spike's Swordfish -Faye's Yellow Tail Gatchaman, Gatchaman 94' -God Phoenix -Galactor's Turtle King Uchuu Senkan Yamato -Yamato Crusher Joe -The Minerva Gundam UC -RX-79 Core Fighter -Fb-01 Core Fighter, Space Type -Gundam Zeta
  3. I thought KB1 was well done but a bit short. Anyway I'm anticipating getting a Kill Bill DVD set with both flicks since I'm not gonna see the second film in the theater. As the anti-social person I am I suspect there's gonna be CosPlayers in line. Whether it's Go-Go or Crazy 88 my buddies would just call them "FREAKS" . Seriously though I've no desire to see it there, but that's just me.
  4. Sengoku Majin GoShogun and Aku Dai-Sakusen Srungle Thx A7!
  5. Wow not that much love for Energon/Superlink on MW? IMHO they are better than the Armada toys; some Micron/Mini-Con's excluded which I own . I had my misgivings when I took a look at the Le' Target. In the past month I ended up buying Strongarm, Hot Shot, Inferno, Prowl and Rodimus Prime and I'm not disatisfied with'em and they were cheap $5, $7 at most and has that extra mode to "Superlink" with each other, each medium figure (minus Strongarm) can be a "Pants" or "Shirt" mode and look pretty cool plus it adds to the play value. that's my 2cents
  6. Seems like Hasbro is competing with the Lego Bionicle line. IMPO the Xevos look better than their ball jointed brethern, especially the Biomecha and Soldier. I don't own any of the toys (yet ) but gotta quick glimpse here.
  7. Lion Team = Go-Lion Vehicle Team = DaiRugger IV (15) Does anybody remember a Saban toon that hacked 2 robot anime series into one and even used 80's pop music in battle sequences called Macron 1? What were the original series' names called?
  8. Any TF Headmaster without their heads.
  9. I just caught a few eps. just recently and I gotta say it's impressive. Indeed lightsabers in the rain was pretty cool even though we caught a glimpse of it in AOTC (Obi-Wan confronting Jango) and CW one's up AOTC by adding steam off the sabers. Once again, COOL!
  10. I'd like to see Sun create a Low-Viz Super!
  11. Spirts of Speed that was a horrible DC title .
  12. I was gonna buy Record of Loddoss War for DC. They wanted $39 used at gamestop, ran low on funds that day. Got paid the next day went back and it was sold ! It looked like Diablo but was it as good, anybody played it?
  13. That's pretty awesome MSW! A Motobike Binal-ternator would look sweet. I've seen your other works, Hasbro or Takara should hire you man.
  14. Dude! It's about freaking time they brought Final Countdown out on DVD. As for the afformentioned DVD bootleg I never heard about or seen the boxart myself. It must be a VHS rip? I still have an old VHS copy.
  15. But it HAS hand-to-hand combat. That places it ahead of the PS1 game already. I'd be nice if Bandai brought the PS1 game here and for cheap.
  16. I bought the same Mospeada ride armor back in 1996 for $25us. The box is a bit thrashed (like c-4, c-3) there's a missing guide-pin to swivel the rear wheel for transformation plus an unused decal sheet that's c-9. Does anybody make repros of the Mospeada box?
  17. It's like Martin's Grandma trying to sell Comic Book Guy the stash of Star Wars stuff in a box like Leia's anti-giggle tape and The alternate ending .
  18. Duo rocks! Always has, Always will!
  19. I'm suprised Jolly Rogers didn't respond to this thread (look at his avatar!). That was some funny stuff but it's old news.
  20. CG unfortunately. It could have been better if they used cells.
  21. Hey GC, Have you heard of Gundam Gaiden (Side Story), Blue Destiny? It's based off of three original FPS Gundam titles for Sega Saturn. It centers around a GM test pilot named Yu Kajima who leaves his "Guinea-Pig" team to volunteer to pilot a newer type of GM using an advanced piloting system called EXAM. The only domestic item is the Manga published by TokyoPop. It's a good read.
  22. I just got MR:ROC volume 1 DVD today. The quality is decent the colors look cleaner even though you hear pops and dust particles on screen it gives a nice vintage look IMHO and it dosen't look like it's a VHS-rip like Mangle's Macross Plus. The extras are okay like the sketchbook and art but the sing-a-long is useless and just previews of CPM titles and Big Apple Anime Fest footage. All in all I like it and for $10us you can't go wrong.
  23. The only complaint about Energon/Superlink is the whinny Kicker and Ironhide/Roadbuster. They need a swift kick in a$$ from Chunky Prime. I only seen three episodes and I'm usually out on Saturday nights so I missed many. However I do like the Toys especially the Superlinks i.e Hot Shot, Inferno, Hot Rodimus and Prowl which I all own. I like how they can combine with their ilk, albeit not infinite combinations but it gets the job done. I'll stand them next to my Alternator Smokescreen and their about the same height. Cool toys IMHO.
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